The more Li Ang spoke, the more excited he became, and with a serious look, he crawled on the ground and said in a loud voice:

“Since he is your little cute, his subordinates don’t have to worry about the demon lord, and naturally they won’t have ill intentions against Yun Shengzi.”

“And to be honest.”

“Demon Lord, the first time I saw Yun Shengzi, I thought he looked like my father!”

“With the same composure as my father, I can’t plot against him.”

“Demon Lord Mingjian, this is all a misunderstanding caused by the issue of position!”

The voice dropped.

A group of demons lowered their heads.


They really can’t imagine why a demon can do such a faceless thing!

Just now he also said that he was going to kill Yun Zhou, and the Heavenly King Lao Tzu couldn’t stop him!

Turn around and people are like your father??

This special ripple is not as ridiculous as you are!

The speed of this face change is worthy of the leader Ah you!

Yue Cicada looked at him condescendingly and sneered, “So, because of this seat, you have delayed recognizing your father?” ”

“Ah this…”

Li Ang shook his head, “Don’t delay, everything is based on the Demon Lord, even if I want to recognize my father, I must obtain the consent of the Demon Lord.” ”

“Honza agreed.”

Li Ang didn’t say a word, and immediately slammed his head in the direction of Yunzhou, sounding like a Hong Zhong:


Yun Zhou: “…”

A group of demons: “…”

Ling Weiyang Shangguan Wan’er: “…”

What is this called?

Can a big husband bend and stretch??

Yun Zhou stared at the strong man who was kneeling on the ground, which was a long sight.

The moon cicada above the sky frowned.

This Li Ang’s operation made her a little unsure how to take the move.

She looked down at the wordless Yunzhou below and asked in a loud voice:

“Little Cutie, do you want to kill him?”


As far as the little cute word is concerned, how does he listen to how not to be stunned!

Eyebrows lightly raised, plain eyes look at the past:

“Your people, what you want to do is up to you.”

For a high-level passerby like Li Ang, who did not appear several times in the original text, Yun Zhou did not have the heart to waste on him.

Moon Cicada said calmly, “Then the shark, Honza looks at him very annoyingly.” ”

This time she moved the killing heart, and it was rare that she did not have that sick sense of déjà vu.

Maybe it’s because she’s afraid of scaring her little cuteness, so it’s deliberately suppressing?

Who knows.

Anyway, she was ready to do something to the more than a hundred demons below.

For her, it didn’t matter what kind of magic door was at all.

She has the strength to sweep the entire vast land with her own strength, what do she want so many tails to follow?


Hearing the words of the moon cicada, the hearts of the Li Ang group of demons below were cool!

This Nyima’s!

The demon lord clearly wanted to take revenge on the little white face!

How tidy this is!

The deputy commander’s throat was also a little tight, and his head was a little blind.

With that, he hated Leon.

At that time, he had asked the demon lord to agree, and the result was that he was not stubborn!

Now you can drag yourself into the water!

“The Demon Lord spares his life!”

The deputy commander’s head was running fast, and he said sincerely:

“Today’s incident is that the two subordinates have done something wrong, but the sin will not lead to death, Demon Lord, at present, the two ways of the Emperor are united against my Demon Dao, and at this time the two of us cannot die!”

As he spoke, he quickly poked Leon.

Li Ang understood in a second, and immediately cried bitterly:

“Demon Lord, Li Ang is not afraid of death, but if I die, there will be no one to worry about the Demon Lord, who will fight for the Demon Lord in the future and let the Demon Lord unify the vast land?”

The deputy commander echoed at the side: “I understand that the demon lord doesn’t care about this, but if I don’t share the worries of the demon lord and those troublesome little things, the demon lord will definitely be annoyed!” ”

The chief and deputy commander of you said one sentence to me, and the cooperation was very tacit, with a look of “I have long put life and death aside, and I just want to be loyal to the demon lord when I survive”.

The moon cicada’s faint eyes looked down, and the bloodlust and sickness in his eyes were suppressed.

She knew that these two people were trying to save their lives, but as they said, they were not in a boat.

Without these demons, the overall power of the demons would be out of balance.

At that time, there will always be no right way to find trouble, and she must come forward in person, right?

This Leon, although damned, does still have some effect.

After thinking about it, the moon cicada tilted its head, and the cruel sense of cuteness was extremely contrary:

“Hmm… After the big deal kills you, then go and kill some righteous masters, won’t this seat have to be bothered? ”


This is special…

It seems to be so.

The corners of Li Ang’s mouth twitched, and he didn’t know what to say for a while.

Worthy of being the demon lord, her thinking mode is different from ordinary people!

If he hadn’t known that he couldn’t run now, it is estimated that he would have fled directly!

What a thing!

The fox did not grasp it, and it tasted good?

Just when he was keeping his head down, not knowing what to say.

Yun Zhou’s faint voice came over:

“It’s not a big deal, forget it.”

The deputy commander was stunned, and then his eyes lit up, and he crawled on the ground and said loudly: “Yun Shengzi is a good man, a good man!” ”

The moon cicada above frowned, looking at the past doubtfully:

“Little cute, if you are not happy, you can talk to this seat, just kill a few bugs, this seat is willing, you don’t wronged yourself…”

Yun Zhou listened to the black line of a brain melon.

Why do you think I’m treated like a little white face?

He shook his head: “I don’t worry about their death, but once the dog jumps the wall, I can’t bear to hurt the people around me, and I am sad to lose my hair.” ”

As he spoke, he glanced at Shangguan Wan’er and Ling Weiyang beside him.

But I don’t know why.

At the same time that Ling Weiyang and Shangguan Wan’er blushed, the face of the moon cicada in the sky also turned red.

It’s out of the ordinary!

The moon cicada’s eyes, which had originally concealed their excitement and bloodlust, suddenly became a little shy, and said in a slightly trembling voice:

“You, you disciples, don’t talk nonsense! Shhh…”



Yun Zhou looked at the past with an eyebrow and said impatiently:

“What nonsense…”

“These people are also the people under your seat anyway, and the fact that you sharked them up also has an impact on your prestige in the Demon Path.”

To be honest, the main reason why Yunzhou wanted to keep them alive was that they could have an extra hand of hole cards at a critical time.

That’s right.

This brain, Li Ang, is very flexible, and he is also one of the magic generals, and he may not be able to use it at any time.

The idea is simple, but it changes the flavor when it falls in the ear of the cicada!

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