“Old man, shut your mouth!!”

Li Ang casually slapped a big slap on the wrist and directly forced Qiu Xianhua to fan.

Maybe it was to see that this demon head was not good, and then it was honest.

Let the three or five demons block him behind, and they don’t dare to say a word.

Leon ignored him and beckoned:

“Hurry up, give all the treasures to the Cloud Saint Son to put here.”

Yun Zhou looked at him with a slight frown, “What does Li Devil mean?” ”

“Harm!” Li Ang smiled kindly: “What Li Devil General… Just call me Xiao Li. ”

“Before I was blind, I didn’t know Tarzan with my eyes, and you adults don’t remember the villain, these are some good things prepared by the villain, to give you a pressure shock.”

Said, a wave of the hand.

The lids on the two large chests were lifted, and the streamers of treasure flashed from them.

At first glance, it is not a mortal product.

Before being sealed into the Demon Land, Leon was one of the Demon Generals.

There are also many treasures collected, and even many of them are “Taoist antiques”!

Yun Zhou looked at the past sideways, and the corners of his mouth smiled: “Li Devil will be bleeding heavily.” ”

“This is a big hemorrhage, as long as Yun Shengzi likes it, I will cut your waist and send it to you!”

Li Ang grinned widely, with a flattering smile.

To be honest, is it painful for him to send these things?

Most of the family bottom has been pulled out, it must be painful!

But who let him offend others!

When the demon lord told him to roll, he was still angry, thinking that the other party was a small white face.

It wasn’t until he saw the terrifying sound of Yunzhou entering the realm to preach that he didn’t understand.

If the demon lord did not come that day, the other party moved to kill… Ten of them tied together are not enough to kill!

I’m such a pig’s head!

Why don’t you think about what kind of urea the person who can walk with the demon lord must be?

If this is not done well, it will be his own demon lord in the future!

The kind of person that the demon lord has to give people a warm bed!

He is a small devil, the other party really wants to him, a hundred lives he is not enough!

So this wave, destroy the wealth and eliminate the disaster!

Yun Zhou saw what he meant, but didn’t say much.

If the other party has a killing intention before, it will have to pay a price.

He is not a virgin.

It is enough to “raid a home” in disguise.

Moreover, although this person was not as useful as Yu Zhong, who played the flute, he was still a little useful.

With a simple wave of his hand, the two boxes of treasures were collected by Yunzhou into the storage ring.

Li Ang, who was standing opposite, instead of looking a little distressed, grinned.

Well…… He was really relaxed.

Yun Zhou glanced at him, and then focused on the group of demons behind him:

“Who is that old man?”

“Huh?” Li Ang was stunned for a moment, and reacted with a wave of his hand, and muttered in his mouth:

“This is the person we caught at the border of the Demon Domain, he said that he came from the Imperial Dynasty, and I wondered if the Cloud Saint Son would know him, so I brought it to me.”

The old man walked out with a scolding grin from the shoving of several demons.

It was a very strange face.

Yun Zhou shook his head: “I don’t recognize…”

But before he could finish speaking, the old man on the other side narrowed his eyes first:

“Cloud Saint Son!?”


“Old Decadent Cao, Yun Shengzi, why don’t you put this aside!?”

“I’ve found my loved ones!”

Yunzhou: “??? ”

“Have we seen it?”

“I haven’t seen it.”

The old man’s wrinkled old face was squeezed into a chrysanthemum: “When you were preaching in the Imperial City, I sat at the door of your mansion, and I was the first in line!” You’ve seen me too…”

Yes, another passerby.

Yun Zhou looked at him lightly.

Then I felt that something was not quite right.

Let’s not say whether this is a fictional world or not.

Even if it’s not!

There should also be a setting for the world itself!

He came here as an “outsider”.

The setting of this world would not be so boring to him.

Recall that almost everything I have done, everyone I come into contact with, has been so much or less over-used.

After thinking about this, Yun Zhou’s eyes were a little more interested.

He didn’t believe it.

For no reason, will a passerby suddenly appear an old man to contact himself?

As for what happens to be something like that…

Yun Zhou did not believe it.

The devil will arrest the clan, do not go to trial, and bring it to the ‘distinguished guest’ to see if he knows it?

Throw out the phrase “unique setting”.

It doesn’t make logical sense!

Thinking of this, Yun Zhou raised his head toward Li Ang’s side: “I know this person, so let’s leave first.” ”

“Ah this…”

Li Ang looked at the four outer rings and swallowed his saliva.

This is the Great Hall of the Demon Lord, let this scruffy old man stay here?

The Demon Lord is back… Will you be angry?

However, thinking so, he didn’t dare to say so, the husband of the family had left people, presumably the demon lord would not pick anything.

He grinned, “Since that’s the case, I won’t bother, Cloud Saint Son, you rest.” ”


Leon leaves.

Yun Zhou glanced at the old man and said calmly, “Sit down.” ”

“Nope. No. ”

The old man said a little crampedly, “I’ll just stand in front of you.” ”

Yun Zhou didn’t care either, and raised an eyebrow: “What did you come to the Demon Domain to do?” ”

The old man was still quite excited, and when he heard this, he shrugged his head:

“I came to find my two sons…”

“Looking for a son?”

Yun Zhou’s brow furrowed slightly, as if he had guessed something.


The old man sighed, “Those two sons of my family are both on an errand under Fu Shangshu of the Imperial Dynasty, and they were recently sent by Fu Shangshu to follow a man named Lin Yuan…”

“It’s just that these two children have not been able to contact since they arrived here, and I am worried about the old decay, so I will come to see…”

Sure enough, right.

Yun Zhou’s eyes flickered slightly.

At that time, when there were many inheritances, the two passers-by who followed Lin Yuan’s side should be the sons of this old man.

Fu Xiang’s people…

Two small undercover agents who are “unaware of the above”?

Thinking, Yun Zhou glanced at the old man.

Yes, just the old man is having fun.

In my heart, I always felt that this old man and his two sons seemed to play some role that could not be ignored.

Think about it.

Lin Yuan seemed to be when his luck fell to the critical point of the “top level”.

He began to be with that Qiu Yue, and what Qiu was coming.

That is, since then, the male protagonist Lin Yuan has been unlucky.

emm…… These two things should not be a “side effect” of the reduction of luck, specifically out of the “Ke” Lin Yuan’s, right?

That Lin Yuan’s luck had decreased again during this time.

At this time, “Old Man Le” suddenly appeared…

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