After this dog thing robbed itself of its own inheritance, what exactly did it go to!?

Lin Yuan looked at the thunderclouds on the Heavenly Demon Mountain with a stunned look!

After a moment of awakening, he clenched his teeth.

“No, you can’t! I have risen from adversity since I was a child, and my luck has always been unbeatable! ”

“How can you be repeatedly bullied by one person?!”

“Rob me of women, rob me of my power, rob me of my inheritance, and plunge my hand back TM…”

“He’s deceiving people too much!!”

“No way! I can’t just give him my legacy, or I’ll be mad…”

“I’m going to grab it, I’m going to grab it back!!”

Lin Yuan’s breathing gradually thickened.

Obviously, he was angry and frustrated, and his mind was out of his mind, and he was irrational!

He already hated the man who “caught him a bullying” man.

Originally, he thought that after getting the Heavenly Demon Inheritance this time, he would be able to have the capital to fight against Yunzhou.

Unexpectedly, I turned my head and was actually cut off by this man!

This kind of robbery is almost worse than killing him!

At this moment, looking at the thunderclouds that weighed heavily in the sky, his heart was like a knife!

He is also a generation of heavenly arrogance, why is it that he has only now understood the Dao Realm, and he can’t even touch the edge of the Heavenly Punishment!?

Lin Yuan was angry, he lost his senses, and he struggled to get up from the ground.

He couldn’t wait for the Immortal Realm to come and take revenge on him!

Immediately, with a somber face, he walked back towards the top of the Demon Mountain that day with a murderous face.

Qiu Yue on the side was suddenly dumbfounded!

He grabbed Lin Yuan’s arm, “Lord Lin Xuan, why are you going?” ”

“I’m going to find Yunzhou and get the inheritance back!”


Qiu Yue glanced eagerly, “Lord Lin Xuan, you are absolutely beaten silly when you step on a horse!” ”


Inside the inheritance area.

Yun Zhou, who had fused all the magic qi, slowly opened his eyes.

In his eyes, a touch of darkness shrouded, and a terrible demonic aura rose up, and in that instant, it was like a heavenly demon descending into the world, and the breath was terrifying!

Below, Ling Weiyang’s eyes looked confused at the demonic figure floating in mid-air.

Dedicated to her, whether Yunzhou is a demon, full of righteousness or a demon.

She loved it all.

At this time, feeling the strong momentum of Yunzhou’s body, she inexplicably had a strong sense of pride in her heart.

Even more excited than when she preached!

That mighty man above!

It’s her unscrupulous people!

Beside her, Shangguan Wan’er looked at the tall figure above and swallowed unconsciously.

Although she didn’t want Yunzhou to accept the magic path inheritance or anything…

But it should not be said, this figure is really handsome!

But just think of this guy just holding his own dishonest big hand.

She couldn’t help but blush again, and secretly said, “Disciple Deng.”

Good looking is also a badass…

Soon, the legacy ended.

Completely adapting to the restless demonic qi, Yun Zhou let out a long sigh.

It was at this time that a tone sounded in my head:

[Ding, in view of the fact that the host magic rhyme has reached the supreme perfection level, the Immortal Order Technique “War Magic Rules” is specially rewarded! 】


Yun Zhou was slightly stunned, and then probed his storage ring.

I saw that inside the ring, a dark and primitive book was laid out neatly!

There was black qi on it, and just by looking at it, I felt cold in my body!

“Is this a bonus?”

Yun Zhou raised an eyebrow and didn’t pay much attention.

Sensing the changes in his body, he nodded with satisfaction.

[Cultivation has entered the eighth layer of Nirvana, and the real combat strength is probably already surpassing that of the Great Treasure Master Zun and Wu Zhao…]

[In addition to Yun Pangu’s words, there should be no opponent in this vast land except for the Hidden Gate Daoist…]

[Hmmm… Even if such strength develops to the Immortal Domain, it is enough to protect itself. 】

The Heavenly Demon Inheritance is good enough…

But…… Do this yourself as a villain.

I’m going to turn my face and don’t recognize anyone…

“Young man, you are very good, the inheritance of this demon in this vast land has been absorbed by you, and you now have the qualifications to become a heavenly demon…”

As the magic qi inheritance ended, the old shadow had a happy smile on his face.

He seemed to be happy that he had found an heir.

At this moment, Yun Zhou suddenly asked, “Do you know what kind of person I am?” ”


The spirit soul’s face was a little puzzled: “You have such magic qualifications… Should it be the Holy Son of the Vast Land Demon Dao? ”

“Not true.” The corners of Yun Zhou’s mouth drew a profound arc: “On the contrary, I am the True Path Holy Son!” ”

As the words fell, a golden light rose from the foot of the Yunzhou, and it was the Buddha’s Golden Lotus!

Behind the wheel of the road ring spun rapidly, and a heavenly thundercloud floated overhead!

An imperial pressure burst out, mixed with the Confucian atmosphere!

In a flash!

Heaven forbid the devil is stupid!!

A glare in the shadow seemed to be a little confused, looking at the cloud boat in front of him in shock.

As if asking:

Why did you learn so much?

And Yunzhou’s face no longer has the peaceful attitude when they first met, and is replaced by a “decent face”.

He said, “I’m sorry! ”

“Although the younger generation bears the heart of the devil, but the heart is to the light! He has never been in the company of demons…”

“Today’s juniors have no intention of being inherited from their predecessors, and they are extremely grateful.”

“But you and I are inseparable from each other in the end, and since we met today, we must die!”

“No more words, draw your sword, senior!”

Since this soul must be slaughtered to complete the task, there is nothing to say.

He is the villain of the Mandate of Heaven, so naturally he will come according to the most favorable one.

I robbed you of your benefits and killed you again, isn’t that what the villain should do?


Bright and upright, never associated with the devil??


Ling Weiyang and Shangguan Wan’er were shocked by Yunzhou’s sudden wave of operations, and almost flashed Yang Liu’s waist!


Why can Yun Zhou be so serious nonsense?

And his look, at first glance, looks like a real thing!

If it wasn’t for the fact that they had just seen Yun Zhou accept the inheritance satisfactorily, it would mean that he would be much more annoyed with the people in the Demon Dao.

Which one is this?

Turn against?


Wasn’t he very happy when he accepted the inheritance just now?

For a while, Ling Weiyang and Shangguan Wan’er couldn’t keep up with Yun Zhou’s brain hole.

“Seniors, don’t say that the juniors don’t give you a chance, today’s juniors will behead the devil for the right way, you and I will fight fairly…”

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