Chapter 1556 : Too sharp to be a master! Plant a seed in your heart!
People from the same world?
Zhao Miaozhu was taken aback, “What do you mean, master?”
“It’s nothing…that’s all, don’t mention it.”
Zhao Dusheng stopped the topic in time, restored his smiling face, and said, “This son Yunzhou is too sharp, and Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by the forest wind.”
“From the first day I paid attention to this little guy, I can see that he has a very strong head.”
Hearing this, Zhao Miaozhu was stunned again, “Master, what is the head iron?”
“Ah this…”
“It’s just that he is too reckless, and doesn’t take those who are stronger than him into his eyes.”
Zhao Dusheng didn’t care if he was right or not, he just explained it casually.
Then he stroked his beard and muttered:
“That girl from the Yun family seems to be kind to him, but if she lets him go for a long time, she will inevitably cheat him…”
“Being the backing of my nephew, allowing him to kill the elders of Chen’s family, and accompanying him to attack Linmen, this kind of thing is also thanks to that girl…”
“Anyway, I’m not optimistic about that kid.”
“If you want to become the strongest in this fairyland, being wretched is the most important thing.”
“Just like your master ten thousand years ago, when the enemy put a knife on his neck, I couldn’t breathe and called him “Sheng Ye.”
“If you keep the green hills, you don’t have to worry about no firewood. Like this kid, if he doesn’t bow his head when he meets someone stronger than him, he will definitely die!”
“Hmm… It’s hard to become a master if you are sharp and sharp!”
After hearing a lot, Zhao Miaozhu was dumbfounded again.
Although she almost understood the meaning of the master, but there are always two words in her mind.
She glanced at Zhao Dusheng’s amiable old face, then shook her head.
Then he looked at him very seriously: “Master, you are not obscene, this disciple does not allow you to say that about yourself!”
Zhao Dusheng: ???
I’m just telling you this, how can you use your head to call me a teacher? He twitched the corners of his mouth, but didn’t say anything. He rolled his eyes and said suddenly:
“Miao Zhu, I know that you and that girl Yun Susu are not getting along, now I can give you a chance to crush her in terms of strength, do you want it?”
Hearing this, Zhao Miaozhu’s eyes lit up.
Since Zhao Miaozhu helped Chen Fusheng suppress Yunling before, the relationship between Yun Susu and Zhao Miaozhu is self-evident.
Not to mention a mortal enemy, but not much worse.
However, her and Yun Susu’s realm strength has always been almost the same, and no one can do anything to the other.
How can you let go of such an opportunity now?
“Yes, definitely, it’s just…what should the disciple do?”
“Simple, every millennium, the capital of the Immortal Realm List will get the fortune of heaven, and this time the fortune is probably coming soon…”
Zhao Dusheng counted with his fingers, and said with a smile on his face: “The teacher wants you to leave the forbidden area, leave the Dusheng Gate, and compete with his nephew for the top spot in the Immortal Domain!”
“As long as you win the first place on the list, my teacher will help you integrate fortune…”
“Not to mention the improvement of luck, there will be a qualitative leap in aptitude and strength.”
“Well, do you want to try it?”
Zhao Miaozhu was taken aback for a moment, she was naturally aware of the fact that the first place in the Immortal Territory won the fortune of heaven.
It is said that the reason why Chen Fusheng was able to make the Chen family the number one force was because of his good luck.
Moreover, this heavenly fortune is extremely mysterious, and for all living beings, getting a ray is a matter of ecstasy.
It’s just that Zhao Dusheng stopped her when she wanted to go out and compete for the top spot in those years.
Why did Zhao Dusheng take the initiative to ask her to go out this time?
As if aware of Zhao Miaozhu’s thoughts, Zhao Dusheng’s wrinkled old face was full of kindness: “I didn’t let you go before because the situation in the Immortal Territory is stable, and I don’t want you to cause trouble.”
“But now that the chaos is imminent, if you can prove to be the first place, there is no need for me to hide from the world forever.”
Years of salted fish life made Zhao Dusheng a bit boring.
Originally, he had struggled and only wanted to take care of his life, but the recent appearance of Yun Zhou aroused his playful heart that had been silent for many years.
“So that’s how it is…that’s how it is, this disciple will definitely win the top spot.”
Hearing this, Zhao Miaozhu said seriously.
Zhao Dusheng had a smile on his face, “You practice the way of asceticism, and you never talk empty words… It seems that you are very confident this time?”
Zhao Miaozhu had a habitually cold face, “I’m just a junior, my disciple has confidence.”
Zhao Dusheng smiled and said, “To me and other old guys, he is indeed a junior, but to you, you can’t take the enemy too lightly.”
“Anyway, that Yun Zhou is also a strong man who crushed the Immortal Territory and smashed Chen Fusheng, so don’t look down on him.”
He originally intended to make Zhao Miaozhu pay attention to it.
But who would have thought that Zhao Miaozhu pondered for a long time after hearing this, and then said very seriously: “If I also have the means to divert the attack, I can also smash Chen Fusheng!”
Zhao Dusheng: “…”
You have a fart! Okay, invalid communication?
He shook his head, diverted his attention, and went fishing.
Zhao Miaozhu was about to say goodbye and leave when suddenly, a ray of light flickered in the distance.
“Huh? The waiting person is here.”
As he spoke, his eyes suddenly smiled, and he pulled the bamboo pole vigorously.
Amidst the turbulent wind and clouds below, a golden light broke through the clouds suddenly.
I saw an old man who was surrounded by golden light and full of immortality landed on the open space beside him.
“The junior dares to come and visit, to see the transitional senior!”
The golden light spread out, and the figure inside became clearer and clearer. It was Chen Fuxian, one of the six emperors of the famous town!
Although Chen Fuxian is old and mature, he gives people a good sense of sight, especially the gentle smile on his face, which gives people a sense of integritya feeling of.
As soon as he arrived on the mountain, he noticed Zhao Miaozhu at a glance, and a deep look flashed in his eyes.
However, no one knows exactly what the idea was and what it was thinking about.
Of course, it must not be attracted by beauty.
At such an advanced age, beauty can no longer disturb his heart.
“See transitional seniors.”
The moment he got down, he bowed to Zhao Dusheng calmly.
Even in the entire Immortal Territory, no one knew that Chen Fuxian had a connection with the old monster in the Forbidden City.
Because before Chen Fuxian was driven to the lower realm to guard the gate thousands of years ago, Zhao Dusheng once gave him a chance.
Otherwise, why would you still maintain the position of one of the Six Emperors when you have stayed in the vast land where the immortal power is weak for so many years? Of course, this was done in secret, and no one knew about it.
“Fuxian is here? Sit down.”
Zhao Dusheng was still smiling, with an amiable attitude.
For a person of his stature.
No matter how he behaves in the world or is deeply scheming, people can’t find any flaws.
And compared to Yun Zhou’s stunned head, such a person is more in line with Zhao Dusheng’s appetite.
Although they can’t be compared in terms of talent, there are not many such people in the strategy fairyland.
Therefore, Zhao Dusheng valued him very much, and even planted a seed in his heart thousands of years ago.
It’s just when the seeds germinate…
Still an unknown.

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