Qiu Yue glanced at the Furious Dan in his hand and grinned:

“Although this thing broke his waist, he didn’t know it.”

“He’s too dependent on this stuff.”

“When I’ll wake him up, I’ll give him two.”

“He’s sure of spirit!”

Qiu Pingping on the side gave him a blank look:

“Okay, hurry up, your brother and I haven’t finished grilling the fish yet.”

“You ink for a while, and the Dao Fish’s Dao Force has dissipated!”

“No…” Qiu Yue glanced at her with a look of displeasure: “Brother, why do you want to eat?” ”

“Do you know the importance of things?”

“Lin Yuan is going to have a mental problem, so we have to serve him, do you understand?”

I know mud horses!

Qiu Ping was also annoyed by his stupid brother.

Without saying a word, he helped him walk in the direction of Lin Yuan.

Serve you.

Grass (plants)!

Such a stupid beep has made you a pit like this, and you still worry about that little resource.


Approach Lin Yuan.

An object facing the sky on his back came into the eyes of the two.

That’s right.

This can no longer be said to be a person, it can only be described as a thing.

Even people like Qiu Pingping, who have experienced great winds and waves, see that they are all mouths pumping.

Then the fish in the stomach was not strong, and a nausea of nausea drilled up.

He immediately took two steps back and turned his head to leave.

It’s not up to him.

Mainly this thing, Thet is disgusting!

Inside the eye, a black man with eight forks on all fours fell there.

The flesh and blood on the body were blurred, and some places were burned.

I don’t know.

There was a smell of urea and smell all around.

What made him even more unacceptable.

The dark Lin Yuan woke up!

At this time, he was holding up two arms and waving towards the sky!

It’s like drawing circles, and it’s like hitting people!

Only…… I couldn’t understand what he was doing.

Subsequently, a scene that made him collapse even more appeared.

Only to see Lin Yuan, who was moving, suddenly stagnate!

Then, the hand was lowered and slapped on top of Huang Hu.

Splash a bunch of Xiang!


Qiu Ping really can’t stand it, it’s really special!

He directly let go of the hand wrapped around Qiu Yueyue and twitched his face:

“Brother, you have to see him for yourself, I’ll go back and sit down first.”

The words fell, turned his head and ran without stopping.

That Qiu Yueyue was also shocked by Lin Yuan’s movements.

This is no longer a silly beep, this is a big silly beep!

Hand clapping?

Mainly… How do you tm pull Xiang next to ah!?

Also, will the cultivators of the Ming Dao Realm pull up?

For a moment, Qiu Yue’s eyes were tingling.

But he still had a glimmer of hope, and he moved towards Lin Yuan with a hard scalp.

Just as he came, Lin Yuan, who was facing the sky on his back, turned his head!

Turn your head!!

The icy aura spread, and a kind of heart-palpitating killing qi spread!

Qiu Yue glanced at the corners of his mouth, only to feel cold, like falling into an ice cellar.

I was shocked!


This aura… Is it Lin Yuan emitting it??

Didn’t he let the heavenly punishment split the trick!?

This momentum… More fierce than ordinary power!

Enduring the fear in his heart, Qiu Yue glanced over, squatted down slightly, and forced a smile:

“Lord Lin Xuan, are you awake?”

“Do you remember me?” My little Joe! ”

There were no unnecessary fluctuations on Lin Yuan’s face.

The murderous spirit was still there, and even a few points stronger.

At the sight of this, Qiu Yue glanced at Bengbu and froze.

He seemed to be afraid that Lin Yuan would move his hands without a word, so he quickly took off the black cloth that his brother had wrapped around his head.

Suddenly, the top of his flesh-and-blood blurred head, plus the hair that had lost half of it, appeared in front of Lin Yuan’s eyes.

However, Qiu Yueyue didn’t care at all.

Even pretending to tear his heart and lungs shouted:

“Lord Lin Xuan! You can’t help but know me! ”

“I am Xiao Qiu, the most loyal little Qiu beside you!”

“We were born and died these days, don’t you forget me?”

I don’t know if Qiu Yue’s appearance at this time is too funny.

The momentum around Lin Yuan, who had fallen to the ground, suddenly stagnated, and the killing qi dissipated into invisibility.

Qiu Yue was slightly relieved in his heart.

That’s when it happened.

With a “grunt”, Lin Yuan’s big snot fell out, grinning and putting Na Le aside.

Bian Le also pointed to his brain melon seed “Abba Abba”!

In an instant, Qiu Yue was stupid!

Oh mud horse’s!

I tm amused a delirious silly beep!?

Well, Qiu Yue’s glancing mentality suddenly exploded a little.

But now is not the time to focus on these.

He took a deep breath and observed Lin Yuan’s face.

In the blur of black flesh and blood, a pair of unusually bright eyes… But there was a silly breath!


This brain melon seed is wasted!

He’s really turned silly!

This look… What else was he praying for??

In an instant, Qiu Yue glanced at the chill in her heart.

He looked at Lin Yuan, and Lin Yuan looked at him.

A sad face, a silly music also Abba Abba.

That’s when it happened.

The price of Qiu Ping just now is gone and returned.

There was also a little grease on the side of the mouth.

It was obvious that he had come back from eating the grilled fish.

As soon as he arrived here, he frowned several steps away:

“How’s he doing?”

Hearing the voice, Qiu Yue glanced back sharply.

Look at your big brother with a sense of hope:

“Brother, look at him!”

“Is he still getting better like this?”

“I gave him the Rage Dan out, and he didn’t even know him!”

Qiu Pingsheng glanced at him:

“His waist is gone, he is no longer dependent on this thing, what do you still show him the thing?”

“That can’t be!”

Qiu Yue glanced a little anxiously: “After his waist is ruined, he often eats this thing, then this thing is used as a jelly bean.” ”

“Are you sure if I give him this stuff, he’ll not be any better?”

“Not good.”

Qiu Ping shook his head, “Now that his divine consciousness has been split by the Heavenly Punishment, no elixir can save him.” ”

“And… In this case, maybe he would be happier to become a fool? ”

“The waist is ruined, the internal organs are displaced, the phase is broken, and the skin is now baked with potholes…”

“He’s gone, pity him, let him be a fool.”

Qiu Yue glanced at it: “…”

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