Chapter 1546: If I don’t accept the rebuttal, she seduced me!
Xiao Xunxun snorted softly, venting his dissatisfaction.
Then there was a smile on his face again, and he took a big step.The long legs followed again.
Niubi bang bang:
“Brother Yun, if you don’t moisten my throat, I will tell my father after I go out that you bullied me!”
“Whatever you want, anyway, your father can’t beat me.”
“Huh? What are you talking about? My father is your future father-in-law. Do you still want to fight him?”
“Old father-in-law? Heh…you beep one more time, I’ll beat him into a bitch when I go out!”
The two of you continued to move towards the depths of the forbidden area.
The monsters lurking around were stunned, and they looked at each other in an anthropomorphic beep.
It seems… those two just ignored them?
However, they also somewhat regained their sanity, and they relaxed at the same time.
At first, it was to hunt down “prey”.
But after lurking for a long time, they will find out.
The “male” guy…
It’s not something they can kill….
There are not only barren mountains but also barren dense forests in the forbidden area.
Take it now.
The two of them—457 and one behind—entered the barren forest, surrounded by trees without a single leaf.
In addition, there is a ghostly aura of death, and the cold wind blows, full of mysteries everywhere.
Xiao Xunxun followed behind, a gust of cold wind hit her head, and she shivered all over.
I also didn’t care about the cold war with Yunzhou, so I quickly chased after him.
Just took two steps.
There was a sound of “stab”.
On the fallen branches in the past, there is actually “Dao Yun”.
Shengsheng scraped off a large piece of her skirt from the side.
Hearing the sound, Yun Zhou looked back, and then froze.
o() o
I saw Xiao Xunxun behind her with long hair and shawls, her little face without makeup was extremely charming.
Because it is a sudden brake and it jumps and jumps.
The lavender skirt outlines the perfect figure… The most eye-catching thing is the skirt that is scraped from the side by the branches.
High split, all the way up, almost dry to the pelvis.
It was originally a skirt, but now it looks like a cheongsam!
One of Bai Huahua’s legs was exposed, even if it was dark and without sunlight, Yun Zhou felt a little dazzling.
But the current Yunzhou is not concerned about these.
Even, a big question mark appeared on his head.
That’s right, his understanding of Xiao Xunxun made him a little confused for a while.
Was this woman careless, or was she using a “new trick” to seduce him?
If it’s the former, it’s fine, but if it’s the latter… shouldn’t I be tricked?
Well, Yun Zhou is not some kind of saint, he can’t bear it when YH comes down one after another.
Moreover, as far as Yun Zhou found out, this woman, although the persona given in the original text is a lady of yellow flower.
But from a certain point of view, she knows how to play more than those people Cao thief is targeting! In a trance, Yun Zhou unconsciously gave a thumbs up while looking at it:
“It’s a good trick!”
Speaking of which, the world here is different from the “original text”, but Yunzhou can get a general understanding of some of the characters here through the original text.
Take Xiao Xunxun as an example, there are very few records about her in the original text.
What impressed me the most was when Lin Yuan fought Xiao Tiankuo to the death in the later period.
Accidentally killed Xiao Xunxun who was delirious at the time.
So from a point of view, Xiao Xunxun is not a heroine.
It’s just from getting along with Xiao Xunxun these two days, and seeing the current situation.
Yun Zhou really wanted to take out a big knife and hit Lin Yuan’s neck:
“It’s so white… Bah, are you willing to kill such a playful green tea?”
Isn’t this a beast? Isn’t it?
Xiao Xunxun didn’t move after her skirt was cut open, and squatted down with a cry of surprise, as if she was waiting for something.
Yun Zhou didn’t know what she was doing. Seeing that she didn’t move, she just stood where she was, and the old god waited.
For a moment, the two froze here one after the other.
After a while, Xiao Xunxun raised his head, as if he was a little anxious.
He stood up straight away, and came to Yun Zhou angrily and funny.
He didn’t speak, just stared at him with faint eyes.
Yun Zhou lowered his head, glanced at it with a gaze that would attract men, and then asked in doubt: “What’s wrong? Why are you here?”
What a nice you! I am really hey!
This guy actually asked me why I’m doing this!?
This is definitely the first time for Xiao Xunxun to speak badly to Yun Zhou, and said angrily: “I don’t have any other clothes to change, so you let me keep my legs exposed like this?”
“Oh! So this is the matter, sorry, I didn’t react just now.”
Yun Zhou patted his forehead!
Indeed, I was so busy admiring that I forgot to bring a pullover for others.
Although there are not many leaks, it is considered a cheongsam if it is stretched to death.
But this is also a shame for the female cultivators of Xianyu, right?
And judging from the other party’s initiative to ask for clothes, this woman should not be playing a “trick”…Maybe she really accidentally scratched the skirt, not YH me.
There are many thoughts in the mind.
But… since the opponent didn’t mean it, there’s no need to hit base.
I rummaged through the storage ring and found a set of clothes.
Xiao Xunxun thought about the person she was looking for, and she still winked.
But when she saw the white clothes pulled out from Yun Zhou’s hand, she was stunned.
Is this clothes? Is this really a long quilt?
The clothes stand up to be as tall as my whole body, what a fart I am wearing!
Xiao Xunxun raised his head dully, glanced at Yun Zhou who was a head taller than him, and the corners of his mouth twitched.
But soon, she thought of something, her expression froze.
Why do you have to cover yourself?
Anyway, there is only Yunzhou here…Zhengchou doesn’t know how to YH.
Isn’t it good to dress like this?
Thinking of this, Xiao Xunxun’s beautiful eyes became brighter as he looked at the big lala Yunzhoustand up.
Well, that branch did it right!
Why didn’t I think of splitting the skirt before? Ah this…God help me too?
Xiao Xunxun seemed to have grasped some key point, and the light in his eyes became more and more intense.
Suddenly, his eyes rolled.
Taking advantage of Yunzhou’s inattention, his little hand slightly explored the opening of the fork.
The sound of splitting is particularly harsh in the silent scene…..

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