The scene is calm, and the needles in the great inheritance land can be heard!

That’s when it happened!


A thick stream of demonic qi suddenly erupted from the soul’s body, and the dark gas lingered around the Yunzhou’s body, gradually merging in!

Heavenly Demon Inheritance! Begin!!


Hundreds of miles away.

The main hall of the Demon Domain.

The moon cicada held his hand to the window, looking at the black pillar of light rising from the far north, and his sickly face was full of intoxicated expressions:

“The magic rhyme is full… The little cute is so powerful…”

“Such a man… emm…… Honza couldn’t help it. ”

Yun Zhou’s smiling face came to mind, and the moon cicada only felt as if his strength had been emptied, and his body was a little soft.

“Xiao Yanyi, Xiao Wuzhao… If you want to rob him, then die! ”

The demonic qi rose, and the expression on the face of the moon cicada gradually changed to T.

Suddenly, she glanced deeply in the direction of the east, and the corners of her mouth drew a smile:

“Xiao Wuzhao’s current situation … Probably not so good. ”


Celestial Imperial Dynasty.

Above half-air.

A monstrous pressure swept down, and the gilded palace trembled slightly, as if it were an earthquake.

A dazzling golden light lit up from the sky, and a heavy voice like thunder came from the sky:

“Emperor Haotu, come out and see you!”

With this sound, the Imperial Hall fell silent, and everyone looked up at Wu Zhao, whose face was gloomy on the throne.

“The cultivation of people who come is rare in ancient times, and most of them are the power of the hidden world, when did my imperial dynasty offend such people?”

“Your Majesty, this cultivation is at least three levels above the level of the Daoist Realm, and it is a big chest for my imperial dynasty… What a terrible omen! ”

“Even if he cultivates to be stronger, he can’t let him spread wilderness in my imperial dynasty!” Your Majesty please intervene and put him to death! ”

“The subject agrees! I can unite with the people in the right path and kill them together!” ”

The ministers knelt on the ground, their looks extremely dignified.

They always only thought that the “Immortal Realm” was a legend and did not know that it really existed.

At this moment, they felt the endless pressure coming from the sky outside, only as if it were the hidden strong in the vast earth who came to find trouble.

But the cultivation behavior displayed by this hidden world strong man could actually have such a strong and tyrannical?

There is no such person on the list of the vast land!

This is counterintuitive!

Many ministers believe that this person who came must have been forced by external assistance and should not be afraid.

That’s why they have all advised that Your Majesty will personally intervene and kill people in the future!

After the violent death of “Elder Qian” last time, their trust in their own majesty had reached the point of blindness.

“Don’t make noise above the court!!”

The eunuch on the side interrupted the group with a sharp voice.

The scene became quiet again, and the ministers looked at Wu Zhao, who was wearing a dragon robe on the throne.

Not long after, Wu Zhao’s indifferent voice came:

“The True First Emperor Yan Sect has arrived at the palace.”

“There could be a big battle in the future.”

“Pass on the will, and all will leave the palace immediately, free from the spillover.”


Hearing Yan Yi’s words, the stones hanging under the hearts of all the ministers immediately put down!

Your Majesty and Lord Yan joined forces, then there is nothing to be afraid of!


With the departure of the hundred officials, the vast hall was suddenly only Wu Zhao alone.

The coercion in the outer void remains.

However, when I felt it, the figure just stood quietly in the air, and did not do anything to the ministers or maids who had left the palace.

Maybe it’s something to be afraid of? Or disdainful?

Anyway, he’s pretty stopping.

Just quietly waiting for Wu Zhao to appear.

And at this time, the palace hall.

Wu Zhao just stood up.

A figure condensed from the void and appeared beside her.

The person who came to the light Yaluo skirt, the delicate face was holy and elegant, there was no joy or sorrow on the face, and no emotion could be seen.

She quietly looked at the golden shining light outside, and the white light around her was glowing.

Behind him, Wu Zhao frowned:

“Does Lord Yan want to do it directly?”

Yan Yi looked up, looked at the old man in the sky faintly, and suddenly asked:

“Otherwise, this person has a clear difference in strength from the one you killed last time, and it is obviously the supreme power of a certain sect in the Immortal Realm, if we don’t strike first, do you think we still have a chance to defeat him?”

Wu Zhao’s expression was stagnant.

Logically speaking, what Yan Yi said is very reasonable.

Ordinary ministers couldn’t see it, but both she and Yan Yi knew it.

The old man above is also the worst of the four perfect realms of preaching, and it is possible to get the five levels of sermon badly!

With her and Yan Yi’s current strength, even if the cultivation method could allow them to fight beyond the ranks, it would still be difficult to fight against a cultivator of the fifth level of enlightenment.

“How sure do you think we are?”

“I don’t know.”

Yan Yi’s voice was a calm that had never been seen before: “Except for my Master, this is the first time that this seat has seen a strong person of the fifth level of enlightenment. ”

“To be honest, I wasn’t confident enough to kill him.”

“But I promised Zhou’er to help you, I will not abandon you, no matter how sure I am, this seat will protect you thoroughly.”

For Yunzhou, Yan Yi is placed on the tip of the heart.

As long as it was him, Yan Yi would do it.

Even if it was the moon in the sky and the turtle in the Nine Seas, she did it correctly!



After listening to Yan Yi’s words, Wu Zhao sneered:

“Rest assured, the decay is not weak enough to make you take care of the decay.”

“An ordinary sermon of the fifth floor may not be able to kill him!”

After saying that, her figure suddenly dissipated into a shadow.

When he reappeared, he was already above the firmament, standing opposite the old man.

Yan Yi stood alone below, looked at Wu Zhao above and then sighed quietly:

“Or as many years ago, stubborn with a character of not accepting defeat…”

“But the era I waited for will eventually pass.”

“The boat has risen, does this vast land still insist on “ordinary people” like you and me? ”

With a sigh, Yan Yi’s figure suddenly turned into a bubble.

The sun was shining, and she and Wu Zhao stood on top of the firmament, and their plain eyes looked at the old man:

“If you want to fight, come on.”

No time was given to the old man to speak.

Two rays of divine light appeared above the sky!

The battle of the peak of the vast land has begun!

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