Chapter 1600: Her man planned the outcome before it even started!
“You guys are forcing all parties in the forbidden area to attack you. This is playing with fire and setting yourself on fire!”
Chen Yan roared.
But Yun Susu ignored him, she glanced at the sky lightly with her beautiful eyes, and a smile appeared on her face.
“Everyone, set up a new formation, the next wave is coming soon.”
Jiang He responded, and his figure disappeared instantly.
On the other hand, Xiao Tiankuo picked up Chen Yan who was struggling expressionlessly. Before leaving, he took a deep look at Yun Susu, and suddenly said in a deep voice: “I bet the whole world to play around with you. In the event of an accident, don’t think about being alone.”
Hearing this, Yun Susu smiled brightly, “Don’t worry, you can’t trust me, or your future son-in-law?”
“Ah, this… is true.”
Xiao Tiankuo scratched his head, then shrunk to an inch, and disappeared with the wind in the blink of an eye.
In his opinion, the situation is chaotic, and it is not impossible to smooth it out. The variable of the future son-in-law is worth fighting for.
At the same time, at the extreme north of the Linmen forbidden area.
Among the hundreds of isolation formations, the chaotic world.
A dense to the extreme fairy glow diffused, filling the entire space.
If a cultivator came here at this time, he would be shocked to find that this place is already a paradise, and it can even be said to be a paradise for monks! Strands of transpiring aura and fairy rhyme, wandering in the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, are so rich that they are about to liquefy, giving people a sense of sight in a fairyland.
On the top of a mountain, Linlang Zhantai was glowing with golden light all over, and there was an extraordinary sense of depth in his bright eyes and white teeth.
Like Yun Zhou, she is absorbing the benefits brought by this chaotic world.
The whole person can be said to have obtained an indescribable great fortune.
The aura that Yunzhou absorbed in the center of the lake before was just a little benefit brought by the air circulation, which made her seem to be reshaped.
But now, Yunzhou uses the spirit of the earth to absorb all the aura of the entire chaotic world, and the incomparably rich fairy aura surrounds him like a thick fog.
Although she doesn’t have a divine weapon by her side and can only absorb one or two of them, she has also obtained huge benefits.
Boom boom boom!
At this time, in the entire chaotic world, the aura is as hazy as fairy rain.
In this vast and vast space, the thunderclouds in the sky condense and disperse. After several twists and turns, the irritable thunder can be heard endlessly, attracting a restless crackling sound.
rub rub rub~!
The sound of fast running passed to the ears, and Lin Langzhan looked blankly at the side, and saw a figure not far away, with an earth spirit ball suspended above his head, his whole body was pitch black, his expression was inexplicably embarrassed, and he was running away in a panic.
Above his head was a pitch-black thundercloud, releasing an incomparably terrifying aura.
Looking around, it is covered with purple-gold thunder awns, like a sea of ​​thunder from the sky, and even human figures condensed by thunder appear, holding a beam of light, looking extremely terrifying, fighting and diving towards the cloud boat. Down.
Some are humanoid, some are thunder-shaped, and even more, creatures on horseback…
It’s like a group of heavenly soldiers and generals condensed by thunderclouds, making a sizzling sound, covering the sky and covering the sun, making one’s scalp numb.
In it, there is even a power that is no less than that of Emperor Realm (middle level) perfection!
This stunned everyone at Lin Langzhan.
To attract this kind of catastrophe, Yun Zhou must have at least broken through to the sixth floor of the Emperor Realm (middle level), right? This discovery shocked her so much that she couldn’t even bend her mind even with her eyes wide open.
The sixth floor of Emperor Realm (middle level), what kind of terrifying entry speed is this?
And aside from this, the aura emanating from the other party…
Not to mention the current Six Emperors, even those hidden monsters, and even the newly-sealed Dizun, don’t have such a strong fairy charm in their breath, right? Up to now, the Six Emperors of the outside world are absolutelyCan’t compare to him, is he so strong that he is invincible?
Simply, desperately terrifying!
Even though Lin Lang Zhantai has lived for thousands of years and has experienced countless storms, at this moment, he couldn’t help feeling ups and downs, swallowing his saliva involuntarily.
In the past, she just felt that Yunzhou’s combat power was far beyond his realm.
But now I know that the opponent’s hole cards are always hidden.
What is truly terrifying about him is not his combat strength, his means, nor his cultivation, but his ability to comprehend Dao Yun’s immortal power! In a short period of time, just using the aura of heaven and earth in this chaotic world, he has broken through to such a level.
This speed of entry completely broke common sense, and could not even be explained by “unbelievable”~thinking! Suddenly, she saw the earth spirit floating on Yun Zhou’s head.
With a shiver, I finally understood the taste.
Why does Yunzhou regard this earth spirit that can absorb all things as more important than the earth venerable beyond the emperor’s realm?
Because the other party’s plan from the beginning may not be to seek the helper of Earth Venerable!
He broke into the sealed land, turned against the earth lord, and sealed the earth lord again… It seems that he failed to achieve the goal of “‘” and “close the earth lord”, so he was busy in vain.
In fact, he has got what he really wanted.
That’s right!
This earth spirit is what he really cares about.
Everything he did was to use the “earth spirit” to come to the chaotic world to absorb spiritual energy, so that he could enter the realm quickly! In a trance, she thought of what the other party said to her when she first came here.
“Earth Zun will win you over first, and if you can’t make a deal, I’ll come again.”
At that time, she still felt suspicious.
Now it seems…he planned everything from the beginning? It must be.
He has the memory of the Immortal Emperor, so he naturally knows that the fairy gate leading to the chaotic world is sealed here.
It’s ridiculous that I have always taken the seal of the Earth Lord as my target, and I was even afraid that Yunzhou and her would strike first.
It turned out that he didn’t care about the matter of the Earth Lord at all, what he was staring at was always this chaotic world.
Figured this out.
A wry smile appeared on the corner of Lin Lang Zhantai’s mouth.
Looking at Yun Zhou’s figure, her eyebrows and eyes became complicated.
The aura exuding from the other party’s body now made her feel horrified.
You know, Yun Zhou’s age in this life is only double ten, but he has already caught up with the former overlord of the fairyland, and even reached a height that she could not reach after thousands of years of hard work!
“Being an enemy of such a person will be a nightmare for a lifetime, right?”
Lin Lang Zhantai recalled that before, she still had all kinds of calculations, thinking that it would not be difficult to take revenge on Yun Zhou.
Seems to know now.
How stupid and ignorant my original thoughts were…

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