Just thinking.


I don’t know if Lin Yuan below is exhausted or poisoned.

Unable to hold on, he directly released his hand and slammed it the ground, bringing up dust!

At this time, Lin Yuan looked very frightening.

One face is facing the sky, the body is in a large font, and one mouth is wide open, as if it cannot be closed.

The pupils in the rounded eyes are motionless, and the purple-blue-blue indigo on the body has all colors.

Even…… The few pieces that the poisonous snake had bitten had turned black.

You can feel the poisonous gas emanating from his body!

The poison comes quickly.

Lin Yuan had just laid down for a few breaths when his fingers began to twitch.

Then the arms, the head, the thighs, and even the whole body…

Finally, the mouth spat out white foam, and the whole person curled up and convulsed continuously.

Qiu Yue above saw this scene and was immediately happy!


Wouldn’t all be right if this horse had poisoned him?!

But at the moment when this idea fell.

The convulsing Lin Yuan didn’t know where the fierce force came from.

He actually trembled from the storage ring and pulled out a small knife.

Curled up and on his belly:

“Poof” is a knife!

Then, a “humming” sound came.

Lin Yuan used all his Dao power and began to force out poisonous blood along the wound.

The inky black liquid flowed, and Qiu Yue’s face above was green.

He had the heart to go up and make up a few more knives for this guy.

But when he thought of Fu Xiang’s admonition, “You must never kill him personally.” ”

After thinking about it, I still held back.

“Plants (plants)! This dog is living like this, why isn’t it going to die? ”


The sky was a fog.

Yun Zhou led Ling Weiyang and stood here with Shangguan Wan’er in his arms.

Looking at Lin Yuan’s body glowing with shimmering light, convulsing frantically forcing poisonous blood.

Yun Zhou couldn’t help but sigh “the tenacity of the protagonist”.

[If only it were a child of luck.] 】

【The desire to survive is really strong! 】 Interpret the “life force of cockroaches” to the fullest! 】

[Thousands of demon beasts didn’t kill him, it was almost like the word “protagonist” was pinched to death! 】

[But it’s also scary.] 】

[The face has been dried off a piece of flesh!] 】

[This is not good… It’s disfiguring, right? 】

[Sigh, the waist is ruined, and the appearance value is also ruined…]

[The original text is that he was chased by the “snake swarm” all over the body, and then he mistakenly entered the inheritance place.] 】

[Now it’s being picked up by the whole horde of demon beasts… Well…… Should still have the strength to “slip in”, right? 】

Logically speaking, a herd of beasts formed by thousands of Jindan and Yuan Infant Realm demon beasts.

Even Yun Zhou’s cultivation was tingling at the sight of this kind of cultivation.

Not that it was a threat to him.

Just that scene, the momentum is huge!

Although it was said that this beast tide was caused by him, it was clear only when he really saw him with his own eyes.

The lethality of this fierce beast is really not covered!

The momentum was like a landslide tsunami, directly topping Lin Yuan with a wave!

They all looked at him in a daze!

If Lin Yuan’s dog is killed, it belongs!

Yun Zhou looked at it, the corners of his mouth curved up, and he didn’t laugh.

But Ling Weiyang on the side couldn’t control it.

She “poofed” a sound, and the flower branch slapped the cloud boat with a smile, and the heroic little face was full of smiles:

“Brother Yun, you’re so bad.”

By now, she finally knew why Yunzhou hadn’t let her slaughter the snake pythons.

It turned out to be waiting here!

This Lin Yuan also looks really miserable.

However, Ling Weiyang had no pity for the other party’s mind at all.

That’s right.

In her opinion, as long as it is against Brother Yun, the more miserable the better!

Who let Brother Yun be a sweetheart.


Time passes by minute by minute.

With his strong vitality, Lin Yuan, who was dying, stuffed a large number of elixirs to repair his injuries in his mouth.

Struggling Bala re-climbed up and scoffed.

His face was pale, not a trace of blood.

The black blood on his body and the red blood from the wound clotted together and dried into a blood stain.

The whole person looks terrible!

Immediately, he scolded Qiu Yue fiercely at the treetops:

“Are you stepping on a horse to look at your ancestors?” Come down and pick me up!! ”

Then I don’t know if it was qi or excessive blood loss.

Their eyes turned white and they fainted.

Hearing this, Qiu Yue looked dazed.

He whispered:

“Ah this…”

“Is the boy dead or not dead?”

“Fu Shangshu said that he could only rely on external forces to kill him, and I couldn’t do anything to him, otherwise he would be targeted by people from the Immortal Realm…”

“Then I can’t mend the knife now?”

“If you make up for it, there will be trouble, don’t make up … I am not willing to step on the horse without mending the knife! ”

“Why is this boy’s life so big!?”

When he finished, he scratched his head grumpyly.

Then the decision was made.

This boy is so capable of dying, he certainly won’t live long.

You can’t take that risk yourself!

Therefore, he didn’t care about anything and just jumped down.

Holding a branch in his hand, he stabbed him twice in the face.

The mouth was still muttering:

“Lord Lin Xuan?” Lord Lin Xuan? ”

“How are you?” Dead or not dead? ”

“If you don’t die, wake up, your body is full of poisonous blood, I don’t dare to touch you!”

I don’t know if I was awakened by Qiu Yue’s call.

It may also be that the branch pokes the face too much.

Lin Yuan twitched again, and a mouthful of white foam flowed out of the corner of his mouth.

Then the misty one opened his eyes slightly.

Oh! Really awake!!

Seeing that he opened his eyes, Qiu Yue glanced at the disappointment in his eyes and flashed away.

Good people don’t live long, and the scourge will be left behind for a thousand years!

This dog scourge, actually did not die?!

Good fellows, hundreds of fierce beasts coming forward, trampling and trampling, tearing and biting!

The wounds on the whole body could not be counted, and the ribs were all soft and stomped.

This is not dead!!

And wake up!

Is this boy made by Dotro?

Seeing that Lin Yuan’s mouth was still twitching, as if he was talking, Qiu Yue glanced curiously and rushed over, wanting to hear what he wanted to say.

Lin Yuan: “Crazy, crazy…”


Upon hearing this, Qiu Yue glanced at Bengbu and froze!

He narrowed his eyes in shock, his eyebrows raised and low, and he looked at Lin Yuan in disbelief.

Oh, my God!

All this is so, and you are still thinking crazy?

You’re riding a horse, you!

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