
When was Wu Zhao, as the human emperor, ever despised by such a person?

Although Yan Yi had also told her before, this old man was not easy to deal with.

Even its true combat strength was comparable to that of the sixth-layer strong people of the Nirvana Realm.

But Wu Zhao still refused to take half a step back!

Proud as she is, she will not tolerate this contempt at any time!

The Dao Force around him soared, bringing up the supreme power, and Wu Zhao’s slightly squinted eyes suddenly had a little more smile.

She looked sideways at Yan Yi, and her voice carried a joke that had never been seen before:

“The strength you are showing now… It may not be worthy of the title of “Master of Yunzhou”. ”

As the words fell, her look suddenly relaxed.

Don’t pull anything useless.

When this kind of fight for life and death, the radical method is the most useful!

As long as Yan Yi can go all out with himself, the current situation is still possible to be reversed!


At the moment when her voice ended, Yan Yi, who had always been calm, changed her breath!

She looked at Wu Zhao with smiling eyes, and a “smile” appeared at the corner of her mouth!

Those who were familiar with Yan Yi knew that as long as she smiled, she was going to kill someone!

“This seat is not worthy, can you deserve it?”

“Huh… Whoever he died at the hands deserved it! ”

Wu Zhao sneered, and his figure suddenly turned into a shadow and disappeared.

On the other side, Yan Yi’s gaze condensed, a long sword in his hand flashed out, and his eyes glowed with a cold color.

Seeing the situation, the three elders of the forest gate opposite were first stunned, and then there was a look of mockery on their faces.

In his opinion, no matter what means these two women have, the waste of the Nether is waste!

But as everyone knows, his nightmare is about to begin!!



Yun Zhou did not know that he had become the object of Wu Zhao’s “anger” of Yan Yi.

Waiting for Ling Weiyang to be bored, he was now taking Shangguan Wan’er to hang out in this Heavenly Magic Mountain.

It is said that there is more than one place in the secret place of the Magic Mountain on this day.

According to the original records, when the Heavenly Demon was still in the vast land, many treasures were stored in this secret place.

Now that it’s hard to come in, wouldn’t it be a waste not to scavenge and go out?

Come to the virtual door behind the chair in the inheritance place.

Yunzhou was like entering his own home, stretching out his hand and pressing it lightly with Dao force.

Suddenly, a faint ripple rippled in the air.

Under the shock of Shangguan Wan’er, a sudden wind swept in.

Just the moment I opened my eyes, the scene in front of me changed instantly.

Inside the eye is a dark narrow road, there is no end in sight, and the stone walls on both sides are glowing with faint phosphorus fire, which looks mysterious and mysterious!

Yun Zhou looked at the narrow road in front of him and pinched his chin:

【emmm…… I remember that there seemed to be a lot of good things stored here in the original text, otherwise it would be brought to the Yunling Sect as a foundation? 】

I don’t know if there is anything I can use, so let’s go and see it.] 】

“Cloud King~?”

Shangguan Wan’er’s doubtful voice came from the side.

Yun Zhou looked back at her confusion and chuckled and said, “I heard Master Zun mention this place, and in the early years, the Wu Delusion Sect was appointed as the Sect Leader, that is, my Master Ancestor came here…”

“Forget it, explain to you what these do, come with me, and see if there is a baby that can improve your strength.”

As he spoke, he walked forward along the narrow road with the misty Shangguan Wan’er.

I don’t know if it’s because it’s too dark or because the magic is too heavy.

Yun Zhou felt that Shangguan Wan’er was a little nervous, and couldn’t help but laugh and quip:

“You said there was no one here, if I did something to you…”


Shangguan Wan’er’s expression stagnated, and then her pretty face quickly turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She looked at Yun Zhou with autumn watery eyes and stammered:

“The Cloud King… You, don’t mess around…”

Seeing her nervous look, Yun Zhou suddenly lost her smile:

“Okay, I’ll tease you, do you see me like such a anxious person?”

Shangguan Wan’er’s head shook into a rattle: “You are not like, you are!” ”



After a simple “little joke”, the atmosphere was much calmer.

The tense atmosphere has also gradually eased a little.

Shangguan Wan’er followed Yunzhou’s side, her eyes fluttering, and from time to time she peeked at Yunzhou.

The little head unconsciously began to think.

If Yunzhou really wanted to be a beast in such a place, what would she do?

Escape…… There is no escape…

Maybe…… Will you admit it?

“Cloud King, you… Why is it so good for me? ”

Shangguan Wan’er suddenly asked very abruptly.

In fact, this is also the question she has been wondering.

Although she is nominally a female official around the human emperor and her status is not low, she still belongs to the identity of “lower person”.

Yunzhou Tangtang, a side-by-side king of the imperial dynasty and the holy son of the Zhengshou Sect, instead of pointing fingers at her “subordinates”, gave her various benefits.

Take care of her everywhere along the way.

The hard-to-find qualification promotion Dan was willing to give her.

Now it’s even more to take her to find treasures that can enhance her strength…

The feeling of being held in the palm of her hand made her feel like a dream.

Similarly, it also made her a little incredulous.

“Don’t think about it so much, you beat my shoulders and legs along the way, and you should take care of you.”

Shangguan Wan’er shook her head: “But what you said is what I should do…”

In her opinion, since His Majesty had sent her to follow Yunzhou, she was bound to do everything she could to serve the other side.

Even, she thought about it.

In the future, if Yunzhou really becomes the lord, he will inevitably join His Majesty in being his warm bed.

This kind of thing that has been predestined, although she will have discomfort in her heart, she will also choose to accept it.

Presumably, Yun Zhou must also know this.

But since he already knew that he could not escape his clutches, why should he be so good to himself?

“Where is there any such thing as serving people?”

Yun Zhou smiled and shook his head: “Although you take care of Wu Zhao’s diet and living, you and she are also the closest people, that is your heartfelt willingness.” ”

“And I am an outsider to you, you serve me on Wu Zhao’s face, but you can serve me, I need to be merciful.”

“It is true that people are divided into three, six, and nine, but you are not my maid, and I treat you as my own maid, but I am not right.”


“I never looked at me as a person like you, in my eyes, you are the same as Wu Zhao.”

“Even, you’re cuter than her.”

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