“Huh? Haha, Lord Lin Xuan, you are really awake this time! ”

“I’m talking hard!”

“Haha, good!”

Hearing Lin Yuan speak, Qiu Yue smiled.

He decided to learn from the beast tide he had just experienced and give the other party a wave of complete awakening, so as not to let Lin Yuan faint back and forth.

Thinking about it, he stood up directly with a wooden stick, looked at Lin Yuan’s face, and stabbed down hard!


Suddenly, a terrible scream sounded!

Lin Yuan was almost sent away by him with a stick!!

He raised his hand to cover his sunken bloodstained mouth, staring at Qiu Yue as if he were going to kill someone, and his voice was still a little weak:

“What are you, what are you going to do on a horse?”

“Want to kill me!?”

Hearing this, Qiu Yue’s head shook into a rattle: “Lord Lin Xuan, what are your words?” ”

“I’m afraid you’ll faint, so I’m saving you!”

“Your current situation is the same as it was just now, you can’t be confused about the past, once it has passed, you won’t wake up!”

“I can’t let you die next to me!”

“You’re gritting your teeth and holding on like before!”

“I promise to fight quickly and make a quick decision, and in a few breaths you will be completely refreshed!”

When the words fell, they held the wooden sticks in their hands and began to pestle down with enough riveting.

These few times, Lin Yuan was completely numb!

Mouth, nose, face… The cracking of the pestle, the collapse of the collapse.

In this wave, his whole body was about to collapse, spewing blood and moving his head:

“You, you are murder, don’t, don’t pestle… Yes! My face…… Don’t step on the pestle… Ah, it hurts! ”

At this time, the demons on the side all felt that this person was a little cruel.

Outrageous thief!

They pulled away Qiu Yue and glared, “Brother, how much hatred you have against him, which is to save him, this is to kill him!” ”

“Although I quite admire your fierce personality, you can’t catch your own person, isn’t he your young lord?”

“Hiss – this guy gave the pestle, no one looks like anybody.”

“emm…… This looks like us demons. ”

Qiu Yue was a bit overwhelmed by this group of people.

He was very cool when he pestle, but he forgot that he was still in the same group as this beep now.

He scratched his head, came to Lin Yuan’s side and helped him up, pretending to be worried and saying:

“Lord Lin Xuan, are you much better now?” Spirit no? ”

“Blame me, a heart to save your life, this hand is not light or heavy.”

Lin Yuan gasped heavily, only to feel that he had escaped from the Ghost Gate.

“I, I can still insist…”

“Did you throw the stick in your hand?”

As he spoke, he looked warily at Qiu Yue’s hand.

Apparently, he was frightened by the pestle.

A group of demons saw him like this and couldn’t help but grin with joy.

These two silly beeps, haha, one is more fun than the other!

Qiu Yue glanced a little confused, he glanced at the wooden stick on the side and tentatively said:

“Lord Lin Xuan, are you confused again?” Am I pestling you twice? ”

“Roll, roll aside!”

Lin Yuan didn’t know what to say now.

If it was because he was holding his breath before, he only vented through Qiu Yue’s gaze.

Then now he was sure, he was right, this person is a pure fool!

I’m almost gone!

He didn’t think about how to save himself, and he still wanted to pestle his face!

Isn’t that silly what it is!?

“You’re going to stop pulling useless…”

Lin Yuan weakly raised his hand: “Quick, take me down the mountain, inheritance I don’t grab, give Yunzhou, quickly take me down to find a place to hide.” ”

Upon hearing this, Qiu Yue was stunned.

Inheritance is not robbed? Is this instigated?

Okay, this is self-aware…

As for going down the hill…

Now that the magic fog has cleared, and there are still demons in the mountains, going down the mountain should not be a problem…

But now the question is, if he takes Lin Yuan down the mountain without the consent of the Son, will the Son be angry?

Seeing that Qiu Yue didn’t pay attention to himself, he was still so stupid and stunned that the pestle was in place.

Lin Yuanqi’s chest hurt, and he crawled hard to hold it up, angrily saying:

“What the hell are you going to do?”

“I said I don’t grab the inheritance, so why don’t you take me down the mountain?”

“Now that the fog has cleared, don’t say anything about finding your way out!”

“I’m all like this, don’t you still want to see death and not save?”

“Are you still human!?”

Lin Yuan was originally quite weak, and he was afraid of getting angry in this situation.

But he couldn’t help but glance at this Qiu Yue!

The more he talked, the angrier he became, and he only felt that he was about to rise!

It’s like the next second is going to pop over!

Several demons around him gathered around and looked at Lin Yuan as if they were watching a monkey:

“You see this little thing, the vitality is so tenacious, can it still be angry?”

“It’s a cow beep! After being punished by heaven for chopping several feet high, he could still speak alive…”

“This guy’s physical fitness is almost the same as that of our demons!”

“You say that this boy is so mentally now, is he being repulsed by qi and blood?”

“Blood flow? You mean back to the light, right? ”

“As far as the spirit of the person before he dies, that’s pretty much what it means.”

“Then he…”

The demon who did not wait for the discussion to explore what the result was.

Lin Yuan, who was holding the ground, suddenly froze.

He took a deep breath, and suddenly, he didn’t catch up.

Eyes black, gagging!

Qiu Yue glanced at this scene, and people were stunned again.

Subconsciously, he also wanted to find the stick.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from not far away:

“Brother, what are you doing?”

Hearing this voice, Qiu Yue glanced at the whole person for a moment, and then looked at it ecstatically:


Pulling out along the demon pile, Qiu Ping was a little dumbfounded to see his brother’s tearful look.

Then he was shocked when he saw Lin Yuan, who did not know whether he was alive or dead on the ground.

He hurriedly came over and crouched down to carefully check Lin Yuan’s condition.

Finally, he inhaled a cool breath, looked at Qiu Yueyue with a serious expression, and asked:

“What’s the whole thing?”

“Every good place on the body is counted, what is the scorched black on this body?”

“What did he do with this thing?”

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