You and Jiang He both know that I don’t argue?

Don’t put too much pressure on myself??

You…… Speaking of human words??

Lin Langyue people are stupid!

“You, you wait, I’ll be emperor next year!!”

The strength of not accepting defeat went up to his brain, and Lin Langyue roared out in anger.

“Cough cough cough…”

Yun Susu was choked twice, and skimmed his lips towards Lin Langyue:

“Your advanced imperial realm is also a lower imperial realm, what is there to be excited about?” It’s also embarrassing. ”

Lin Langyue: “…”

This damn woman who can’t talk…

“You say…”

At this time, Yun Susu suddenly seemed to think of something, and watched her change the topic:

“Jiang Hedu is thousands of years old, how could she have her eyes on a teenager?”

“You say she’s not a hungry man, so she wants the old cow to eat tender grass?”

The corners of Lin Langyue’s mouth twitched slightly.

This untainted tone… It was exactly the same as Jiang He.

“I don’t think it’s true, the talent of the teenager she has seen for me, it should be simply interested.”

Speaking of this, she also added: “But I think even if Jiang He likes him, there is nothing wrong with him.” ”

“If this son does not die prematurely, the future is unlimited, at least above you and me and Jiang He.”

Seeing Lin Langyue’s serious look, Yun Susu more or less had a look of surprise and scrutiny:

“You praised him so well… Hiss – you wouldn’t be hungry for men too, would you?! ”

“Yun Su Su!!”

Lin Langyue narrowed his eyes and unsheathed his long sword.

She was pure in life, and even the number of times she talked to men was limited.

Actually said she was hungry for men!?

“Okay, calm down, you can’t beat me if you do it, and you have to be tied up by me and scratch my feet…”

Hearing Yun Susu’s indifferent words, the corners of Lin Langyue’s mouth trembled.

Then he snorted heavily, turned around with a slightly red face, and the figure disappeared.

Originally, I was thinking of meeting Yun Susu and asking about the question of Emperor Zheng.

Didn’t expect this woman to be such a scumbag!

Looking at the dissipated figure of the other party, Yun Susu touched the smooth and beautiful chin, and the corners of his mouth drew a smile:

“Oh, this little moon, the skin is still so thin…”

“I just didn’t expect that Xiao Hezi was thousands of years old, and he would actually value a man, haha…”

Halfway through the laugh, she suddenly seemed to think of something, and the smile on her face suddenly froze, and there was a hint of distress in the face of the wine jug.

Oh, yes!

What is she happy about?

Xiao Hezi has someone to value, and she knows all day long that she wants to be a big nephew!

Yun Susu sighed a long time, and depressedly pointed the wine jug at his mouth again.

But she wasn’t too upset.

After breaking the boundary and coming to this fairy realm, she had made a decision, if she couldn’t find the right eye, she would rather be lonely until she was old!

Feelings are such a thing ~ can not be wronged.

“Hey, are you gasping for breath?” Come over one. ”

A rainbow flashed, and a woman dressed in white and covered in a veil appeared in front of her.

Yun Susu glanced at it casually, “Okay, that’s it, let me go to the Immortal Realm border to stare at the point, and see what kind of path that little guy in the Enlightenment Realm really is.” ”


In response, the white-clad figure dissipated.

Yun Susu lay on the table, muttering in his mouth:

“Xiao Hezi is also the first person I came to the Immortal Realm to be kind to me, and I have to keep a good pass for her…”

“She’s so good at cheating… You can’t fool her with a man…”


Xianyu, Forest Gate.

Inside the main mountain hall.

In the middle of the hall was a group of silent elders.

At this moment, several elders arched their hands, looking a little flustered.

Lin Sheng’s calm gaze above looked at everyone and said coldly:

“Since the Third Elder is dead and the Fourth Elder has left again, the matter of receiving Yuan’er will trouble you…”

The Three Elders were Lin Sheng’s confidants, and although they were not the strongest combat strength, their strength was also very strong.

With him there, it should have been foolproof to take Lin Yuan back.

But nausea is disgusting.

At the critical moment, Chen Fuxian made a move!!

Yes, although he didn’t see it with his own eyes!

But this was what the three elders said before they died!

Old Third, can he deceive people?

Definitely not!

Therefore, Chen Fuxian had now completely become a sworn enemy in Lin Sheng’s eyes.

But this was unexpected, and Lin Sheng couldn’t do anything about it.

He was angry that since the death of the third elder, none of these people dared to go!

Isn’t this tm!

He Lin Men was an elder who was killed by Chen Fuxian, and then he was honest and did not dare to speak out?

Isn’t this a joke for the people of the Immortal Realm’s major powers?

I don’t know, I thought Lin Men was scared by the Chen family and didn’t dare to move!

Immortal Force, the most advocated is a face!

If he swallowed this breath, Lin Men would not be able to recruit new disciples after that!?

Therefore, when he found these elders today, he also wanted to send two more down to bring Lin Yuan back!

One is for the great-grandson, and the other is to punch him in the face and get his face back!

The person I want to pick up, you Chen Floating Idle can’t stop it!!

Below, the Second Elder groaned for a long time and carefully said, “Door Lord, if Chen Fuxian doesn’t control it, the Young Lord won’t be able to pick it up.” ”

“Can’t pick it up?”

Lin Sheng was even more embarrassed when he heard this, “How many stars does he have to hang around?” The person I want to pick up, he can also stop him? Are you guys a waste!? ”

Old Sixth and Old Fifth muttered in a low voice, “If he doesn’t want people to stop him from going, how can we a bunch of old bones stop an imperial realm toss?” ”

“Old Six, what do you say when you step on the horse?”

Lin Sheng raised an eyebrow and stared at the past.

The Sixth Elder was complaining, and hearing this frightened the spirit.

The fifth elder saw the situation and hurriedly hit the round field, “Door Lord, don’t be angry, Old Sixth is not very good at talking, but Old Sixth is right, you go by yourself, Chen Fuxian will definitely not be able to stop it.” ”

Lin Sheng’s mouth twitched, “I’ll go on my own horse, what will Zongmen do?” Chen Fusheng knew that I was in trouble with his brother, and ran over to the forest gate, who of you can stop me!? ”


This is especially a wave of natural containment…

A group of elders bowed their heads in shame.

Chen Fusheng… They really can’t stop it.

Seeing that they were silent, Lin Sheng did not argue with them anymore:

“You pick two of your own and pick Lin Yuan up for me…”

“Yes, Lin Yuan, he seems to have a mortal enemy, I saw him when I spied on him before, and I heard him muttering what Yunzhou was, a brain, and put him to death!”

“I don’t think this boy is a fuel-saving lamp, and he has to be strangled to death in the cradle of the vast land…”

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