The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 115: :I have already eaten


If you don't accept it, you won't accept it!

What do you mean, who are you saying?

Where am I?

Yes, I admit that the original world is indeed a scumbag, and I have never been scumbag in this world!

"I don't want to talk to you, just shut up and shut down."

After the system threw this sentence, it disappeared. Xia Ye cocked his mouth and gently fiddled with Lin Naiyi's cherry and said softly, "Madam..."


Lin Naiyi didn't have any strength, it hurts to lie down like this now, and it feels like his body is torn in two.

The main thing is that Xia Ye is too big, which is simply not something normal people can bear.


Xia Ye turned around immediately, only to see Xiaochun outside the door immediately answering: "I'm here ma'am."

Lin Nai glanced at Xia Ye with all kinds of charm. As early as more than an hour ago, when Lin Nai lay down again, he saw the figure outside the window. He could still stay in Xia Ye Courtyard in the middle of the night. There is only Xiaochun.

"Come in."

As soon as Lin Nai finished shouting, Xiaochun at the door shuddered, wondering if she agreed too quickly and was discovered by the lady.

But now there is no way to escape, Xiaochun can only bite the bullet and open the door.

The color of spring is like eyes, Xiaochun stood motionless, basically in a stunned state, the young master and the young lady... they didn't even have a quilt.

"It's cheaper for you once."

Lin Nai pinched Xia Ye's flesh and said to Xiaochun, "Come here."

After Xiaochun walked in, Lin Nai gave a wink, Xiaochun's heart suddenly tightened, and her little hands trembled uncontrollably.

Linnai pointed to his red lips and said softly, "Do you remember what I said this morning?"

"Remember ma'am."

Xiaochun nodded respectfully, but couldn't look away from Xiaoxiaye.

"What are you talking about? What are you two talking about?"

Xia Ye has a question mark on his forehead, what are these two negotiating behind their backs?

I saw Xiaochun take a deep breath, and slowly lowered his head in Xia Ye's unbelievable eyes, the next second a strange voice reached Xia Ye's ears.


Xia Ye took a breath of cool air, and Xiaochun's throat bulged...


The candles in the room were burnt out early in the morning, and the strange smell spread all around, but the sound of birds chirping in the early morning could not disturb the good sleep.

The sun was shining, Xia Ye slowly opened his eyes, Lin Nai leaned on Xia Ye's arms and fell asleep, his long eyelashes trembled slightly, and there was a beautiful arc at the corner of his mouth.

Xia Ye was about to get up, but suddenly felt an unusual feeling. When he looked down, Xiaochun was curled up there, and there was still exhaustion in his pale lips.

Xia Ye was awakened immediately after leaving Xiaochun. Her first reaction was how she fell asleep. After all, the wife only let herself use it... Until the middle of the night, Xiaochun was really tired.

The three of them fell into a drowsy sleep.

Xia Ye gave Xiaochun a gesture of silence, which meant that Xiaochun would not wake up Lin Naiyi, but Lin Naiyi's voice sounded: "Xiaochun, get up and serve your husband and change clothes, you two go to dinner first, I have to Take a break."…

Xiaochun responded immediately, got up and swallowed the last residue and ran to the closet to look for clothes.

Xia Ye's face was full of happiness, he stretched out his hand and gently pulled the blue silk on Lin Nai's cheek aside, Lin Nai frowned slightly, then eased his eyes, and whispered, "Wait a moment, eat the meal. Bring it in for me, I can't walk right now."


Xia Ye got dressed and walked towards the kitchen with Xiaochun. Xiaochun followed Xia Ye tightly without saying a word.

As a maid, she was quite satisfied with what she did last night.

The status of the servants in this world is always at the bottom. In fact, a maid like Xiaochun is the lucky one.

The moment he came to the kitchen, Xia Ye saw a busy figure: "Why are you here?"

This busy figure is naturally Ning Ruxue, and looking at the sweaty appearance, it seems that he has been here for a long time.

"I was going to find you, but I was stopped by Uncle Fu, saying that you probably got up at noon, and I thought about making some food for you."

Ning Ruxue got up early in the morning, and as soon as she walked to the West Garden, she was stopped by Uncle Fu. No matter what Ning Ruxue said, Uncle Fu didn't let Ning Ruxue in.

After all, it was in the Xia family, so Ning Ruxue couldn't get angry with Fu Bo. After knowing the time to get up in Xia Ye, she came to the kitchen.

The table has long been filled with a few delicious dishes, and Xia Ye's face is also a little shocked: "You still cook?"

After all, Ning Ruxue was also the eldest daughter of the family, so how could she even know how to cook? Cooking in such a family was the job of the servants.

The reason why Xia Ye came here was because he couldn't resist bullying Lin Naiyi like that last night, and felt a little sorry in his heart, so he thought of doing something by himself.

Ning Ruxue looked very happy when Xia Ye discovered her specialties, and said to Xia Ye, "Just right, eat quickly, Xiaochun is also a piece."

As Xiaochun's key maid for Xia Ye, Ning Ruxue had already discovered the difference in Xiaochun. As long as it was about Xia Ye's affairs in Xia Mansion, it was basically Xiaochun's presence.

Dear, this chapter is not finished, there is another page ^0^ finished.

I want to get back with Xia Ye... um, although it's not easy, if I want to get better with Xia Ye, I have to start with the people around him.

Ning Ruxue saw Xia Ye's attitude towards Xiaochun, and naturally she would not treat Xiaochun as an outsider.

"I...I'm full."

Xiaochun hesitated, lowered her head and replied, the taste in her mouth still filled Xiaochun's nose, Xiaochun didn't want the smell to disappear too quickly, and she was really full.

"Are you full? When did you eat? I didn't see you in the kitchen early in the morning?"

Ning Ruxue was a little curious, she didn't see Xiaochun all morning, how could she have eaten it?

"You leave her she's eaten."

Xia Ye was also a little embarrassed, and hurriedly made a round, and then took out a few plates and began to serve dishes in it.

Looking at Xia Ye's actions, Ning Ruxue frowned and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I sent it to Nai Yi, but she hasn't eaten yet."

Naturally, Xia Ye thought there was nothing wrong with this sentence, but Ning Ruxue's hand suddenly stopped in mid-air.

When did Xia Ye call Lin Naiyi so intimately, and it was clearly done by herself, it's okay if Xia Ye didn't thank him, why did he send it to that woman!

"Can't she eat it herself! Need you to send it?"

Ning Ruxue didn't dare to stop Xia Ye, she was not qualified now, so she could only ask such a question verbally.

Please remember this book's first domain name: . . . : m..

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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