Chapter 1558 : Times create heroes! Maybe it’s time to destroy the Chen family!
On the way, Chen Fuxian deliberately looked back at Zhao Miaozhu.
After thinking about it, he slowed down, and when he got to her side, he said in a consoling tone, “Well, Master Zhao, there is something I still want to tell you in advance.”
“That little guy Yunzhou is cruel and merciless, what he did is frightening, and he doesn’t look like a human being when he kills him. If you see him later, you must not fight him…”
When Zhao Miaozhu, who was following, heard this, Liu Mei frowned slightly, with a little dissatisfaction in his expression.
Although she could tell that Chen Fuxian told her to be careful out of good intentions.
But it still felt a little uncomfortable to hear this.
That Yunzhou has the power to chase down Chen Fusheng is terrifying, but she is not a fish to be slaughtered.
Although Yunzhou has the means to divert the attack, but the master gave him a lot of secret treasures.
Even if she did raise her hand, she might not be afraid of Yunzhou.
“Patriarch Fuxian still manages himself well. I won’t fight him easily, but if there is any disagreement, I won’t give in.”
Zhao Miaozhu said calmly.
The meaning inside and outside the words is that he is powerful, and I am not afraid of him, as long as he dares to make a move, I dare to accompany him.
It is not certain who wins the deer.
She also really saw that Chen Fuxian said that he was interested in a certain existence in the forbidden area.
But if he and Yun Zhou were really asked to grab it, he might retreat before Yun Zhou could make a move.
Hearing this, Chen Fuxian opened his mouth, finally shook his head and sighed.
But this action is very subtle, after all, it belongs to a person who can’t show emotions, so there is no reason to sigh in front of others.
But having said that, Zhao Miaozhu’s words are true, making him dumbfounded.
You won’t budge? It’s really come to that point, won’t you let me walk? Proud woman, there are always times when you bow your head.
He has a clear mind and a deep mind, so he can see clearly that even Chen Fusheng, the head of the Chen family, has fallen into Yun Zhou’s hands.
You are a Taoist nun, how many are you?
It seems that Zhao Dusheng gave her confidence.
But it is also true, if not for the existence of Zhao Dusheng, Chen Fuxian would not have thought of this reclusive and arrogant female cultivator.
The nostrils are lifted up, sitting in a well and looking at the sky.
But he still has the bottom line in his heart, and it is reasonable to say that there should be no enmity between Zhao Miaozhu and Yun Zhou.
Even if Yun Zhou has something wrong with his words.
Zhao Miaozhu won’t fight Yunzhou either… right? Haoyunzong, the main mountain.
The lord’s bedroom.
Yun Susu was lying on Yunzhou’s couch, smelling the smell on her pillow, feeling uneasy.
“This guy left a group of people hanging out in the inner sect guard formation, and ended up running away by himself?”
“Where did you go? This is…couldn’t you be hooked up by that little vixen temporarily, what did you go with him?”
“It’s not that this rebellious son can’t do this…”
“Jiang He is a real woman, she actually ignored me through voice transmission with her, she must be hiding somewhere to drink!”
“It’s not a problem to wait here…how about…set Haoyunzong as a top-level formation protection, and I will go to Linmen too?”
Just when she was a little bit alive, there was a knock on the door suddenly.
Yun Susu hurriedly got up from the couch, cleared her throat and said, “Come in.”
The door opened, and a deacon walked in quickly:
“Report to Emperor Yun, there is information from the spies walking outside the Chen family.”
“A spy outside the Chen family?”
Yun Susu frowned, “Present it.”
The deacon took out the bamboo slip from his cuff and handed it up. Yun Susu took it with his hand and looked intently.
In an instant, the whole bedroom trembled.The icy breath hit the entire Fengshan! The deacon immediately fell to his knees, grabbing the ground with his head, and barely moved his fingers.
After a while, Yun Susu’s cold voice sounded: “I will set up a formation in Haoyunzong, and you will lead your disciples to guard the mountain gate tightly, so there will be no mistakes!”
The deacon responded quickly.
Before she could leave, Yun Susu picked up the sound transmission token, and an extremely cold voice came out of her throat.
“Jiang He, hurry up and get the old lady to the forbidden area before drinking to death, Chen Fusheng took someone to kill Zhou’er!”
This time, the response from the token side was quick, and a little hurried and confused: “Bring someone? Who are you bringing?”
“The old man in black has scars on his face, who are you talking about!?”
With a bang, the sound of the wine gourd falling to the ground is zero. . . . . Obviously, Jiang He is sober…
“Isn’t that guy dead for more than a thousand years? It can’t be him, right?”
“Damn it! What nonsense are you talking about, hurry up!”
Yun Susu yelled loudly for the first time, “Delay them as much as possible when we arrive. I will rush over in just a moment. If there is a problem this time, I will ask you!”
“Also, tell all the alliance disciples to cheer me up. If Chen Fusheng doesn’t die, I’ll catch up and kill him, the Chen family!”
“Ah! Okay, I’ll go now!”
The corner of Jiang He’s mouth twitched, he hurriedly ended the sound transmission, and disappeared in a jerk.
At the same time I was terrified…
It’s over now, Susu is really impatient… on the other side.
Lin gate forbidden area, inner circle.
Just when the external situation is changing rapidly.
Yun Zhou also had a headache.
That’s right, by now, he has realized it deeply.
This Xiao Xunxun didn’t stop for half an hour!
He threatened the other party with death just now, it is impossible for this goblin not to notice his killing intent! But now she still clings to him like a rascal.
Moreover, it looks more like a dog skin plaster than before. Is there a whole thing?
“Are you too confident in your own charm to believe that I’m going to kill you?”
Yun Zhou frowned, apparently his last bit of patience was about to run out.
However, Xiao Xunxun shook his head, “I believe it, but I’m not afraid.”
“If one day I am going to die, I still hope to die by your hands!”
“Of course, before you kill me, you have to promise me something!”
“What’s the matter?”
Xiao Xunxun’s beautiful eyes are charming, and her red lips are opened and closed like blue: “If you want to kill Xunxun, you must use the sledgehammer in your storage ring, because Xunxun thinks that will be very fierce~!”
“Oh, Misty Grass, I can go to you %¥!”

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