Chapter 1567 : Fantastic attack method! Lady, help me!
Yun Zhou suddenly soared into the sky, and in Chen Zuo’s astonishment, he slowly raised his right hand towards Nine Faces Yama.
I don’t know what to mutter in my mouth, and the terrifying suction suddenly spreads in the palm of my hand!
Before he even had time to react, Yan Luo disappeared instantly.
Everyone present: (0_0)?
Chen Zuo: ??? Fog Grass! Where’s my way!?
“What kind of sorcery did you kid use? Where did you make my shape!?~”
Chen Zuo was stunned, naked eyes—visible beeps.
Meanwhile, the inner world.
As the creator of the world, Yunzhou has absolute control over this world! Here, he is the main god!
Although Chen Zuo, who had a huge difference in realm, could not be killed.
But with this and the double shape, it should be more than enough to deal with Yama!
Outside, after transferring the Nine-faced Yama into the inner world, he threw his double form into it! At the same time, he frantically went to fight with Chen Zuo.
While changing the situation in favor of the double in the inner world.
Due to the obvious difference in realm, Yunzhou didn’t cling to the bar to fight, but played the set of extreme pulling.
Just like a monkey, hit a wave, turn around and run, the opponent is about to attack, turn around and fight back and run.
Chen Zuoqi kept roaring and slashing with the big knife in his hand.
In the inner world, if three points of luck are used, the nine-faced Yama will be imprisoned for a moment by the changed mountains and rivers formation.
Just at this moment, the double shape, which received the bonus of the world, swooped down directly.
Yun Pangu let out a long roar, and the Wu Tianhammer in his hand turned into a pitch-black demon-slaying knife, aiming at Nine-faced Yama’s head, and slashed it fiercely!
“Shua” sound!
It actually cut off its hideous and terrifying head!
In an instant, Nine-faced Yama stopped his movements, and fell limply to the ground, his figure turned into a faint black glow, blending into the inner world.
The powerful soul power is dissipated, beneficial and harmless.
At the same time, the outside world.
Chen Zuo, who was slashing with a big knife, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his body retreated violently, and his face was as white as gold paper! The widened eyes are full of disbelief, astonished to perceive the existence of Dao Xing.
“Impossible, Dao Xing actually died?”
“What method did this kid use!?”
He looked at Yun Pangu reappearing in the void, and felt a sense of panic in his heart.
No wonder Chen Fuxian refused to help, and said he dare not fight Yunzhou!
The realm of this little thing is just a decoration!
This cliff is not the means that can be displayed in the early stage of Emperor Realm (Intermediate Stage)!
Chen Zuo suddenly realized something, “Where are the two girl dolls over there!?”
His spiritual sense sensed the empty barren mountain boulder over there, and his pupils froze for a moment.
Just as he was about to escape, suddenly three unfathomable powers enveloped him!?
It was as if the whole world was rolling over his body, but he was actually pressed to the ground!
Chen Zuo raised his head in shock, and saw three figures hanging in the air, and in the center was a majestic thundercloud condensed by combined forces! It’s like an ancient barren atmosphere permeating the sky!
“Thunder Universe – I have a wife and you don’t!”
Yun Susu: (0_0)?
Jiang He: ???
The two women froze for a moment, then looked at Yun Zhou in unison.
And Yun Zhou didn’t notice at all.
After a loud shout, the vortex Buddha light and thunder in the thunder cloud condensed!
Chen Zuo finally panicked. Even though his cultivation base was extremely high, his physical body was too weak to withstand such a blow! He struggled in a panic, but the huge golden thunder of Buddha’s light had already struck down!
The Buddha cursed Heavenly Punishment to destroy everything!
In the dark world, dazzling thunder flickers.
Jiang He, Yun Susu, and Yun Zhou, the three middle-level powerhouses in the imperial realm, mobilized all the immortal power of Daohai into one blow! The deep and deep thunderclouds spun rapidly, and thunderbolts that traversed the sky and the earth struck down one after another!
Except for the thunder in the whole secret place, only Chen Zuo was crying heart-piercingly! Chen Fuxian and Zhao Miaozhu stared blanklySeeing this scene, I was speechless for a long time.
“Even if the three of them work together, they shouldn’t have such power…”
Zhao Miaozhu’s beautiful eyes flickered until she saw the shimmering formation at Yunzhou’s feet, and then she couldn’t help shrinking her pupils: “This is…an ancient joint column?”
As the name suggests, its formation can make a team of two to ten people condense all the immortal power in one person in the formation!
It can be described as an immortal formation that is hard to find in ancient times! 0…….
“But hasn’t the real formation been lost long ago? How could he…”
Zhao Miaozhu’s voice was murmured, and his eyes were a little dull.
If it is said that Yunzhou has mastered nine kinds of Taoism at the same time, it can be said that his talent is extraordinary.
How did that method of destroying Chen Zuo’s dharma form and crushing Chen Zuo with this lost immortal formation come about? And this one-sided situation in front of you.
Use your own body instead of heaven’s punishment, and send down terrifying thunder… Is this something a teenager in his twenties can do?
Zhao Miaozhu had heard that Yun Zhou was very strong, but he never thought that it was so strong! Unbelievable is not enough to express.
On the side, Chen Fuxian looked at Tianji with disappointed eyes, “His methods are far more than these. The magic power that diverted my brother’s attack that day is really terrible.”
Hearing this, Zhao Miaozhu glanced at him blankly.
“With this power, is it still necessary to divert the attack?”
But soon, she looked at the problem from another angle, and couldn’t help giving a thumbs up:
“Your brother is strong enough to survive such a monster.”
Chen Fuxian felt bitter in his heart and did not speak.
And Zhao Miaozhu’s mood is not much better.
After witnessing the full-strength Buddha Light Thunder Curse, she could clearly perceive it.
What a ridiculous idea I had at the beginning.
He actually wanted to suppress Yun Zhou’s madness…
Under this kind of attack, if the other party fights her with all their strength, she won’t survive a quarter of an hour!
Chen Fuxian sighed quietly, his eyes were inexplicable: “I know that my uncle might stumble with him, but I didn’t expect it to fall so badly…”
“Anyway, it’s a difference of several levels. I thought I could lose both sides, so I took the opportunity to pick up the leak…”
“I didn’t expect him to have such means.”
You must know that although they are both Emperor Realm (intermediate), the first floor and the eighth floor are two completely different concepts! The gap can be said to be very different!
Even with the support of Yun Susu and Jiang He, it is basically impossible to crush Chen Zuo! Yun Zhou’s combat strength really deserves the words appalling.
“I don’t know…”
“After my cultivation is released, will he grow to the point where I can’t deal with it…”

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