Moreover, this was the only chance for the two brothers to complete the task of Fu Shangshu!

What’s wrong with returning to the Far North?

At least this dog thing has joined the Demon Domain!

If this opportunity is still not grasped, this trip Bai followed Lin Yuan’s guilt without saying.

I can’t catch anything when I go back!

Grass (plants)!

Almost killed by this arm guard!!

A glance at Qiu Yue was anxious.

Lin Yuan, who had been dragged out involuntarily, and still wanted to lose his temper, suddenly held back.

He scratched his head and explained:

“I’m really not messing around.”

“I just look good on her.”

“I don’t know what to do, I just want to say something…”

“Ying, Lord Lin Xuan, your guts are made of iron?!”

Qiu Yue glared at the girl and twitched, “That is the Lord of the Demon Dao, the supreme existence of the vast earth!” ”

“You have to have a degree, right?”

“Moreover, we can’t love a good-looking one when we see one!”

“You are a gifted preacher, not a donkey!”

As he spoke, Qiu Yue sighed heavily, put his arm on Lin Yuan’s shoulder, and said bitterly:

“Lord Lin Xuan, listen to me.”

“You are the one who wants to do great things, and the future of the Immortal Forest Gate is still pointing at you!”

“My brothers, as well as Fu Shangshu, are all pointing out that you are taking us to the Immortal Realm to fly Huang Tengda!”

“You can’t just have a little lady in your heart!”

“You need to know what you should do now!”

Hearing this, Lin Yuan sighed “alas”.

A kind of loneliness haunts the heart, and the frown does not show its eyebrows:

“I understand what you’re saying.”

“But I’m just uncomfortable!”

“From the moment I saw this demon lord, I felt that she was close, and I wanted to be close to her for no reason…”

Speaking of this, he also scratched his head in doubt:

“I don’t understand it either.”

“Maybe I was hurt by a woman?”

“As soon as you see a good-looking one, you want to talk about it?”


“From the time I met Yunzhou to the present, all the good-looking beauties have not been clear with him.”

“Why is he doing it?”

“What is my Lin Yuan inferior to him?”

After saying this, Qiu Yueyue almost didn’t take out his long sword from his storage ring and stabbed him to death!

He didn’t understand!

What exactly does this arm guard think?

How did he do it to the point where he didn’t have the slightest self-awareness?

Who gave you the confidence to compare with the Son of God!?

The incomparable talent of the people, the cultivation of the Nirvana Realm, and the handsome face of the whole vast land could not find the second one!

What are you doing??

Even the talent of a preaching realm can be obtained.

He also has the talent not to cultivate!

Looking at Lin Yuan’s swollen face on the side, Qiu Yue wanted to break the net with him!

What else have you lived in life!

Slaughtered you to relieve the anger, love to get it!

He gasped heavily, resisting the impulse in his heart:

“Lord Lin Xuan, let’s go to the Far North Demon Land and guard it.”

“Listen to me, don’t be unbalanced.”

“Even if it is where it comes from and where it goes, it is still a joining of the magic way.”

“Some opportunities in the future are not afraid to start low.”

“If you are not satisfied, try to improve yourself and be valued by the demon lord as soon as possible.”

“As for those women…”

“Don’t think about it first, if you can’t, just wait for Yunzhou to get tired of playing, you’re trying.”

“Right now, my heart is in a bad mood, and you have to endure it!”

After saying this, he pulled Lin Yuan and flashed away towards the Far North Demon Domain.

The footsteps “whizzed”!

Completely did not give Lin Yuan a chance to react!

And Lin Yuan was also sluggish for a long time.

Then he returned to his senses, and the lost soul followed Qiu Yueyue and did not break free.

I don’t know why.

He felt that he was invisible, and he had lost something important!

Very helpless, very sad.

Just like when Gu XianEr kissed Yunzhou in front of him before, it felt almost the same…


Wait for his brother to leave with Lin Yuan.

Qiu Ping in the main hall scratched his head apologetically:

“The demon lord is sorry, it is the young lord of my family who is abrupt.”

“His brain is not very good, you forgive me.”

The cicada nodded faintly, and a slightly morbid voice sounded:

“His brain is really not very bright.”

“Hmm… He should be placed in the magic pool to be bitten by snakes and insects, and then thrown into a deep vat full of salt water, peeling off his skin, and sewing it with needle and thread little by little…”

“Then maybe his brain will be clearer.”

As she said this, she had an unconcealable glint in her eyes.

Apparently, she was moved!!

Qiu Ping’s mouth twitched, and a cool feeling filled the brain from the bottom of his feet.

What a guy!

Thanks to you Lin Yuan still want to fall in love at first sight!

People are in place in one step!

All start to sum up what coffin to prepare for you!!

Looking at the moon cicada above the lord sitting on the moon cicada who did not know when to restore calm, Qiu Ping’s scalp tingled!

Such a moody demon lord, who waits for the rise!?

“Lin Yuan’s seat has been accepted, are you okay?”

Hearing this, Qiu Ping sighed in his heart.

Not bad.

It seems that this demon lord did not look at himself.

Now he and his brother can go back to life comfortably and enjoy their blessings!

Don’t worry about how to escape after that.

“No, it’s all right!” Qiu Ping quickly opened his mouth.

Reasonably, this kind of ghost place, he doesn’t want to stay for a moment!

Is the scene of the Demon Realm as terrible as imagined?

Not really.

But people are terrible!

As far as this demon lord is concerned, he looks very good!

To be fair, this vast land can’t pick out anything more beautiful than her!

But her heart is like a snake and a scorpion!

Especially when she just mentioned dealing with Lin Yuan, the light in her eyes was glowing…

Qiu Ping will never forget it in his lifetime!

It’s so evil!!

Moreover, he also thought about it.

There was a chance to leave with his brother immediately, but he couldn’t give Lin Yuan another chance to get a moth!

“Lord Demon Lord, today my brothers and I came here to join the Demon Lord.”

“But our talents are here, and we dare not force them.”

“Just ask Lord Demon Lord to be nicer to my family in the future, and we will be satisfied.”

“I don’t dare to bother the demon lord any longer, so I’ll go and take my brother away…”

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