Chapter 1554: Are you my der? The enemy that surfaced!
Yun Zhou stared at Xiao Xunxun unabashedly.
Then he got up directly, left the cave, and climbed outside.
And don’t care about some remaining ghosts.
Anyway, most of them are solved, and I got a lot of Ming Lingzhu, so there is no need to waste time.
He just wants to leave quickly and finish the forbidden area as soon as possible.
While walking upwards, Yunzhou didn’t say a word to Xiao Xunxun.
However, Xiao Xunxun, who was following behind, speeded up and approached, unable to refuse, grabbed Yun Zhou’s left hand in his little hand, and interlocked his fingers abruptly.
The little hands were limp, but Yun Zhou didn’t dodge this time, he could only stare at her unkindly..
Xiao Xunxun took the opportunity to come to the left side of Yunzhou, and his whole body seemed to stick to Yunzhou’s body as if he was limp and boneless, and said lightly: “Do you think that I have taken a fancy to your face, that’s why I treat you like this? ”
What kind of tricks are you talking about?
“if not.”
After Yun Zhou finished speaking, he had vaguely guessed how Xiao Xunxun would answer.
Moreover, Xiao Xunxun also said as he guessed:
“You’re wrong… 06 is actually not your face, but your talent!”
“Since you restored my mind, I have been deeply attracted by your talent and temperament, and I can’t extricate myself!”
The talent of god TM!
Are you my der?!
Yun Zhou twitched the corners of his mouth, not knowing what to say.
It seems that Xiao Xunxun also knew that his sincere confession to the other party was completely exhausted, so he was speechless for a while.
She just held Yunzhou’s big hand tightly, watching the light above the crypt.
Yun Zhou didn’t notice.
In Xiao Xunxun’s eyes, there was a hint of panic and… helplessness?
For a moment, the black and white pupils turned completely black……
What happened in the forest gate quickly caused a sensation, and the news seemed to have grown wings, and quickly spread to all places.
Linmen fell.
The alliance headed by Yunzhou invaded the Linmen affiliated sect and its surrounding areas.
It can be said that even though there are still inner sects left in the current Lin Sect, it can be counted as exterminated.
Countless cultivators were shocked and exclaimed that it was unbelievable.
Linmen stood in the Immortal Realm for nearly ten thousand years, but was finally wiped out by a boy from the Lower Realm.
As for why it’s not Tiandiyu, Chen’s family, but Linmen…
It is said that the cause was that the successor of Linmen offended Sect Master Yun when he was in the lower realm.
These two seem to have been rivals before they came to Immortal Realm, the kind of enmity engraved in their bones.
The inheritor of Linmen was dishonest after he came to the Immortal Realm. Lin Sheng had fought against Yunzhou several times overtly and secretly, so Yunzhou kept this enmity in his heart. “.
Of course, these are just speculations of the cultivators.
How exactly it developed is unknown.
In short, this incident caused a major earthquake in all parts of the Immortal Domain, and even this “immortal transformation” event spread to various forbidden places.
When fighting against Chen Fusheng, Yunzhou’s combat strength attracted the attention of a group of hidden old guys.
It was even preserved in the form of a video stone by the “careful people” on the spot.
While this matter caused uneasiness to the hearts of the old guys, it brought hope to thousands of cultivators.
The Linmen was annexed, and the Chen family was slapped in the face… The battle of the great world may start in an instant.
In the chaotic situation, Tianjiao is in full swing, and the luck among many forces is great. It is inevitable that there will be a little-known Tianjiao.
And among this group of young Tianjiao, who doesn’t want to show off and become famous in the fairyland?
In the past, the overall situation was stable, and if you didn’t meet the Ming Lord, you would live in a corner, and you would be happy.
But “chased Chen Fusheng for hundreds of miles, and annexed most of Linmen in one fell swoop.”
The spread of such news is enough to explain what kind of person Yun Zhou is, and it can be seen from a glimpse of it.
Within a few hours, the threshold of Haoyunzong was broken by “stars”.
But the matter is still not peaceful, and the sensation caused by various places is still going on…
Chen’s central area.
The fairy island spreads for thousands of miles without seeing the edge, the galaxy-like waterfall hangs down in the sky, the fairy mist is lingering, and the rays of the sun are intertwined, shining a galaxy of stars in one side of the sky, just like an ancient fairy style.
Behind the Patriarch Mountain, among the vast mountains and plains, towers, pavilions and pavilions form a patchwork of palaces.
This place is called Futu Peak, and it is a forbidden area of ​​the Chen family, except for Chen Fusheng, no one is allowed to approach it.
Not even Chen Fuxian, his own brother!
At this moment, on the top of the Buddha Peak, in the majestic palace, white mist filled the air like a fairy.
An old man in a navy blue robe was sitting cross-legged, behind him was a galaxy flickering, flowing with divine power, as if he had the power to destroy everything.
The aura of heaven and earth swirled around him, dispersed into small vortexes, and was absorbed by him one by one.
Then 173’s body emitted purple brilliance, turning into purple-gold spheres floating above his head.
In each sphere, there seems to be a fairy figure sitting cross-legged, as if muttering something in a low voice.
And on his body surface, rune patterns are ethereal, flowing black liquid, extremely mysterious.
Obviously, this is practicing an extremely powerful technique.
In the galaxy behind him, there is even a purple-black virtual kun, swimming in the bright light.
Kunkun opened his mouth wide, like a black hole devouring everything, and the endless spheres of brilliance were all swallowed into its body.
This person is one of the great terrors hidden in the world ten thousand years ago. His name is Chen Chen. He is also the first ancestor of the Chen family and the father of the two brothers Chen Fusheng.
It’s just that before the founding of the Chen family, it was convenient for Chen Chen to retreat here, so very few people knew about this person.
At this moment, on the bedding beside him.
A middle-aged man sat quietly, his expression calm and inexplicable. After thinking about it, he asked, “When is your father going to do it?”
Hearing this, the old man stopped his movements, his slightly opened eyes were as deep as black holes, “What hand are you moving?”
“Naturally kill the wicked Yunzhou in the cradle.”
The calm expression of the middle-aged man showed a hint of obliteration, “This son is murderous and crazy, and he is deceiving too much, he should be executed…”

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