Standing up is not OK!

Let’s be honest.

The cicada in front of him, after enduring the morbid excitement, was an incomparable beauty.

Goose-egg face, crescent-like eyes, towering nose bridge, small red lips…

Together, it’s like a craft, ingenious and beautiful!

At this time, her beautiful eyes were slightly sluggish, her face was red and fluttering, and her eyes were confused and YH.

emm…… Just look good, special hook!

Moreover, the other party’s figure is no less than that of the Great Treasure Master, and it all belongs to the kind of bee waist and leg length.

The fat place is not thin at all, and the thin place is not fat at all.

One more point loses beauty, and one less point shows a little bone phase.

It can be said that this body is well-proportioned to the point of being outrageous!

It was now close to him.

The lazy and enchanting taste fills the nasal cavity and the visual impact is on the head!

Yunzhou just glances at each other, there is a sense of surprise:

U1S1, if I didn’t know she was a sick woman! 】

[Give me defensive points to fill up and I can’t hold her!] 】

[This small waist is thin, easy to hold in both hands?] 】


Opposite side.

The moon cicada looked at the cloud boat quietly, with a slight color of surprise in his eyes.

She clearly heard someone speaking in her ear.

This is by no means a sound!

She looked at Yunzhou without blinking, but her divine consciousness probed the hundreds of miles around.

In addition to the Yunzhou present and the two women who were blind, the rest were the demons who rolled towards the Demon Domain.

Could it be the little cute?

The cicada tentatively raised an eyebrow.

The next moment, a sound of inhaling cold air came:

[Hiss—this woman actually threw a wink at me?! 】

【It’s hard to do!】 】

“You heart-eating goblin…]

[Ma, if the king of the daughter kingdom looks like this, what other Western scriptures will Master Xuanzang take!] 】

“It’s so cute!!”

The moon cicada looked at the cloud boat in surprise, and the wonderful pupils froze slightly:

“What this seat heard… Is it his voice!?? ”

“But… Who is Master Xuanzang? ”

All right.

The focus of the sick woman is so elusive.

Of course, the shock of the cicada is a little bit of a lot.

To be reasonable, after so many years, the moon cicada is still the first time to encounter such an outrageous thing.

There are thousands of laws, and cultivation, combat strength, appearance, and even gender can deceive people.

Only the human heart can’t!

Just as the so-called human heart is separated from the belly, in this vast land, this thing is always the most difficult to grasp.

But why… Can you hear the little cute heart?

It’s hard to do… Is it a predestined love!?

The beautiful eyes of the moon cicada are getting brighter and brighter, as dazzling as the stars.

Straight to the Yunzhou look at the brothers and sisters are at a loss:

“What… If you have something to say, don’t get so close, we are different. ”

“Is there a difference between the right and the devil?”

The beautiful face of the moon cicada burst into a smile, and the face without dead corners suddenly rippled with a touch of seduction.

At this moment, the voice came from the ear again.

[Ah this…]

【The beauty is a bit caught off guard!】 】

[The breath smells good and the explosion belongs to yes.] 】

[This figure is also, absolutely amazing!] 】

[It is said that there is still a small black dot on the ear of the Great Treasure Master, how come this woman has no flaws at all?] 】

[Perfect is like something.] 】

Hear the heart.

The moon cicada on the other side suddenly smiled.

In an instant, it was like a hundred flowers blooming, as if even the dense forest behind it had lost its color.

She looked at the dazed Yunzhou, her eyes were like silk, and her red lips breathed softly like Lan Dao:

“Little Cute…”

“Huh?” Yun Zhou looked at the past doubtfully.

Moon Cicada smiled like a flower: “Is this seat beautiful?” ”

“Well, beautiful.” Yun Zhou did not hesitate a little, he was not a person who loved to lie.

“Since I think this seat is beautiful… Is it okay for this seat to be your mother? ”

After the moon cicada finished speaking, the whole person suddenly approached, and the bent eyelashes were almost pasted on Yun Zhou’s face.

“Not good…”

Yun Zhou suddenly turned his head away and said, “We are different, it is better to keep some distance.” ”

“Otherwise my master knows he will be angry.”

[This woman, is there no beep in her heart?] 】

[Marry you as a bride? Unless Lao Tzu is alive enough! 】

[This extreme sick petite, I don’t understand when it’s not going well, so I sneak a knife to myself!] 】

[Mei Seguan must carry it over, and can’t let her succeed!] 】

The cicada smiled.

Obviously a demon head, but his smile was as moving as a fairy.

Her beautiful eyes shone with an unconcealable light, and suddenly, the figure disappeared.

Oh well!

Under Yun Zhou’s shock, red lips were printed on his face.

Leaving a red fluttering rouge mark.

Yun Zhou was stunned by her sudden attack, and reacted and jumped away.

At this time, Ling Weiyang behind him finally couldn’t help it!

A “snort”!

A golden spear plunged straight into the moon cicada, and the sound was huge and terrifying!

Then, Ling Weiyang’s voice that was cold into the bone marrow came over:

“Are you when I’m dead?!”

The Daoist Realm was full of momentum, and Ling Weiyang’s eyes were cold and determined!

There is a desperate posture with the moon cicada!


At the moment when the golden gun was about to hit the moon cicada, it was suddenly swallowed up by a cloud of magic fog.

Then the “dang” fell to the ground.

Yun Zhou glanced back at Ling Weiyang staring at his own bulging eyes, and immediately realized.

“Yes! Xiao Yangyang was jealous. ”

At this time, the bloodthirsty eyes of the sneaked moon cicada looked at Ling Weiyang, and his face was full of morbid cruelty:

“Shoot at Honza? Who gave you the guts…”

A voice that can’t hear feelings.


The terror pressure invaded, and Ling Weiyang’s body suddenly stagnated.

The majestic breath pressed down on her, making it impossible for her to stand up straight.

But soon, a transcendent power took off behind itself, and a golden gun pointed straight at the sky, and the whole person stood tall like the golden gun.

The wind was wrapped in demonic qi, and Ling Weiyang flew with his spear and long hair.

The three words “goddess of war” are interpreted vividly!

The mooncicada’s morbid eyes were slightly surprised:

“Your life is so hard… Then let you die quickly…”

As the words fell, the boundless demonic power shrouded in Ling Weiyang and swept away.

Ling Weiyang’s face was as usual, the spear in his hand was dancing, and he was not afraid of anything!

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