
Yun Zhou glanced at the moon cicada and nodded helplessly.

The wolf’s den was coming, and he didn’t want to run.

Isn’t it better to go to the palace and see it than to hide in this darkness?

He let go of the leg that was holding the cicada and followed her up.

The moon cicada grabbed Yunzhou’s large hand and placed it on his shoulder.

Then, without saying a word, he wrapped his arms around Yun Zhou’s waist and pulled him tightly together with himself.

This time, Yunzhou did not hide, allowing her to hold herself, frowning and squinting at her.

The moon cicada is a small bird leaning on the side of the cloud boat and speaking softly:

“Little cute, do you think there is something wrong with Honza’s brain?”


What does this mean?

Curse yourself?

“There’s something wrong with your brain.”

Yun Zhou didn’t give the cicada any face at all, but he also guessed how the cicada would respond to him.

Indeed, the cicada was exactly as he had guessed:

“Actually, Honza is usually very smart, but when I’m with you… It’s going to get silly.”

Becoming silly?

No, you’re not stupid at all!

You’re just getting a little bit of a T!!

Yun Zhou glanced at her and didn’t say anything back.

However, the moon cicada seemed to know that Yunzhou would not respond to him.

She looked back at Yun Zhou and gently sipped her red lips.

Through the voice of the other party, she can feel that “she seems to be in the eyes of the other party” is very troublesome.

That’s why she wanted to explain it, so that the other party didn’t think she was “difficult”…

But as it turned out, her explanation was useless.

Yun Zhou also did not pay attention, and there was a momentary loneliness in the eyes of the moon cicada.


Then, the scene in front of me suddenly became illusory.

A feeling of vertigo appeared in front of my eyes, and the surrounding scene began to change.

Walking freely is the basic means of preaching the realm.

Stand on the ground, the scene freezes.

Entering the eye, it is a magnificent palace, surrounded by several black gases, with a sense of magic that makes people palpitate.

Here, is the old lair of the moon cicada.

The Demon Lord’s Bedchamber!

Outside, the moon cicada loosened Yunzhou’s waist, looked sideways at his handsome face and said:

“You may be a little uncomfortable when you get here, but soon it will be fine.”

I? Under the weather??

“What demon do you want to do again!?”

Combined with the words of the moon cicada, Yun Zhou subconsciously thought that this woman did not hold back her good eyes again, and stared at the past.

However, this time, the moon cicada did not show any excitement and morbid expression.

She shook her head and said seriously, “What Honza is cultivating is not only the Demon Dao, but also the Reincarnation Dao.” ”

“This is the residence of this seat, which is not only heavy with magic, but also mixed with some reincarnation rules, and you may feel a little uncomfortable when you enter here.”

Hearing this, Yun Zhou was stunned.

Boy! The path of reincarnation?

No, the original text did not write about the Moon Cicada Cultivation Reincarnation Dao!

Sizzle—got it!

This woman must have known that her true body was a black lotus, so she wanted to use the reincarnation path to reshape her body.

emm…… She wants to be human!!

In fact, Yunzhou’s guess really can’t be wrong.

The moon cicada really wants to reinvent it.

However, her main purpose is not to reshape the body, but to reshape the lotus body.

That’s right.

In her opinion, there is really nothing good about being a person.

She practiced the path of reincarnation just to rebuild her lotus body and enhance her talents.

As for the reason…

Yunzhou was a talent of the Emperor Realm, and she wanted to have qualifications that were absolutely worthy of the other party.

That’s all.

As a lotus, her ideas are simple and pure, but the goals she sets will be achieved even if she fights to the death.

This…… It was her obsession with Yunzhou.

However, Yunzhou himself is a bit strange.

According to the original text.

Although the path of reincarnation is one of the six great roads of the Haotu.

But let’s be honest.

Don’t say it’s a vast land, even in the Immortal Realm, there are very few people who can cultivate this kind of Dao Principle.

Without him, this kind of Dao is too difficult to cultivate, and the requirements for talent are extremely high!

As one of the Six Great Paths, although the reincarnation path ranks below the Heavenly Dao, the difficulty of its comprehension is even higher than that of the Heavenly Dao!

It is rumored that a person who has thoroughly mastered the principles of reincarnation can be born in the world forever, not to die, and not to perish.

The most powerful warrior, the Immortal Emperor, has mastered this reincarnation path among the four supreme paths.

Because of this, this character who runs through the original text can live until the end.

Re-ascend to the top as the reincarnated “Lin Yuan” and step down the Heavenly Dao.

To put it bluntly, this is the familiar cliché of the plot.

The story of the mighty regenerate as the protagonist, then rise step by step, and finally become the master of all beings.

But the “reincarnation path” in this made Yun Zhou feel very wonderful several times.

First of all, there is very little record of this rule in the original text.

It was not until the later period of the text that the “protagonist Lin Yuan” mastered the reincarnation Dao method in the Immortal Realm and recalled the identity of the Immortal Emperor.


Although this “reincarnation path” is also widely spread in the vast land, almost everyone knows the existence of this path.

But there is not a single one that can really be touched!

Because in this vast land, there is no “reincarnation rhyme” itself!

That’s right!

The vast earth is the nether realm of sentient beings, and the reincarnation path rhymes are the avenues that allow people to control life and death.

This rhyme does not appear in the Netherworld.

It will not be touched by ordinary cultivators!

Otherwise, if everyone understands the principles of reincarnation, will there still be dead people?

It is impossible for the Heavenly Dao to allow this Dao rhyme to replace oneself in controlling the life and death of sentient beings and to affect the rules of sentient beings.

Therefore, this kind of bug-like Dao rhyme only exists in the Immortal Realm where the Heavenly Dao cannot intervene in a big way.

Well, here’s the problem.

First of all, it does not matter whether the moon cicada has the talent to cultivate the “Reincarnation Dao”.

Just the reincarnation path recorded in the original text.

This thing should only exist in the Immortal Realm.

How did the Moon Cicada come into contact with the Dao of Reincarnation in the vast land?

And…… She also cultivated!!

That’s amazing!

The dog’s author’s setting has actually been ignored?

Yun Zhou looked sideways at the sparkling cicada and touched his chin.

The situation has reached this point, and the original text has not much reference value.

In a trance, he had a wonderful guess.

Maybe…… Everything has long been beyond the scope of the “original text”.

Or maybe… From the beginning, it was not a “world of fiction”.

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