Chapter 1563 : Good baby! When the human soul butcher meets Da Neng on the couch!
Hearing this, Xiao Tiankuo was taken aback for a moment.
Then he grinned, “Okay, who do you want to hit!”
As the father-in-law, if the son-in-law has a request in this regard, he will naturally not refuse.
Rolling up his arms and netting his sleeves, he was about to show off himself, and blew a few words of bullshit.
Suddenly, from the corner of the eye, he caught sight of the old man in the black mist, and his expression froze.
“Mist Grass, Human Soul Butcher Chen Zuo!?”
The corner of his mouth twitched, and he looked like he had seen a ghost.
But he did think he had seen a ghost.
Didn’t the old guy die long ago?What, why are you here? Well, none of that matters.
The key is!
This t… breath is seven layers.
I can’t beat myself!
Yun Zhou glanced at his swollen face, and shook his head in a funny “047”.
Then the voice returned to calm, “If you help, stay, if you don’t help, take the two of them away!”
Hearing this, Jiang He’s eyes became anxious, “No, I won’t leave!”
Xiao Tiankuo glanced at the two women, then spread his hands.
Meaning, look, it’s not my fault.
With similar cultivation bases, Xiao Tiankuo naturally couldn’t knock Jiang He unconscious and take him away.
But after thinking about it again and again, he didn’t want to follow this muddy water.
He had no choice but to look directly at Yun Susu, “Then will you go?”
Yun Susu shook his head, glanced at Zhao Miaozhu on the big rock, “There are still two variables, I have to hold them back.”
Although Zhao Miaozhu and Chen Fuxian have never made a move, they are also time bombs.
It’s impossible to tell when there will be a riot!
Xiao Tiankuo glanced at Yun Zhou, cleared his throat and said, “Then what…you haven’t married my daughter yet, so don’t die so easily!”
After finishing speaking, he fled away in the air without any hesitation.
Just as Yunzhou knows him well, this person can maintain a superficial relationship with him.
But I want to make Gu Nian feel his love and work hard…
Don’t even think about it!
As we all know, the domain owner of Tiandi has always only had interests and daughters in his eyes.
Chen Zuo’s body was filled with black mist, and his voice was hoarse, “Hehe~ Since you’re here, don’t leave!”
While speaking, he raised his palm, and the black mist condensed into a huge hand, reaching towards Xiao Tiankuo.
At the same moment, the rocks under Yunzhou’s feet collapsed and shot towards him like a cannonball! Not to create opportunities for Xiao Tiankuo.
Just wanted to…kill the old thing! …
Chen Zuo thought.
It may be a bit reckless to respond to Chen Fusheng’s request this time.
Trying to solve this little thing is more troublesome than imagined.
First came two girl dolls from the Emperor Realm (middle level), and then came a junior from the Xiao family.
Although he lived a long time, he still had some understanding of the various forces in the Immortal Realm before his elder brother retreated.
Jiangmen, Yunling, and Tiandi… are all the top forces in the outside world today, and they all come from different backgrounds.
If one of them was allowed to escape and spread the news that he was still alive, those reclusive old guys might come out and kill him again! After all, what he did back then was outraged by others, and the disciples of the Tianjiao who killed him were the disciples of this group of old things…
If they are not dead, they will definitely not give up.
“No, none of them can leave today!”
Chen Zuo’s spiritual sense firmly locked onto Xiao Tiankuo who was about to run away, and was about to chase after him and blast him to death.
At this time, a fist burning with hot flames came into view!
The momentum is like a broken bamboo, and no one can open it!
He punched him in the face and sent him flying!
Taking advantage of this gap, Xiao Tiankuo’s figure dissipated in an instant, leaving behind a baritone voice in the sky saying “Grateful”: “He is really my good son-in-law, I’m going back to Heaven and Earth to prepare Xun Xun’s dowry, don’t die !”
Yun Susu and Jiang He came to the edge of the boulder with vigilant expressions…
His gaze was always fixed on Chen Fuxian and Zhao Miaozhu, it was a good mistake.
Although these two people have never made a move, but Chen Zuo is the uncle of Chen Fuxian, so there is no guarantee that he will not help.
Yun Zhou is now fighting for his life with Chen Zuo, while they recover their cultivation, they must keep an eye on these two.
Never let any one go to sneak attack!
“Zhao Miaozhu, this is a matter of the Chen family, and has nothing to do with your Transcendence Gate. You have to think carefully about what will happen to your Transcendence Gate if you stand in line with the Chen family this time!”
At this time, Yun Susu said in a very abrupt and cold voice: “0. . . .
Zhao Miaozhu looked at her indifferently after hearing the words, her expression was as cold as usual, as if she ignored her:
“Threats are useless to me…but you can rest assured that I have never had any grudges against that Yunzhou, and there is no reason to attack him.”
Hearing this, Yun Susu’s expression softened a little, but the little hands in the sleeves were full of fairy charm.
At this time, Chen Fuxian who was on the side suddenly smiled and said:
“Master Yunling, do you want to divert my attention while talking with Sect Master Zhao, and take the opportunity to seriously injure me?”
Yun Susu was taken aback.
Well, the subtle movements of her hands proved Chen Fuxian’s guess.
But Chen Fuxian shook his head and didn’t take it seriously, “You don’t have to be like this, I, like Sect Master Zhao, can’t make a move.”
Yun Susu looked at him suspiciously, “Then Chen Zuo is your third uncle. If he kills someone, will you stand by and watch?”
Chen Fuxian shrugged his shoulders, “It’s just in name, when we reach our level, mentioning family affection… don’t you think it’s ironic?”
Yunsusu Liu frowned slightly, obviously not agreeing.
But Chen Fuxian ignored her 2.2 thoughts, and said to himself: “I came here with my brother that day, in order to annex the forest gate, and be able to be the master of the forest gate on one side of the mountain independently, and get rid of the gatekeeper in the lower realm. It’s just a pity…”
He sighed as he spoke, looking a little disappointed.
When Yun Susu heard this, he was stunned.
It’s a pity that the appearance of Yunzhou shattered his vision.
With his own strength, this person severely injured Chen Fusheng, and even slaughtered nearly ten thousand inner disciples of the Chen family! That powerful visual impact is absolutely unreasonable and recognizable.
She just couldn’t believe it when she heard it.
Chen Fuxian witnessed it with his own eyes. Maybe he was frightened?
“So, are you afraid of my nephew and dare not make a move?”
Hearing this, Chen Fuxian looked at Yun Zhou in the sky, his eyes were inexplicable…

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