The four elders knelt on the ground with their heads a little unturned.

Did the suzerainty break his heart?

And also…… Before he died, he made it clear that the person who killed him was Chen Fuxian.

But the voice told himself not to believe it.

Who was the man who killed him?

In the vast land, besides Chen Fuxian, who else had the ability to kill his brother?

The old four hundred were puzzled, and they knelt on the ground with shyness in their eyes.

And above.

The crane-haired old man sitting in the first place was looking calmly below.

That’s right.

He was Lin Yuan’s unfortunate great-grandfather.

It is also one of the Six Emperors of the Immortal Realm.

Our old friend, Lin Sheng.

At this moment, he looked at the four elders below, and the wrinkled old face twitched slightly.

This Nyima’s!!

Was the fourth elder beaten into a fool by the death of the third elder?

I’m not staying at the forest door for a good time? Turn your head and go??

He twitched the corners of his mouth and said:

“Fourth Elder, no matter what you think, you still have to be cautious about leaving the Sect Gate.”

“Now that the situation in the Immortal Realm is chaotic, although my Lin Men are not the first force in this Immortal Realm, I can also be regarded as a leader, and you don’t want to go to such a sect gate, where do you want to go?”

As he spoke, he suddenly seemed to react to something, and frowned slightly: “Or say… Are there any other forces that have already negotiated with you? ”

After he said this, he invisibly revealed a mighty force that made people shudder.

The elders on both sides were all trembling except Lin Langyue.

“…”The look in their eyes as they looked at the four elders also changed a little.


If you don’t find a good home in advance, why do you suddenly have to leave?

And also…… If you really find a good next home, which side of the next family is it?

Who has the guts to pick up someone who goes out of the forest gate?

The Chen family is definitely not good.

In their cognition, Chen Fuxian of the Chen family was the murderer of the four elder brothers.

So where else can you go besides the Chen family?

Yunling, Tianqi, or Jiangjia?

A group of people looked at the four elders, their eyes flickering.

Lin Sheng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a momentum of not being angry and threatening rose around him:

“Fourth Elder, I think you also know the rules of my forest gate, the forest gate has always come and gone freely, but it never accepts betrayal, if you leave my forest gate and then join other sects, the consequences you want to think about…”

Before he could finish speaking, the four elders directly interrupted:

“The door master is assured, after I leave, I will not join any sect gate, and I will only live in seclusion in the mountains and forests!”

Suddenly, the scene fell silent.

This is special!

What else can I say??

The old sixth on the side was puzzled: “Fourth brother, which one are you messing with?” Since you are not a defector, you have to live in seclusion in the mountains and forests to do what! ”

Lin Sheng also looked at the four elders quite strangely.

However, the four elders looked very serious:

“I’m tired, I’m going to rest!”

Oh slot mud horse’s!

You are tired and you are paralyzed!!

For a moment, a large number of elders around them were all dumbfounded.

The four elders of the Lin Gate, just drink and cultivate every day, you are tired with me??

Don’t you pull calves the same!?

Old Sixth Lian blushed, “Fourth brother, are you cultivating into a demon, do you know what you are saying now?” ”

The Fourth Elder’s eyes were extremely firm, “Old Sixth, you don’t understand.” ”

The old sixth god consciousness swept over to see, there was nothing wrong with it.

The immortal soul is normal, the immortal body is normal, and the consciousness is also awake.

But why do you think there is a problem?

“Fourth brother, what the hell are you doing?”

“I’m just tired!”

The four elders were determined, with peace in their eyes:

“I want to return to the hidden mountains and forests now, not to ask about the affairs of the Immortal Sect Gate, to be a wandering immortal, to drink and play every day… Cough, anyway, I don’t want to stay at this forest gate. ”

The main hall was silent.

The elders on both sides didn’t know what to say.

The Lin Sheng above is also a straight mouth twitch.

I’m a mud horse.

I am such a big force in Linmen, you still don’t want to stay?

At this moment, his Daoist heart, which had always been calm, trembled again.

Before, it was all because of Lin Yuan…

This time, because of this turtle grandson…

A wave of anger grew in his heart, and Lin Sheng clasped the sides of the chair with his hands dead:

“Fourth Elder, I ask you one last time, have you thought about quitting!!”

The old fourth craned his neck, “I think so!! ”

Lin Sheng is completely Bengbu lived:

“Back! Withdraw! Withdraw!! You tm back!! ”

“From today onwards, you Lin Laosi have nothing to do with my Lin Men anymore, how far can you roll and how far you can roll!!”

Hearing this, the four elders let out a long sigh.

Slowly he stood up from the ground: “Thank you Lord Door.” ”

Having said that, he turned and left, without a hint of nostalgia.

To tell the truth, he still doesn’t know why his brother had to ask him to leave.

However, since he was a child, his brother had never pit him once, and this time it must be the same!


The four elders did not know how the right decision he had made to leave.

I don’t know how much change he will bring to the original Immortal Domain plot after he leaves.

Gently waving down the Daoist robe, Lin Laosi’s figure gradually dissipated into dust and mist.

A group of people in the main hall were as deep as water.

Until a good half.

The corners of Lin Sheng’s mouth twitched coldly, “Keep an eye on the Four Elders for me!” ”

“If he dares to join other forces, the whole sect of Julinmen will also kill him!!”

When the words fell, he did not care about the frightened look of a group of elders.

He got up and left the main hall.

At the same time, a fierceness grows in the heart:

Jiang He, Yun Susu, Xiao Tiankuo…

This matter is best to have nothing to do with you, otherwise, who dares to dig up my sect elder I shark who!

That is, the same moment.

Lin Langyue in the Great Hall looked at the looks of the elders in his eyes, and then he groaned slightly, and his body dissipated into mist.


The midday sun shrouded the earth and was full of life.

Xianyu, Yunling.

The mountains are heavy and the clouds are thick.

On top of that mountain, two shadows sat facing each other.

One of them was none other than the nominal elder who had just left the forest gate, Lin Langyue.

Opposite her was Jiang He, the fairy goddess who had gone to find Tang Wu for Ah Lan’s nether realm and had a relationship with Yunzhou.

At this time, Lin Langyue was filled with a cold breath, like a fairy who did not eat human fireworks.

The sound is like a natural sound, like floating in the clouds, ethereal to the extreme:

“Can the matter of the four elders of my sect have anything to do with you?”

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