Chapter 1579: What’s the use of your heart for an inextricable misunderstanding?
Lin Lang Zhantai’s beautiful eyes stared right at Yun Zhou.
It seemed as if he wanted to see through him completely from the inside out.
You and I as a husband and wife? What did you misunderstand?
Why do you suddenly feel that this is what he said from the bottom of his heart?
Although it sounded against his will, the demeanor in the words did not reveal the meaning of deception at all.
At this time, Yun Zhou’s heartfelt voice came at the right time:
(Speaking of which, my purpose and hers are really different.)
(She wants to use the Earth Lord to dominate the Immortal Realm, and I want to use the Earth Lord to fight against Heaven…)
(Although they are all used, but the purpose is different, I can’t cheat her by saying that, right?)
(But then again…the me in my previous life is really nothing.)
(How much has he hurt him? To make a woman who loves her so much guard against her like this…)
(Alas~ Immortal Emperor, Immortal Emperor, I was so smart all my life, but I just got confused when it comes to emotional matters.)
(What do you think? Let’s talk about it at the beginning. Why let this misunderstanding persist until now… This TM is almost insoluble.)
On the surface, Yunzhou still looks calm and calm, but in his heart he keeps complaining about his predecessor, the Immortal Emperor.
and willThese 06 voices froze when they heard Lin Lang Zhantai in their ears.
Talk about it at the beginning?
Misunderstanding pimples?
She looked deeply at Yun Zhou, thinking of that happy child-like figure a few days ago.
The heart that had never been turbulent, suddenly had layers of ripples.
Maybe… In the past, it wasn’t that he didn’t have himself in his heart, but that he was not that important in his heart compared to the morality of the world? He imprisoned himself because he was afraid that he would become a drag when facing the mortal enemy?
What the phrase “misunderstanding lump” refers to, she doesn’t know, and she doesn’t want to know.
Yun Zhou’s means and mind are no different from those of the Immortal Emperor back then.
It’s just that his basic temperament has changed, so he has an almost loving feeling for her.
But this claim is just her guess.
Whether it is the other party’s new method or not, she has no way to study it.
But it was obvious that although she was still on guard against Yun Zhou, she felt much better in her heart than at the beginning.
Seeing the slight change in Lin Langzhantai’s eyes, Yun Zhou was very satisfied.
He didn’t know that the other party could hear his heartfelt thoughts, but he thought it was his own phrase “husband and wife are one body” that played a key role.
From his point of view, Lin Langzhantai still feels alienated from him, even the psychology of revenge still exists, it’s just that he can’t do it now.
But Yun Zhou doesn’t care about these.
He has the memory of his predecessor, the Immortal Emperor, so he is naturally clear about his predecessor’s thoughts.
If he has these memories and he can’t win Linlang Zhantai with his sincerity, then he can work in the cabinet.
“Okay, let’s sacrifice your body protection fairy treasure, it’s time for us to enter the sealed place.”
At this time, Yun Zhou’s expression returned to normal, completely as if he must save his life first after entering.
Earth respect represents nothing needless to say.
It’s just that Yun Zhou is not very clear about what means this guy has.
Once something unexpected happens, it is basically impossible to escape from the earthly deity’s eyes unharmed.
So out of kindness, Yun Zhou reminded Lin Lang Zhantai.
Hearing this, Linlang Zhantai was silent for a while, and then with a casual move, a bright white light covered his whole body.
The two started walking towards the frozen lake.
On the way, Yunzhou suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked over with a smile:
“Speaking of which… when the Earth Lord was sealed, the storage ring was always worn on his body.”
“There must be a lot of treasures from ancient times, so you don’t care about them at all?”
The words were said with a smile, but Yun Zhou’s expression clearly told Lin Lang Zhantai that I have reserved those treasures.
Earth Venerable is an existence that was born in chaos together with Heaven.
What kind of treasure is on his body, you can guess without thinking too much.
This wave may not be able to make a fortune.
It’s just right, let’s make this clear first, and you can also knock on the Linlang Zhantai.
Hearing this, Lin Lang Zhantai pursed her red lips, her eyes unnaturally dodged, and she didn’t look at Yun Zhou.
The other party’s playful eyes full of scrutiny made her feel very flustered.
What Yun Zhou could think of, she naturally thought of it too.
Who wouldn’t want to keep a good thing for themselves?
But when things have developed to this point, how can she still have the capital to grab treasures? But that being said, how would she respond?
Said that he didn’t care about it at all, and was looking for opportunities to wait for the opportunity?
Yun Zhou is the embodiment of shrewd calculations, how can he hide his little thoughts from him? This made Lin Langzhantai frowned slightly, feeling very troubled in his heart.
Sure enough, he couldn’t believe the love and love in this mouth, and once it involved his fundamental interests, he couldn’t give in.
“Who doesn’t care about the treasures from ancient times? It’s just that I know the consequences of greed, and it’s enough to have the help of the earth god. If you have the ability, take all those treasures…”
After thinking for a while, Lin Lang Zhantai opened the mouth and said.
These words are beautiful, so why not the true thoughts in her heart?
Anyway, when facing Yun Zhou, she would always feel a sense of powerlessness in her heart, and if she robbed the other party for something, she would subconsciously admit defeat.
This is a habit engraved in the bones, and it has nothing to do with hatred.
When Yun Zhou heard this, a 337-degree arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth.
He still likes to be on the road.
Well, it’s easy to communicate.
After pondering for a while, he suddenly said: “If the earth venerable doesn’t want to help you, so what should you do?”
This problem does exist such a possibility, and the proportion is very large.
As the supreme being born of chaos, the Earth Lord is an existence close to God. With the temperament of such a character, would he condescend to serve as a thug for a little fairy concubine? Even doing a small favor, the other party may feel that the value is lowered.
“Unload the mill and kill the donkey, then find a way to calculate and die…”
Lin Langzhantai heard the words, her beautiful eyes sparkled with deep meaning, and she spoke indifferently.
She didn’t want to hide it from Yunzhou.
In other words, she felt that the other party must have thought the same way.
Anyway, in this fairyland, although conspiracy and tricks sound dirty, there is nothing wrong with this environment where the weak are preying on the strong.
not to mention……
That earth venerable was rumored to be greedy and bloodthirsty, if he was allowed to live, he might be able to pose a threat to her in the future… public or private, if he couldn’t be subdued, he could only be killed!
As for how to kill…
Lin Lang Zhantai glanced at Yun Zhou quietly, she couldn’t help it, but this guy must have someone behind him…

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