Look at Qi Ling’s “You don’t take me as a fool” look.

Yun Zhou laughed and dragged her directly to a naturally formed stone cave.

Didn’t expect that.

This little phoenix is not as good as imagined…

“Cough cough…”

He coughed softly, looking like a “righteous gentleman”:

“You change here, I’ll show you the door.”

Qi Ling felt that although the smile on the other person’s face was just right, it was… Seems very wrong…

But when she said something was wrong, she couldn’t say the problem.

After thinking about it for a while, she decided to listen to Yunzhou and change into the clothes of the Terran race.

Could it be that Yunzhou hugged her when she was still a little phoenix bird?

Or is it that she acknowledges the human affection of the other party to feed the “Dao Dan”?

Anyway, she had a lot of trust in Yunzhou.

Qi Ling looked at the Yunzhou who took the initiative to turn around, hesitated and stammered:

“Lord, master, don’t turn back, or I won’t find a Taoist partner.”

Yun Zhou didn’t even think about it: “What else do you want to find as my mount?” ”

“Okay, I’m a serious little man, too rare to peek at you?”

“Hurry up and change it, don’t ink.”

“Oh… Good. ”

Qi Ling responded glutinously, the light on her body flashed for a moment, and then picked up the clothes that Yunzhou gave her and began to change.

Reasonably, this was the first time she had worn Terran clothes.

So it’s a bit clumsy.

The subtle sound never stopped.

I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect or a little bit of movement in the breeze.

Yun Zhou felt the aroma and had a pleasant feeling.

Qiling laboriously wore the black power suit that was instantly placed on the storage ring.

Wearing ordinary underwear is a hassle, and now the undershirt is actually replaced by a power suit.

And there’s a very tedious coat on the outside.

Qiling felt that the clothes were very uncomfortable.

Inexplicably, she wanted to spit out two sentences.

Let her wear human clothes with a phoenix bird.

What did Yunzhou really think?

But at the moment when she just looked up, she and Yunzhou looked straight at each other.

Yun Zhou pulled the corners of his mouth, and the old face turned red.

‘Ah’ turned around and said awkwardly:

“Your black suit is really white…”

“No, your tunic is so tall… Nor is it. ”

“As long as you wear this dress, you can’t see the feathers.”

Qi Ling’s face turned red, and he quickly put on his coat and lowered his head with gritted teeth:

“Didn’t you say you didn’t peek?”

Yun Zhou turned his head back and laughed:

“I don’t want to peek, but you’re too slow, and I’m afraid something will happen to you.”

Chilling: “What can I do with a dress?!” ”

“Ah this…”

“Say! What do you see? ”

Now Qiling has changed into a black suit and coat.

The exaggerated figure under the fiery long hair, the corset fit, makes the whole person look more charming.

However, her face was not as stupid as it had just been, and she was a little breathless.

In a pair of very distinctive phoenix eyes, the water mist is filled, as if it is going to cry out in the next second.

Yun Zhou scratched his head, “I really didn’t see anything, it’s just that this place is too dark, I was thinking about other demon beasts or something, and then let you be in danger, so I turned around and looked.” ”

“I really didn’t mean to look at you.”

Qi Ling snorted softly, “How do you prove that what you say is true?” ”

Yun Zhou: “I swear by the Dao Oath, if I just peeked at you, I will fall to my death when I hold the sword!” ”

“Ahh… Don’t swear that! You’re stupid! ”

When Qi Ling heard this, he trotted over to him and said urgently, “Hurry up! ”

What is it!?

Yun Zhou didn’t quite understand, but he did it anyway.

Then, look at the little phoenix bird’s somewhat complaining eyes.

Yun Zhou knew that this matter had turned over.

I couldn’t help but sigh in my heart.

In the end, it is a holy beast, and it is really kind in heart!

But…… Is it a little too much to lie to her like this?

After all, he will not be able to hold a sword in his life.

I sit on the treasure of the Ah Bird Man North Nose.

After changing his clothes, Yun Zhou took Qi Ling out of the cave.

Qi Ling saw the sneer in Yun Zhou’s eyes, and also realized that he might have to watch a play later.

I couldn’t help but get a little excited.

Yingran’s smile is like a delicate rose blooming on the cheek, and the beautiful eyes are like the ripples of the clear water lake.

Beautiful eyes blinking, extremely bright.


The big hand slapped Qi Ling and dragged her, and the two figures dissipated into shadows.

You can try it when riding the Phoenix Bird or something.

Not now.

It was also when the two left.

In the cave where the Qiu family is located in the father’s son.

Qiu Yueyue and Qiu Ping returned with two grilled fish alone.

Looking at his brooding old father, the two looked at each other and asked:

“Father, didn’t you let him eat Xiang after that?”

Through the incident just now, the brothers have already explained to the father.

Lin Yuan could not be allowed to eat Xiang.

Otherwise, if someone from the Immortal Realm came to pick up, this beep would not make sense to “add a meal” to himself.

But Qiu Xianhua was a little worried when he heard this:

“They all blame the father, and after I gave him this head, he couldn’t stop.”

“I can’t stop him now.”

“The Xiang here has been eaten clean by him…”

“If it hadn’t been there, it would have been better.”

“But this dog thing, he will be self-sufficient!”

“Want to eat your own whole lump, who can bear this…”

“This is not easy to do…” Qiu Yueyan handed the grilled fish to Cang’s father and muttered:

“If we can’t, we’ll have to feed him the rest of the canine beast Dan.”

“There are still Wolf Dan and Jackal Dan left.”

“Although it is strange to say that these two things also eat raw meat, it is better than eating Xiang?”

“At this point, you can only let it go.”

Qiu Pingping on the side heard and nodded.

That’s what it means.

“But… Different beasts are used together… Wouldn’t you just scrap him? ”

“You can only gamble!”

Qiu Yue’s voice was calm, “Just bet that his mental ability to resist pressure is strong, and he can resist three kinds of beast Dan at the same time!” ”

Qiu Ping groaned for half a moment, “Hmmm” and said, “Then wait until I recover some Dao power tomorrow, and then give him the Fusion Wolf Dan.” ”

Qiu Yue shook her head and looked out of the cave.

The gaze becomes meaningful:

“I’m afraid I can’t wait for tomorrow…”

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