Lin Yuan’s pale face looked a little sluggish.

At this time, Ling Weiyang on the side suddenly frowned:

“Brother Yun, since it is useless to keep him, otherwise I will shark him, and I think it is very disturbing to look at him.”

As the words fell, Lin Yuan’s body suddenly tensed up!

He had lived in the imperial dynasty for a long time before, and he and Ling Weiyang would occasionally meet.

There were even a few occasions when he took the initiative to say hello to the other person.

Although the other party did not respond to him… But it’s familiar, don’t you want to kill yourself, right?

He narrowed his eyes, and the bluestone in his hand was quietly squeezed, and the cold voice came out:

“General Ling, things don’t have to be done so absolutely, you and I are also old knowledge, if you and I can work together…”

“I’m sorry, the only person of the opposite sex who can work with me is Brother Yun.”

Before he could finish speaking, Ling Weiyang frowned and interrupted, and came directly to Yunzhou’s side, next to the other party.

Lin Yuan: (·)(·)

Horse-treading horses!

The goddess of war, who had been worried about herself for many years, was actually specially affected by this dog thing…

This idea did not end, Shangguan Wan’er suddenly came over to fan the flames:

“Cloud King, you don’t know, when this person entered the palace before, he seized the opportunity to peek at His Majesty, but damn it!”

After saying this, Lin Yuan’s face instantly turned green!

“You dog men and women…” He tensed his face and scolded angrily with the corners of his mouth twitching.


Hold your breath!

These two women present were once his dream lovers!

How deep I loved before that, how much I hate now.

According to this unique idea of “male protagonist”.

Now the words of the two men are betraying him!

Well, even if he didn’t say a word to him, in his heart, it was to put a green hat on him!


But he wanted to scold, but Yun Zhou didn’t give him a chance to talk nonsense at all.

The corners of his mouth set off a playful arc and smiled at Lin Yuan’s “friendly”:

“Your task for today is over, rest.”

As the words fell, a mighty pressure invaded, and Lin Yuan’s pupils instantly froze.

The invisible wind swept up, and a large hand condensed into golden light blatantly split!

The Buddha’s light on it is mixed with the vast Dao power!

Seeing a palm slowly pressing down from the void, Lin Yuan’s face changed wildly.

When even if you want to dodge.

But the supreme Dao pressure seemed to lock him firmly in place.

Don’t say it’s dodging, even moving has become a luxury!

I can only watch as that giant palm falls!

Mind racing.

Lin Yuan hurriedly clenched the Qingshi in his hand, trying to release his magic power to protect his body.

But somehow, at the moment when he fused the magic power of the bluestone, the sense of clarity from the spiritual platform instantly enveloped him!

The demonic qi was actually cut off by most of it!

Yun Zhou looked in his eyes and couldn’t help but let out a “sneer”:

[This wave, “great-grandfather’s love” is too heavy! 】

That’s right.

Yun Zhou did not know what the situation was.

But just suddenly “time stands still” he was clear.

Because he was holding Shangguan Wan’er’s waist a second ago, he had planned to move up.

But the next second he moved underneath!

This kind of subconscious change is something that time cannot imprison.

So he was sure that just now, there was an Imperial Realm strong man who had struck.

Who else could this situation take into account Chen Fuxian’s idleness and attack the Netherworld?

Only the “Lin Sheng” who guarded the cub’s heart!

This old thing definitely didn’t want his grandson to absorb the magic qi.

Therefore, he deliberately gave Lin Yuan a ban in an attempt to slow down his absorption of demonic qi, perceive that something was wrong, and thus get lost.

But I didn’t expect that the key moment actually pit the great-grandson!

“You laugh mud horse!!”

Lin Yuan, who saw that the protection was useless, also came out!

He clenched his teeth and threw the bluestone in his hand towards Yunzhou in an instant!

If you can’t protect yourself, then the fish will die and the net will break!

He wants to make Yunzhou a demon!!

As everyone knows, Yunzhou’s rarest thing is this thing!

The moment the giant palm fell, Lin Yuan even gave up dodging.

Staring closely at the direction of the cloud boat.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of dodging, his eyes were ecstatic!

Haha, this silly self-pride!

Hit it!!

But in the next instant of his ecstasy, he was dumbfounded.

Only to see the cloud boat holding the blue stone suddenly burst into a strange smile at him.

Then, he saw a scene that he would never forget!

Only to see the mortal enemy not far away, his body suddenly glowed with a dark light, and a black heart that was “fluttering” and jumping randomly suddenly took off!

Is that……

Top Rank Demon Phase!?

At this moment, Lin Yuanren was stupid!

Isn’t Yunzhou the True Path Divine Son!?

How could he have a top-level demonic appearance!??

“You’re actually a demon…”

Before the words could be heard, the giant palm of the void suddenly crushed down.

At this moment, time seems to be completely frozen!

A monstrous pressure swept down, and it actually distorted the air!

“Poof” a sound!!

Lin Yuan spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his hands were on top of his head, dead against the giant palm.

His vicious countenance and trembling muscles revealed his unbearable pain!

Or just like when Xuan Tianzong was there, he had no ability to resist Yunzhou at all!

“Well, I know you’re tired, fall down.”

Absorbing the last trace of magic qi on the blue stone, Yun Zhou looked at Lin Yuan lightly, and his eyes gradually became flat.

For Lin Yuan, he was not interested in it now.

Dead, loss of a little wool, little impact.

As long as he could break through the critical point of the “Mandate of Heaven”, he would have the same way to get the rest of the qi luck points.

To say that he must be careful to protect the protagonist’s life throughout the whole process, and he must also keep his hands everywhere or something… He couldn’t do it.

He’s the villain, not the protagonist’s mother!

How can you live so tired.


Lin Yuan, who finally couldn’t withstand the blow of Shen Wei, was smashed to the ground fiercely!

He was bombarded with seven meats and eight vegetarians, and he was suppressed by the golden hand above.

His misty sideways eyes looked up, only to see that Yunzhou was looking at him with a look full of contempt:

“The inheritance you found in your nine deaths is also mine.”

The moment the words fell.

Lin Yuan’s brain melon seeds buzzed.

At this moment, he only felt extremely humiliated, and the whole person was going crazy!


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