Chapter 1582: Fraternity still wants to indulge in love? Interlocking calculations!
The temperature outside the body is the temperature that took away the cherry blossoms that day.
Lin Lang Zhantai’s body was stiff, and his head turned back like a machine.
She didn’t think that Yunzhou was planning to kill her while there was no one around.
Because if you want to do it, there is no need to make ~ so troublesome.
The pupils shining brightly like jewels, just so quietly – staring at Yunzhou.
The whole person was stuck in Yunzhou’s arms from front to back, although he was not used to it, he did not resist.
“Since the last time, you put on your trousers and you don’t recognize anyone, and you never came to see your husband again. This makes your husband very sad.”
As Yun Zhou said, he slightly exerted force on the hand holding Linlang Zhantai, and the array-breaking bow handed to her was immediately drawn to full string.
Because of this, Linlang Zhantai’s whole body seemed to be embedded in Yunzhou’s body.
It is cold and slender, like the finest suet jade, exuding a gentle and comfortable feeling.
It’s just that Yun Zhou didn’t care about these things at all, and there was an indescribable sadness on his face.
If this scene is seen by people who don’t know Yun Zhou, those who might really be deceived will feel pity in their hearts.
But for Linlang Zhantai, she couldn’t feel any disturbance in her heart.
That’s right, she is basically immune to this trick.
Compared with these teasing words, the opponent’s actions had a greater impact on her.
“You…you let go.”
Lin Lang Zhantai didn’t expect that the other party would play tricks on her when no one was around.
She took a heavy breath and didn’t react for a long time.
But soon, thinking of the warmth that day, she calmed down.
That’s right, the whole person is involved, what’s wrong with being led by the other party to play with bows and arrows?
She stopped struggling, turned her beautiful eyes to the side, looked at Yun Zhou and said, “You are obsessed with gentleness all day long, and there are countless beauties in pink around you, will you be sad because of me?”
“It’s fine if you lie to those little girls who haven’t experienced much in the world, but it’s useless to me.”
There was no trace of concealment in her words.
It was just expressing the anger in my heart.
However, Yun Zhou shook his head and sighed, “I am fraternal but not sentimental, but the person I love the most alienates me because of this, it is really chilling.”
Is fraternity a good word for you? You’re still chilling……you’re so brazen!
“I would like to know, what exactly have you experienced in this life that can make your skin as thick as a city wall.”
She frowned, and said with a sour sarcasm in her heart.
Why did Yunzhou in this life become so fickle? The confidante around her can’t be counted on two hands!
How could there be such a big difference in the fact that thousands of years ago he was not pretending to the female cultivators?
There was a kind of sourness in her heart that couldn’t be stopped, but she didn’t know how to express her unhappiness.
“What happened…”
Yun Zhou muttered, smiled and shook his head and said: “It’s nothing, it’s nothing more than seeing through some things, after living a lifetime, the feelings that should be experienced can’t be missed, otherwise wouldn’t it be a loss?”
“Then again, you gave me the truth.”
Yun Zhou smiled, and the corners of his mouth curled up in an intriguing arc.
Lin Lang Zhantai frowned slightly, with some resentment in his eyes, but he didn’t say anything, and glanced at him.
Inexplicably, I felt that the smile on the other party’s face was unbearable!
“Let me open the formation-breaking bow… What did you plan again?”
she asked suddenly.
“Hey~ How can this be a scheme? Don’t you want to meet the Earth Lord? I just want to remind him that you are here.”
Yun Zhou smiled and did not deny it, his eyes fell on the deep and invisible ruins, and a meaningful smile appeared in his eyes: “This is also to make him feel that you saved him, so that you can talk to him later Well, I’m helping you, don’t you be ungrateful?”
“Help me? I think you want to play the trick of “the oriole is behind”, right? Put me on the bright side first, and test the deity’s thoughts. Do you think I can’t see what your plan is?”
It can be said that Linlang Zhantai has long been aware of Yunzhou’s dirty methods.
She was used to it when the other party was still the Immortal Emperor, but now that she has been so angry, she still can’t stop her teeth itching.
Seeing how shameless he is, co-authoring and selling himself, should I still be grateful to him?
0… ·
“Hey~ Zhantai, this is your villainous heart. I am with you. Naturally, we went to meet the earth god together. How can it be said that we put you on the bright side?”
“Speaking of which, your mind is still the same as before, with the nose of a needle so big, you know how to make wild guesses about people, and you always think your thoughts are right.”
Yun Zhou muttered casually, which immediately turned her into a suspicious person.
Rao is Lin Langzhantai who is used to being in charge of killing, and his scheming is far from comparable to that of the past, but after such a wave, he is still very angry.light.
If she hadn’t been unable to beat Yunzhou now, she would have rushed up and scratched the opponent’s big face.
“Okay, I won’t make fun of you anymore, it’s time to get down to business.”
“When this layer of formation is opened, it should be in the depths of the sealed land. Leaving aside the earth venerable itself, there is also the immortal-level killing formation that I have never lowered in my previous life. It is dangerous and unpredictable. Be careful.”
“By the way, this is a one-time celestial device called the Resurrection Plate. Once something goes wrong and I don’t have time to save you, you can put a ray of celestial power into it, which can make you regenerate from the bone to the celestial body. soul……”
“Of course, the side effect is that you may have to practice again later, but it’s better than dying, um…it’s a way to save your life.”
While muttering tirelessly, Yun Zhou took the unused resurrection disk in the storage ring into his hand.
It contains a strong reincarnation rhyme, and a kind of avenue rune that even Yunzhou can’t comprehend! In a trance, there is a great truth permeating, full of vitality!
It’s just a pity that this thing is useless to Yun Zhou.
Indeed, if he put it before, he would still use this thing as a life-saving hole card at the bottom of the box, but after opening the Destiny Mall, he found that there are many objects with this effect in the mall.
Well, it’s useless to keep it, it happens to be used on Lin Lang Zhantai.
It can also be regarded as a small compensation for the other party being used by him.
“Resurrection disk?”
Lin Lang Zhantai’s beautiful eyes were dazed, and after taking a deep look at the roulette in the opponent’s hand, his expression became blank.
this kind of thing…
He is willing to give it to me? Several.

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