
Lin Yuan’s body was scaled and wounded, and he seemed to have opened up his life, desperately fighting with dozens of fierce beasts.

Qiu Yue twitched the corners of his mouth, trying his best to protect himself.

All right.

He can’t do anything with his life!

In this situation, as long as he wants to escape, he can still escape.

It’s just that he, like Lin Yuan, is also worried about that Demon Land Inheritance.

If he experiences danger, he can share the cup of soup in the inheritance.

Then he will earn to death!

Therefore, he did not rush to escape, but only defended on the side, not attacked the “paddling”!

While paddling, while looking at Lin Yuan’s playing style on the side, he felt that something was wrong.

This boy is so desperate, in case he dies here, who will the inheritance find to take?

Oh, yes!

Although he really wanted the other party to die, now was not the time.

At the moment, he still felt that he should remind the other party that it was important to save his life.

Thinking of this, he immediately cleared his throat and shouted:

“Lord Lin Xuan, there are too many demon beasts!”

“Defensive Wave!!”


Upon hearing this, Lin Yuan was a little confused.

I can’t see it!

This Qiu Yue glanced at the usual very intimidating person, and the key moment was so rigid!!

Come back to God.

He was also infected by this “hot blood” and said in a deep voice:

“Let it go” huh!?”

“Okay, it!!”

Oh my God!!

Seeing Lin Yuan’s eyes rush towards the group of demon beasts, Qiu Yue’s eyes widened.

What a thing ‘let go’, Lao Tzu said ‘defensive wave’!!

This horse arm guard, why can’t you understand people’s words!?

“Grass (plants)!”

With a scolding sound, Qiu Yue glanced at Bengbu and stopped.

What bullshit inheritance, or life is important!

Just when he was ready to ignore Lin Yuan, a madman, and go first by himself.

Yun Zhou and the others in the magic fog finally stepped on the Golden Lotus and walked down.

After arriving here, he looked at Lin Yuan, who had been slaughtered by the demon beast in front of him, and the corners of his mouth drew a curve.

And the moment he appeared, Qiu Yue, who was fighting and retreating, naturally saw his figure for the first time!

“Hiss—isn’t this the Cloud Saint Son of the Unpretentious Sect?” How did he get here?? ”

Qiu Yue glanced at his heart and immediately remembered the conversation between Fu Xiang and him before.

Although Fu Shangshu was not explicitly stated before, the meaning vaguely expressed…

Fu Shangshu seems to be the one who has no delusional Son!

Then he is here now… What is the purpose?

Qiu Yue’s mind raced, and soon, he reacted.

It must be related to the Demon Land Inheritance in Lin Yuan’s mouth!

If Fu Shangshu’s implication is true, he is really the one of the Sons of the Clouds.

Then he still had Lin Yuan’s movements, and it would be impossible for him to leave Yun Shengzi’s line of sight!

And for a person of this identity to work so hard, it is very likely that what the other party was staring at at the beginning was the Demon Land Inheritance that Lin Yuan had just mouthed!

That’s right!

Such a fool knows the existence of inheritance, how can the Son of the Innocent Sect not know?

Therefore, he must have followed all the way and wanted to grab the inheritance!

Qiu Yue glanced at it and guessed the meaning of Yun Zhou.

But then, he felt something was wrong!

Something is wrong!

“If this rumored Saint Son really knew about this place in advance, for the sake of inheritance, why didn’t he come with the top power himself, and let Lin Yuan’s waste come first?”

“Moreover, this Yunzhou is the Divine Son of the True First Sect, so how could he pay attention to the inheritance of the Demon Land?”

“The most crucial point is that Yun Zhou’s face is calm and relaxed!”

Obviously, he came safely and steadily along the way!

Qiu Yue glanced at Yun Zhou’s playful smile and his heart trembled:

“He must have been following Lin Yuan from the beginning!”

“He must also know about the Demon Land Inheritance!”

“The reason why I never showed up is because only Lin Yuan can find this inheritance!!”

As for the matter of the True Path Saint Son’s concern for the inheritance of the Demon Path…

Well, Qiu Yue didn’t think deeply about it.

The smile of the person in front of me is not linked to the word “right way” at all!!

With that in mind, he straightened everything out.

But at the same time, he couldn’t help but feel a little chill in his heart.

Yun Shengzi this person, it is terrible!

In a trance, he finally understood “Why Lin Yuan and this noble Yun Shengzi were mortal enemies, but they were not killed.” ”

It wasn’t that this Cloud Saint Son couldn’t help Lin Yuan, it was just that his heart was too deep.

From the beginning to the end, I was calculating Lin Yuan’s stupid beep!

Hiss – greasy and greasy!!

[After being beaten for so long and not entering the magic land, this effect is a bit slow.] 】

[Forget it, help you.] 】

Yun Zhou smiled and walked with Ling Weiyang and the two of them.

Just as Qiu Yueyue thought, he was very relaxed.

From the foot of the mountain to the present, except for encountering a few low-level demon beasts that had fallen alone, I had not seen a single living creature.

All of them were lured by Lin Yuan!

It’s outrageous!


A scream came, Lin Yuan was bitten off a piece of flesh by the demon beast, and the blood was soaked in an instant!

“You dog thing, dead !!!”

Lin Yuan was like killing the red eye, he roared out in anger, and kicked the demon beast out in an instant, not knowing whether he would live or die.

It was at this time that he suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure dressed in white.

The gloomy expression on his face instantly froze, his pupils contracted suddenly, and the words he wanted to scold were like a fish in his throat, and the whole person was suddenly stupid!

Cloud Boat!

The man who made him hate like crazy, but he was afraid of everything!

At this time, he was carrying two women, full of jokes standing in front of him.

In an instant, Lin Yuan only felt that his face was twitching uncontrollably.

His eyes were filled with surprise and shock, but the first thing he thought about was not why Yunzhou was here.

Instead, a deep sense of fear grows madly in the heart!

In an instant, the momentum of “he and the demon beast fighting hard” was gone.

It was like being scared out of the guts by Yunzhou, quietly moving his steps.

The throat rises and falls, obviously swallowing this saliva.

Although he did not want to admit it in his heart, the facts were in front of him.

He, to the man in front of him, was terrified from the bottom of his heart!

The collision of the righteous forces and the events after the Imperial Dynasty all made the shadow in his heart expand several times faster!

“You, how did you get here?”

Lin Yuan retreated in a hurry, while resisting the attack of the demon beast.

He wanted to escape, but couldn’t find the right moment…

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