It’s a pity, though.

Lin Yuan could not have read the script.

Even less likely to appear here.

So, now this style of painting has become more and more crooked.

Chen Fuxian smiled and said meaningfully:

“I’m just guessing, did you find that you put the past of the Immortal Emperor into this Yunzhou’s body… They, much like? ”

“Ah this…”

Zhao Qing’s eyes saw a touch of essence and looked directly at the cloud boat lying on the magic heron under the clouds.

For a moment, the body trembled uncontrollably:

“Like, indeed like!”

The corners of Chen Fuxian’s mouth outlined a touch of curvature:

“Oh, since you feel like it, then go check it out.”

“If he is really the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor… The Immortal Emperor in this life is probably even stronger. ”

Hearing this, Zhao Qing did not respond.

He looked at Yunzhou’s figure with a little excitement in his eyes, but he didn’t move.

A pair of fists stretched and sometimes clenched, as if thinking about where to start.


The Immortal Emperor had disappeared for three thousand years, and the only relic he could find was that life card!

And those who can prove the identity of the Immortal Emperor can hardly be found.

But Zhao Qing still felt that what Chen Fu said was reasonable.

In terms of the strong talent that Yun Zhou has shown now, if he is not the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, how can he have such a strong talent?

At this moment, in the firmament, the atmosphere became silent again.

And these two top-ranking strong people who could crush all sentient beings were standing with their hands in their hands at this time, with anticipation and trepidation on their faces.

On the one hand, I wondered if Yunzhou was the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor.

On the other hand, he was afraid that the Immortal Emperor had replaced the Heavenly Dao…

If it is the former possibility, they can still accept it.

If it’s the latter… Isn’t this Heavenly Path …

They seemed to think together, looking up at the sky, with a little worry in their eyes…


The other side.

Xianyu Forest Gate.

The young lord was in the vast land, and the news that the three elders personally received made all kinds of discussions in the forest gate continuous.

There are those who support the return of the Young Lord, and there are those who want to abandon the Young Lord.

That’s right!

In their view, the Nether people are a bunch of savage monkeys!

The Young Lord has survived there for so many years and must have evolved into one of the monkeys!

How could such a person return to the Immortal Realm to be their young lord?

That being said, anyway.

The young lord was also the only descendant of Emperor Lin.

With the qualification to accept the inheritance of the Lin Emperor, if the future talent is strong, it will inevitably become the next generation of Lin Men Lord.

So, even with all the arguments, they have to accept the fact that:

The savage monkeys of the Nether will surely step on their heads as a blessing!

And they are in the forest gate, they do not have any ability to resist!

For a moment, the entire Lin Men disciples fell into a state of helplessness.

And the three elders who personally went to the Nether Realm to bring back the Young Lord also became the object of concern of the Lin Men disciples.

The breeze is gentle and fairy-howling.

Outside the forest gate, the disciples guarding the gate stood tall like mountains.

They were motionless, like two kings… No, it’s the same as two statues.

And the cultivation behavior emanating from them is also more frightening.

Two strong people who have completed the Dao Realm!

That’s right!

The level of the Fusion Dao Realm Consummation, thrown in the vast land, is the strength of one side.

But in the Immortal Realm, it was only the level of the Gatekeeper.

The gap between the upper and lower realms is a stark contrast on this basis alone.

After half a day.

A “crane” sounded, and the two disciples at the door were stunned.

One of them looked at his companion with some doubt, “This crane chirping sound should be from the Three Elders’ Immortal Crane Dao Form, right?” ”

“It is miserable to hear this cry… Do you think it was the Three Elders who had an accident? ”

Hearing this, the companion laughed: “You are still young.” ”

“What kind of character are we, the three elders?” That’s the fifth floor of the Realm of Sermon! ”

“The Nether is full of calculations, who can let him have an accident??”

The interrogating disciple scratched his head, “But this crane…”

“Leave this alone.”

The companion interrupted, “There are so many cranes in our forest, I don’t know which one of them did not open his eyes, offended the peak lord of the mountain, and was executed.” ”

“You, just put your heart in your stomach, our three elders are the top powers within the top two hundred of the Immortal Realm, even if there are really strong people in the vast land, in front of our three elders, he still has to nod his head and waist, can you understand?”

The interrogating disciple nodded, “It is also said that although the cultivation of the Third Elder is not as good as that of the Fourth Elder, no one in a small nether realm can threaten him.” ”

As he spoke, the disciple had a kind of adoration in his eyes.

Like the sect gate in the vast land, the disciple’s reverence for the elders is unforgettable.

It can only be said that it is a good brainwashing.

Just like now, although they had never been to the Nether Realm and didn’t know what the situation was in the Netherworld, they just had confidence in their own three elders!

In their opinion, the group of barbaric monkeys together could not withstand the slap of the three elders!

One person can kill one world!

“Then again, if the Three Elders really bring the Young Lord back, I’ll wait…”

Before the words could be heard, the disciple suddenly looked up at the sky, and then, his pupils froze!

Inside the eyes, a crack appeared in the sky at some point, and inside was endless darkness!

It was as if the breath of an abyss came out of it.

The faces of the two changed dramatically.

“Hiss—such a breath…”

“Do you want to inform the Peak Lord?”

The disciple next to him frowned and looked solemn, “I’m here to watch, you go and inform!” ”


Just as the disciple turned and was about to run toward the mountain gate.

“er~” a sound!

A mournful crane roared, and a crane Dao shape spread its wings and swept out of the crack.

He stopped steadily in front of the two disciples.

Suddenly, the two disciples were confused.

“Hiss—isn’t this the Dao form of the Three Elders?” What about the Three Elders!? ”

Then, an exclamation came: “Good fellow, what do you see on the back of this crane!?” ”

The two men took off into the air and looked towards the back of the Dao.

I saw a bloodied thing, like a large maggot, moving on it!

“Oh my God, what is this?!”

The disciple next to him swallowed his saliva, the Dao force in his hand surged, and pushed it over, turning the person over.

Then, the two were dumbfounded:

“Oh! This is…… Three Elders!? ”


ps: Have readers seen the new book of the little author? Interested can go to see ah ~ in addition, rest assured, the old book still insists on updating, the author fungus said, this book must be completed ~ never eunuch ~

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