That’s right.

The Dao Phase in the Dao Sea was all blown up at this moment!

The air waves then rolled in.

The six Dao Dao rhymes transform into rainbow light and wander, weaving and tangling together, forming six colored flaws and entering the Dao Sea.

If the river is filled with waterfalls, stirring up layers of roads and terrifying waves!

The brilliant divine light flickered around the Yunzhou, as if the breath of eternity pervaded!

In the ear, the sound of the heavy avenue is murmuring.

Divine consciousness is clear, the spiritual platform is thorough!

There are nine levels of sermon realm.

The first time you step into it, you will merge the Dao Fa, take yourself as the Tao, integrate the Dao and add to the body, and finally step into the top of the Dao, and immediately the Tao itself!

The six avenues of Yunzhou are fused at the same time, and the soul of seeking merit is unparalleled in all ages, and the integration of the Dao is invincible.

The moment he preached thoroughly, he became the six paths themselves!

When I say Buddha, I am a Buddha.

When I say demon, I am the devil.

I want to be the head of all eternity, that is the supreme of the imperial way!

If I stand tall in the Heavenly Dao, then I am the body of Shri Regga!

Yun Zhou’s eyes were tightly closed, and as the Dao Principles merged, his frown gradually calmed down.

It was as if some invisible hand had lifted it up and sat down in the void, and the Dao flames filled his body, as if refining the impurities in his body.

His clothes were gradually reduced to ashes in the light of the fire.

On the Taoist body, the ancient seal flickered continuously.


At the same moment.

Outside the palace, in a dark corner.

The cicada stood here condensing the black lotus on the water of the stream.

The light in his eyes flickered continuously, sometimes bloodthirsty and sometimes calm.

That’s right, not so long ago.

Chen Fuxian, a Hidden Gate Daoist, gave her a message.

Not only did she clearly point out her origins, but she also said that she had seized Xiao Tiankuo’s daughter’s divine consciousness.

This matter has not been mentioned once since she came to Haotu, how did the Hidden Gate Dao people know?

Fairyland… Is it time to attack her?

The moon cicada’s brow tightened, and its small fist clenched tightly.

Fortunately, the Hidden Gate Daoist did not mean to target her, but told her to be careful.

Always beware that Xiao Tiankuo will suddenly go down to the netherworld to find her!

Let’s be honest.

If this kind of thing is put before, the moon cicada will never have any emotional ups and downs.

Even, may be excited!

Because after taking down half of her soul under Xiao Tiankuo’s daughter.

Her nerves were bloodthirsty.

Whether she was killed or killed, she loved the feeling of a trapped beast fighting brutally.

But now…

For some reason, she was a little scared.

Fingers lightly brushed the jade pendant hanging from his ear.

Finally, a kind of tension began to emerge in the eyes of the moon cicada…

“If Honza dies… Will you never see the little cute again? ”

By now, she was not afraid of anything else, but that she would not be able to see Yunzhou.

Although it is a bit outrageous, she is indeed moved by the truth.

Su Hand skimmed over the jade pendant, swinging and fluctuating, and a touch of unnatural emotion flashed in the eyes of the moon cicada.

Although she was said to be the Demon Lord, no one had ever sent her anything.

And it was given to her by her favorite little cutie.

It felt like I had a layer of honey in my heart.

She had never lusted after anything in the world, let alone liked such a person so much.

However, such a person appeared, still in the palace behind her.

There’s him in… The ever-pathological bloodthirsty cicada…

Scared for the first time.

She was afraid that once she died, she would never see the other person again.

“Honza doesn’t like to kill people now, he just wants to accompany the little cute.”

“Why don’t you still keep it?”

Between the whispers, a cruel sense of déjà vu flashed in the eyes of the moon cicada:

“If that’s the case, let’s break the net.”

“As long as Xiao Tiankuo dares to come, then leave him half a life.”

In the eyes of the moon cicada, there was a determination that had never been seen before, and it was also a manifestation of pride!

She, the Demon Lord Moon Cicada, would rather die than hide!

“It’s just… If Honza died, would the little cute be sad? ”

“He has so many confidants with red faces… It is estimated that this seat will be pushed to the back of the head in an instant. ”

The moon cicada stared blankly at the black lotus in the stream.

The black lotus swayed without wind, as if it felt the same as the moon cicada.

The blooming lotus flowers are constantly budding…

That’s when it happened.

The sound of “bang” came from the palace behind him.

The cicada was instantly awakened, with shock in his eyes:

“Shouldn’t the little cute be threatening the maid to sleep with him?!”

Thinking of the wandering appearance in Yunzhou’s heart demon, the moon cicada clam was stopped.

The figure flashed and came directly to the door of the palace.

Slightly opened the door to a gap and looked inside.

Then, I blushed!

The original slightly sluggish pretty face was now covered with red light, the pupils in the beautiful eyes were trembling, and the stuttering vibrato said:

“What about small, cute little clothes!?”

All right.

The Dao Fire was burned when it melted itself.


At this time.

The cloud boat hung in mid-air, and the fire around him was constantly beating.

The golden color of the ancient seal constantly swirled around the cloud boat, revealing a terrifying atmosphere.

Obviously, Yunzhou is entering the realm in the Fusion Dao!

The realm of enlightenment is also difficult and easy.

It is already difficult for ordinary preachers to comprehend one kind of Tao, but Yunzhou must comprehend six at the same time!

Buddha, Demon, Emperor, Heaven, Confucianism, Tao…

Five supreme paths, one top avenue.

If you want to fully integrate and penetrate, you don’t just have to look at talents that are beyond ordinary people.

It also depends on the endurance of the Dao Soul, the stability of its own Dao Sea, and the strength of the Dao body’s support…

That level of difficulty, you can imagine!

However, the moon cicada did not pay attention to how difficult the other party was.

“Ah this… Little cute muscles… How could it be…”

Yun Zhou Su Ri was wearing a white robe, and his body was completely hidden.

The moon cicada did not expect that such a slender cloud boat would even hide such a strong muscle!

Moreover, all kinds of rhymes above are flowing, and the light is shining, like a natural treasure!

Such a Taoist body, it is perfect!

The moon cicada’s body trembled slightly, and he turned back and did not dare to look at it again.

But it didn’t last two seconds.

Turning her head, she suddenly turned her head back again.

The straight hook’s eyes were full of sickness and excitement.

“Little Cute must be preaching, so dangerous, how can Honza not pay attention?”

She silently found a step for herself, and then looked at her with a slightly “worried” look.

It’s kind of like that.

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