When the sun shines, the flowers… Bah.

The bright sun shone down, and on the outskirts of the empty Demon Land, only the three Yunzhou people were left.

Ling Weiyang was a little confused: “Brother Yun, why haven’t you gone in yet, what are you waiting for?” ”

Yun Zhou glanced at her sideways, and the corners of his mouth cocked, “I’m waiting for leeks.” ”

“Huh?” Ling Weiyang was a little confused.

Leek? What leeks?

That’s when it happened.

A roar came from the depths of the demonic land.

It was accompanied by a terrible scream!

The screams were so loud that they seemed to come from the depths of the mountains.

Ling Weiyang’s pupils froze, and he was about to flash past.

At this time, Yunzhou grabbed her arm.

“It’s not a soldier of the Imperial Dynasty, what are you rushing into?”

“Ah this…” Ling Weiyang wondered, “You mean, there are other people inside?” ”

The corners of Yun Zhou’s mouth outlined a touch of curvature, and he didn’t say anything back.

Squinting his eyes, he glanced at the sun in the sky and touched his chin:

“It’s almost time, let’s go, it’s time to go in.”

With that, Yun Zhou strode towards the depths of the Demon Land.

Shangguan Wan’er and Ling Weiyang behind them looked at each other.

After glancing at each other, he followed Yun Zhou step by step.

Logically speaking, with Ling Weiyang’s current strength, there is no big problem in acting alone.

But she still couldn’t let go of the cloud boat.

Although Yunzhou is strong, it is chaotic to care.

For the person she likes, she can’t leave the other person to go by herself.

That Shangguan Wan’er didn’t have so many thoughts, she followed Yunzhou, there were only two reasons.

One thing was to look at him for His Majesty.

The other thing is… She was afraid.

All right.

For a female official with deep strengths, this place where demons and beasts run rampant was really a little impolite to her.

The woman Mu Qiang, compared to those soldiers, naturally wanted to follow the stronger Yunzhou.

All the way forward.

Yun Zhou took Shangguan Wan’er and Ling Weiyang through the deep forest.

The corpses of demon beasts could occasionally be seen on the ground, apparently solved by the soldiers who had entered early.

There were no dangers along the way.

Of course, this is only for the time being.

Deep on the outskirts of the earth, mountains are lined up.

A barren mountain with no view at a glance.

After coming out of the forest and coming here, the sky became cloudy at some point.

Countless soldiers gathered here, looking solemn.

Have the heart to continue to go inside and explore the barren mountain.

But the wailing sound coming from the desolate mountain made them a little afraid to move.


Another cry came.

The corners of the soldiers’ mouths twitched:

“Good guys! Why is this man so miserable, what is in it? ”

“I don’t know, but I’m curious, is there anyone else here besides us?”

“Can be here in advance… It should be a magic man, right? ”

“Demon Man? Hiss – is it difficult to believe that the demon is given a wheel by the demon beast… Rounded up? ”

“It’s possible!”

“Then shall we go in?”

“There is no hurry, there are already three teams of imperial guards going in, and if nothing big happens, they give a signal that we are entering.”

A group of soldiers whispered, waiting for a response from their teammates.

At this time, in the woods behind him, Yunzhou three people came out.

Seeing Yunzhou’s and the others coming, a group of soldiers immediately regrouped in a neat and uniform manner.

A leader stepped forward and bowed his hand:

“King Yun, General Ling, Shangguan Cairen.”

“At this time, the mystery is extremely extreme, and I am waiting for the news of going to explore the Imperial Guard.”

Hearing this, before Ling Weiyang finished speaking, Yun Zhou glanced deeply at the barren mountain and took the lead in speaking:

“Don’t wait, send them a message to tell them to come back, you can’t get in here.”

“Huh?” The commander looked at him with a puzzled face.

Yun Zhou didn’t explain much.

He glanced at Shangguan Wan’er:

“Let’s talk about the front, it’s dangerous inside, I and General Ling go in, and you wait outside.”

“No, no…”

Shangguan Wan’er shook her head stubbornly, “Your Majesty sent me to protect you, and I must follow.” ”

“You, protect me??”

Yun Zhou looked at Shangguan Wan’er, who was holding her neck, and couldn’t laugh for a while.

Immediately he didn’t say anything, “If you want to follow, just follow.” ”

Then head towards the barren mountains.

Ling Weiyang also followed suit.

Shangguan Wan’er pursed her red lips and stomped her feet one last time.

Disciple of the Lord! Who do you look down on?

She walked with her long, agile legs and rushed towards the two of them.


Unlike the deep outer periphery.

After entering the barren mountain, the sun is gone.

Inside the eye was a desolate place, and even a fierce beast could not be seen when looking around.

But this also means that there may be higher-order fierce beasts guarding this place.

Once encountered, it may be more dangerous!

Seeing the corpses of the Zhou Bad Demon Beasts and the white bones of Sensen, it was like a scene of hell.

Shangguan Wan’er couldn’t help but grab the arm of the side with her white hand.

Yun Zhou only felt that his arm was in a soft place, and he looked at the past sideways, laughing:

“What, scared? Are you still trying to protect me like this? ”

Shangguan Wan’er sipped her red lips and stubbornly said:

“I, I don’t!”

Although she has a gentle personality, she takes the big sister Royal Sister Wind.

But seeing such a tragic scene, I still can’t help but look like a little girl.

With fear in his eyes, he unconsciously moved closer to the direction of the cloud boat.

Yun Zhou saw that she was scared like this, smiled and rubbed her little head:

“Rest assured, I will protect you in an accident.”

Shangguan Wan’er’s body stagnated, feeling the big hand above her head, a touch of rosiness climbed up to the root of her ear, and she looked at him with a beautiful look.

After looking at each other, he suddenly lowered his head in dodging eyes and stammered:

“That, that’s trouble…”

The words are not finished.

“Don’t bother him!”

Ling Weiyang looked at the charming Shangguan Wan’er and glared at Yunzhou fiercely.

The resentment she had never had before made her pout.

As soon as he pulled Shangguan Wan’er to his side, he hummed coldly:

“If something goes wrong, I’ll have to bother.”

Shangguan Wan’er’s face turned red and she muttered in a low voice, “Thank you General Ling…”

“…… It’s okay. ”

In response, Ling Weiyang carefully glanced at Shangguan Wan’er.

Before there was Wu Zhao’s background, she hadn’t seen it much.

In contrast, this is simply a rare beautiful woman.

Just such a glance, suddenly, Ling Weiyang’s eyes were more vigilant…

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