“So” After the words Yunzhou did not respond.

With the sound of “squealing”, the sound of the Demon Temple set up a barrier.

The beautiful eyes of the moon cicada are a little sluggish…

Then, the morbid excitement!


The midday sun shines.

In a side hall of the Demon Lord Mountain.

Chan’s little blue face turned red, curled up in the corner like an ostrich, and gritted her teeth:

“The Buddha-figure actually took the first step… Damn it!! ”

All right.

Little Lotus Leaf has an opinion on the lotus flower!

She and the moon cicada can communicate with each other and even synchronize the picture!

That wave down, she directly broke the defense!

This scene… It was beyond her mental capacity.

She crouched in the corner with her little head covered, and it took several hours before she looked up with a sluggish look.

Pretty face, beautiful eyes.

“How can Yunzhou…”

“Also, how can a demon lord be so outrageous?”

“This, this is so disgusting!”


Chan Yilan felt that the Buddha-figure and Yunzhou were ridiculous.

That’s similar to her, and the forces on all sides also feel that Yunzhou is outrageous!

The vast land is extremely south, among the forces of the right path.

A chasm-like crack runs through here, with valleys running through the front and back.

The steep cliffs stretch across the two sides, with endless abyss in the middle.

Inside the abyss, you can’t see the sun and the moon when you look up.

And in the gap in the middle, there was a thick white mist, which could not be seen at a glance, as if it reached the other end of the vast land.

This place is the Juxian Mountain of the True Path!

The first three sects of the True Path, the gathering place of the top sect masters.

Passing over the very top of this immortal mountain, you can see a splendid palace on the cliff.

The palace occupies about two or three miles.

The overall look is extremely luxurious, and the gilded jade tiles highlight the endless atmosphere!

On the door plaque of this palace, three large words are written:

Juxian Hall!

Stepping into the temple, the rich Dao Qi swept over his face, as if it were substance.

At this time, inside this great hall.

Six men and three women sat at a long table.

Xuan Tianzong Gu Yunsheng, Rufeng Shan Chen Rufeng, Qingyun Gu Zhangqing, Lingyun Hall Qi Ling, Holy Spirit Hall Zhang Sheng, Dragon and Tiger Sect Old Dao.

Xianyun Sect Li Qing, Zixia Gate Zheng Jinge, Qiqiao Ge Su Qiao.

Each of these six men and three women is a great power that sits on one side of the right path, and their cultivation is all above the realm of the Fusion Dao.

But at the moment, all of them were frowning, as if they were thinking about something.

Only Li Qing looked indifferent and had a leisurely demeanor, which was incompatible with these people.

And beside her, a woman whose beauty is no less than her is extremely solemn.

A pair of beautiful eyes sparkled, and his brows were tightly crouched, as if he was about to suffer some great bad thing.

It was Zheng Jinge, the master of the Zixia Gate.

The aunt who was proud of Zheng Qiankun on the first day of the past!

She was silent for a long time, and then looked at Li Qing, who looked at Li Qing, who looked indifferent:

“This time the Cloud Saint Son was captured by the Demon Clan, and the Yan Sect Lord was in retreat, presumably after he came out, he was going to attack the Demon Domain, do you want to go with him?”

Li Qing responded calmly, “Naturally together, Yun Shengzi’s little guy I like to be tight, but I can’t let the beast of the Demon Dao come to you.” ”

Zheng Jinge nodded thoughtfully.

She had paid attention to Yunzhou, squeezed out her own sons and nephews, and became a proud wizard on the first day, which can be said to be unparalleled.

If such a person is killed by the Demon Dao, it will be a great loss to the True Path!

Li Qing sighed, “Unfortunately, this little guy is incomparably talented and powerful, and if he encounters ordinary demons, he really can’t keep him.” ”

“But when you encounter the moon cicada, you will get out of the gate… Then I can’t escape, otherwise I wouldn’t have to take this risk. ”

At this point, the atmosphere was quiet for a while.

At this time, the old Dao of the Dragon and Tiger Sect smiled and opened his mouth:

“Ladies and gentlemen, today I said that in order to save the Cloud Saint Son, I want to follow the Yan Sect Lord’s crusade against the Demon Dao.”

“But the Demon Dao is so powerful that it hastily goes on a crusade just for the sake of a Cloud Saint Son…

“Isn’t that nice?”

“Fart! Not?? ”

As soon as Lao Dao’s voice fell, Gu Yunsheng narrowed his eyes and looked over: “Yunzhou is the pride of the first day of my righteous path!” ”

“If he dies, how will I gain a foothold in the vast land after hundreds of years when there will be no one who has come out of my righteous path?”


Old Dao’s smiling and squinting eyes added a touch of disdain: “Lord Gu Zong doesn’t need to exaggerate. ”

“Yun Shengzi’s talent is high, but it is not necessarily that no one can catch up with him.”

“My Dragon Tiger Sect Xu Huxiang is a perfect talent for the realm of enlightenment, and his future may not be worse than that of his Cloud Saint Son.”

Gu Yunsheng glanced at him angrily, “Just that little fart boy of your sect?” He doesn’t have to rise for hundreds of years! ”


The old Dao was angry, and the cold hum did not pretend to be facetious, and laughed:

“Isn’t that Yunzhou your son-in-law?” And why should it be linked to the future of the right path? ”

“What a hypocrisy!”

“If you want to save it, then you should follow the Innocent Sect alone to save it, and my Dragon and Tiger Sect will definitely not participate!”

During the conversation, Gu Yunsheng’s heart trembled as the old Dao was happy.

“I see your skin tight, you tm old stuff…”

However, before he could finish saying this, Li Qing on the side spoke first:

“It’s okay not to participate in Mingzhe’s self-preservation, but… If you don’t participate in the True Demon War, you don’t have to hold the resources of this top level sect! ”

“I propose that the Dragon and Tiger Sect remove the five great sects from today, and I will talk about it from the Yan Sect Lord.”

“Guys… How to take sides, should be thought out. ”

The voice fell, and everyone present looked at each other and then nodded one by one.

The old man’s smiling face suddenly froze.

He had thought that this time he wanted to save the boy of Yunzhou was Gu Yunsheng.

That’s why it’s such a flamboyant refusal.

I just didn’t expect that, in addition to Gu Yunsheng, Li Qing actually stood up.

And look at the posture of this group of people… The old road is a bit Bengbu lived!

He looked at the past with a sneer, “Lord Li Zong, isn’t he?” I just don’t want to save a small doll, there is no need to implicate the Dragon and Tiger Sect, right? ”

Li Qing’s faint eyes glanced over, “You don’t even want to save the True First Sect Saint Son, what use do you want from this top sect?” ”

Ah this…

The old Dao’s face trembled, and his heart secretly said that it was broken.

That’s when it happened.

With a “creak,” the door opened.

A young eagle flew in with a piece of jade and landed on Chen Rufeng’s shoulder.

It was for a moment that he was stunned in his chair…

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