But for a person like Yunzhou, who has a demonic heart.

This bit of magic here is not enough to see.

Never mind at all.

But he thought so, and the two women behind him were not.

Shangguan Wan’er tightly wrapped her arms around Ling Weiyang’s arm, and her pretty face was tense:

“Ling, General Ling, here… There won’t be a magic man, right? ”

“I don’t know, but there must be extremely high-level demon beasts!”

“Huh?? So what to do?? ”

“Rest assured, everything is with me.”

Although Shangguan Wan’er is Wu Zhao’s person, she has a great vendetta against Wu Zhao.

But this did not mean that Ling Weiyang would turn a vicious eye on Shangguan Wan’er.

Ling Weiyang still had a good feeling for this gentle and intelligent female official.

Many times when she and Wu Zhao were deadlocked, it was she who came forward to break the siege for herself.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will have already carried the charge of “bumping into the female emperor” and was dealt with by Wu Zhao with a handle.

From this point of view, it is also worth saving her life.

And Yun Zhou didn’t care about the conversation between these two people.

He used his divine consciousness to perceive the direction where Lin Yuan was.

emm…… The foot of Heavenly Magic Mountain.

Not far from him, a hundred miles or so.

Yun Zhou could sense his position, but he didn’t know what the boy was doing now.

But he could roughly guess some of them.

Well, although you can’t inherit the heir, you can still “work hard” to find opportunities!

What an inspirational big sheep!

Just as he was thinking.


A long python with a purple and black body, several meters long and the thickness of a bucket hovered over.

Its bloody narrow pupils stared at several people deadly, as if observing the delicacies, the blood basin opened widely, and the fangs of the long arms dripped purple-black venom, showing its bloodlust and excitement!

Yun Zhou looked at this thing and only felt a little disgusted.

As soon as the hand moved, the white light flickered, and the holy sword fell in his hand.

However, before he could move, Ling Weiyang on the side held a long gun and pointed straight upwards, tilting his head to look over:

“Brother Yun, have you ever eaten roast snake meat?”



The python did not expect until death that it would be strung together.

Ling Weiyang held up a spear horizontally, and the tip of the gun was skewer with snake meat cooked by the fire.

Salt and cumin are available in snake meat.

And Yun Zhou walked next to him, and the snake flesh strung on the tip of the gun was always less than half a step in front of him.

After taking a bite, I leaned over and took another bite.

emm…… Fragrant.

“Sure enough, Xiao Yangyang understands me, well, really fragrant!”

Yun Zhou gave a thumbs up.

The corners of Ling Weiyang’s mouth cocked, “I have figured out the time of your meal in the secret place of the Imperial Dynasty, although you will not be hungry if you don’t eat, but you are definitely uncomfortable.” ”


Shangguan Wan’er behind her twitched the corners of her mouth and looked at the two people in front of her.

When he saw the cloud boat chewing on the snake’s flesh, he immediately silently moved away.

All right.

She still can’t accept a man who eats pythons!

In the future, even if the other party becomes the lord, he will have to marry … Never kiss him again!

Actually eating a python… It’s disgusting!

emm…… Anything else is fine, just can’t kiss!

Thinking in her heart, Shangguan Wan’er sipped her lips and stared at the way Yunzhou ate snake meat, as if she wanted to record this moment with her memory.

However, this is the very time.


Countless spitting sounds came.

Three people and four outer circles to see.

I saw that deep in the woods, countless bloody pupils glowed green.

A long and thick python bent its body and crawled, and the purple-black liquid dripped and fell to the ground like sulfuric acid corrosion, bursting with white smoke!

Shangguan Wan’er was frightened and “barked”.

Instantly, he ran to Yunzhou’s side, hugged his arm, and stammered:

“How, what to do?”

Without waiting for Yunzhou to speak, Ling Weiyang drew back his spear first:

“What else can I do, kill!”

As the words fell, a brilliant golden light enveloped the gun body, and the surging Dao Force spread like a tide, and the trees collapsed, and the sound was terrifying!

Just when Ling Weiyang was fully prepared to give Brother Yun a big kill.

Yun Zhou suddenly grabbed her arm, and the corners of her mouth curved:


After speaking, he wrapped his left arm around Shangguan Wan’er, pulled Ling Weiyang with his right hand, and pulled out his leg and ran.


The snakes behind them were stunned for a moment, and when they turned back to their senses, they chased after them in an instant, and their huge bodies brought up dust, and the scene was terrifying!

“Why run? Am I killing them bad? ”

Glancing at the chasing snakes behind his eyes, Ling Weiyang frowned and looked at Yunzhou in puzzlement.

Yun Zhou, on the other hand, was smiling.


Surely you can’t kill it.

This group of pythons is the key point that makes Lin Yuan mistakenly enter the inheritance!

That’s right!

The original text records that Lin Yuanjiu escaped into the Demon Land Inheritance after his death, and he was picked up by this snake swarm!

Sigh, originally thought that Lin Yuan had been seriously injured, but the timeline still changed?


Then help him.

Thinking about it, Yun Zhou simply discerned the position below and quickly swept towards the direction of the Heavenly Demon Mountain!

On his face, a “gentle” smile bloomed…


Heavenly Magic Mountain, the outer woods.

The three teams of imperial guards who had probed here had just received a message from their companions.

This meant that King Yun and General Ling had personally come over and asked them to go back.

They immediately turned back the same way.

Needless to say, the depths of this demonic land really weren’t something that their cultivation could come into.

Just dodging the danger and walking around the outermost circle, they are all hanging on the color.

Along the road, tiger demon beasts and lion demon beasts abound.

The sky also hovered with carnivorous eagle beasts.

Converted to down, the strength is around the Jin Dan Realm.

If it weren’t for the fact that these three teams of people were the elite of the elite, I am afraid that they would have died here.

“Really hanging, I was almost caught up by that Lion King Demon Beast just now.”

“Whistle ~ count our fate, luckily escaped.”

“Sure enough, the Demon Domain is dangerous everywhere, and here is still just a Demon Land, there are so many demon beasts, it really is not for people like us who are cultivators to come.”

“Or obediently wait for the Cloud King to empty the danger and occupy the power, let’s come again.”

“Hey, don’t you think there’s something wrong with King Yun and General Ling?”

“Huh? You say this as if it were… It was rumored that before they were locked up together in the secret place of the Imperial Realm, it seemed… Didn’t do anything good…”

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