Chapter 1593 : Named Ritian! Go to the sky gate of chaos!
Soon, a faint dark line was connected between Yun Zhou and Earth Spirit.
Disappeared in the blink of an eye.
“We are the master and the magic weapon on the surface, but we are still friends in the dark, so you don’t have to be wary of me, understand?”
Yun Zhou touched the body of the ball and said.
Of course, there is a good Chaos Supreme Treasure in front of you, and you still have to refine it in the future, but now he doesn’t have this ability, so he can only coax it.
Earth Spirit trembled slightly when he heard the words, conveying an emotion of recognition and excitement.
It seems that Yunzhou’s equal treatment makes him very happy, and the breath of the earth spirit seeps out, as if expressing his cheerful emotions, and as if he is communicating with Yunzhou to ask for help.
It’s outrageous.
“Speaking of which, I have made you suffer. A very good divine weapon actually traps you in this sealed place to collect dust…
Brother will compensate you after you get out, and you’ll mess with me, we’ll fuck him up, and we’ll mess with anyone we don’t like…”
Yun Zhou felt pity for it, and teased it with a smile.
After a short emotional exchange, he found that the mind of this earth spirit is not very high, it should be equivalent to a ten-year-old child.
The specific emotions are not clearly expressed, but they can reveal their emotions.
Hearing this, Earth Spirit suddenly became more joyful, and the stars surrounding it trembled, causing the entire sealed land to be in turmoil.
Obviously, it is very fond of Yun Zhou’s straightforward temperament, and has a kind of uncontrollable intimacy.
“By the way, there is also your name… Di Ling, I always think it doesn’t sound very good. Since you are my brother, I will give you a more aggressive name. We will call you Ritian from now on, yes Isn’t it very imposing?”
Yun Zhou said with a smile.
Hearing this, the trembling sphere of the Earth Spirit suddenly stopped.
every day…
It froze and fell directly into Yunzhou’s hands without moving.
Looking at it, Yun Zhou couldn’t help but smile.
This character, like a little girl, actually knows how to be ashamed……
The hall was once again sealed by Yun Zhou’s formation.
Coming here this time, I didn’t win over the earth venerable as easily as I imagined, and I didn’t kill this god-like existence.
But it can’t be said to be a waste of time, at least the earth spirit is in hand, and…
“Yunzhou, since there is no way to kill the Earth Lord, why don’t you leave? Are you not afraid of accidents?”
Outside the hall, looking at the indifferent Yun Zhou, Lin Lang Zhantai frowned, wondering what Yun Zhou was still doing here.
Just as Yun Zhou was worried that the Earth Lord would have some means to break the seal, Lin Lang Zhantai also had the same worry in his heart.
In the current situation, once the Earth Lord really breaks through the nine chains of order, with her and Yunzhou’s current strength, they are definitely not a match for each other.
As long as they are still in this forbidden area, it is dangerous for them!
so nowLooking at Yunzhou, which is as motionless as a mountain, she was confused.
“Why are you in a hurry? The benefits have not been confiscated yet. Wouldn’t it be a waste of money to leave now?”
Yun Zhou glanced at the direction next to the ancient temple, and laughed lightly.
“Benefits? What else is there?”
Lin Lang Zhantai was at a loss for a while, and followed Yun Zhou’s line of sight.
She doesn’t have the memory of the Immortal Emperor, and she doesn’t know what treasures are here.
But since Yunzhou said so, presumably there might be something great hidden here.
“Who told you that the Immortal Emperor only sealed the Earth Lord here?”
After all, Yun Zhou looked at the short stone with a meaningful gaze, and an intriguing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.
Ignoring the dazed Lin Lang Zhantai, he raised his palm slightly.
Thousands of brilliance bloomed from the hands, with dazzling brilliance, like a blooming daffodil, with the ultimate pure white hidden in the transparency, spreading like a flower path.
With the sound of the sound of the great avenue, ancient and mysterious runes floated from the void, flickering and lingering on the short stones.
Yun Zhou opened his mouth and muttered something, as pious and calm as reciting Buddhist scriptures.
Suddenly, a blurry figure appeared on the short stone, sitting cross-legged, with surging power of celestial beings all over its body, exuding endless chaotic brilliance.
From behind him, a faint halo filled the air, and finally a gate of phantom structure was frozen!
Inside the transparent door, one can see the auspiciousness of dragon and phoenix, galloping wild beasts and unicorns, and flying phantom beasts all over the sky… The scenery is pleasant and mysterious, and there is even a palpitating deterrent power in it. . . . . “This is… the Chaos Immortal Gate that the Immortal Emperor once said?”
Lin Lang Zhantai’s pupils were slightly condensed, and his gaze was dull.
Chaos Immortal Gate, the passage connecting the Immortal Realm to Chaos.
As I said before, the gods of the earth, the way of heaven, and even the emperors all come from chaos.
And the “chaos” here does not refer to the time when the Immortal Territory was not opened tens of thousands of years ago.
It’s another real space.
It’s just that since ancient times, this Chaos Fairy Gate has disappeared from the public’s sight, and no one has seen Chaos so far.
And the way for gods like Dizun and Tiandao to enter the fairyland is through this chaotic fairy gate!
Speaking of which, this is not the first time Yunzhou has seen this fairy gate.
That’s right.
Do you still remember the mysterious sky gate pavilion that Yunzhou saw when Yunling held the Wuling Conference? It is the gate with the extinct divine phoenix flying inside.
speak up.
That door is not the door connecting to the heaven.
It is the fairy gate leading to chaos!
It’s just that Yun Zhou didn’t have the strength to go in at that time, and he didn’t know where the world inside the door led to, so he guessed randomly.
, the melodious voice filled my ears.
The suspended fairy body rune seems to be drawn by some mysterious force, and it flickers towards the virtual door behind.
In Lin Langzhantai’s almost astonished eyes, a halo like a fairy sea burst out.
The closed virtual door has opened!
A road full of brilliance and containing the power of supreme chaos appeared in the field of vision.
Inside the door, the monstrous celestial glow pierced through the void, and various daoisms lingered continuously. The dense and almost liquefied celestial energy filled the air, and the extinct divine beasts circled and danced.
It seems like a paradise, like a real fairyland.
Fortunately, at the moment before the fairy gate was about to open, Yun Zhou seemed to have sensed it, and set up the top-level emperor formation in advance, and used nearly 100,000 high-grade fairy stones as the boundary, isolating the void of the entire forbidden area.
Otherwise, the aura here will definitely permeate the universe, attracting the existence of hidden world power level.

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