The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 141: : Cute Loli Yang Guo~~

In front of Xia Ye, there are all kinds of food, and the most important thing is that there are even cold items!

In this hot day, where did the ice come from!

Then he silently opened the kettle for himself, and after a light sip, his face changed.

Should have thought of it earlier!

I don't know how long the water in the heavy hand has been placed, and there is a smell of rust in it!


It was another hour, and Xia Ye finally saw the antique house. The red ancient wood was inlaid in the boulder. There was a large platform for 10,000 people in the middle. Most of the people in Qingxia Town had already arrived.

Naturally, this is not the top of the main peak of the Yunguan Sect, but the position down the mountainside, and further up is basically the place where inner disciples live and study.

Their assessment only needs to be carried out here.

And Xia Ye's appearance is the most special person here, a man followed by dozens of Yingyingyanyan, and the moment Xia Ye walked up the steps, the eyes of the people around him came.

After all, such an exaggerated way of appearing is indeed only Xia Ye alone.

And Ning Ruxue, who was hiding in the crowd, naturally saw the arrival of Xia Ye. Looking at the group of women behind Xia Ye, Ning Ruxue's face became even colder.

There are higher stairs around the stone platform, and many chairs have been placed on it. At intervals, there is a temperament.

The six flags of martial arts, medicine, spirit, utensils, arrays and hexagrams are of different colors.

This kind of selection, which is held only once in several years, requires elders to attend every mountain peak, and once there are people with extraordinary talents, they are directly pulled away.

According to the original plot, Zhao Hao was nominated as an inner disciple because of his outstanding performance in the selection. At this time, Xia Ye appeared and was the first to object to doubts about Zhao Hao's strength.

Then the two faced each other and fought an intractable battle. In the end, the nine elders came forward and brought the two together into the Cloud Crown Sect.

After all, it can be regarded as the villain of the large-scale plot, and the protagonist will always be defeated by the protagonist if he can't come up.

"Clang clang clang!"

After the bell rang a few times, several wooden tables were moved out by the disciples of the Cloud Crown Sect. There were about thirty or forty tables, and each table had a small flag on it. Shouting: "The talent selection has officially started, please line up and test in turn!"

The classification is basically started here. Whether it is martial arts or other, each can choose in the past. The cultivation method of each mountain is different, and the degree of strictness is also different. Some people may be average in martial arts, but they are likely to have the talent for fighting beasts. .

This is a very normal thing. Basically, a large number of people can be eliminated in this round, but what Xia Ye didn't expect was that on the dozens of tables, only one table was engraved with hexagram characters, and there were still people sitting one by one. A little girl of five meters.

It's not very white, just like normal skin color, the eyebrows are light brown, the tip of the small nose is quite straight, and the calm and curious eyes seem to have a bottomless look like stars.

Yang Guo!

The existence of super awesome in the late stage, this little girl is not simple.

Don't look at the appearance of a loli, in fact, the age is already eighteen years old, that is because of the special blood in the body, which suppresses the development of the little loli. …

But even in the finale, when she released her bloodline, she still looked like this, and nothing changed.

Xia Ye is very happy to see another heroine again. The loli character is designed to attract some otaku. This girl is also one of Xia Ye's favorite heroines.

Basically, good luck or something will rest on Yang Guo's head.

Yang Guo is relatively short, so this kind of high stool is obviously not suitable for her, her feet are dangling in the air, and the hair tied into a ball on the top of her head makes Yang Guo more cute.

Everyone present moved, and they started lining up in front of each other, but Yang Guo's table was empty.

But obviously she also expected this. If you want to be like a hexagram, you must give up your martial arts cultivation. Not many people are willing to do this.

Yang Guo naturally knew that, but she still liked this lively scene very much.

The unique feature of Guafeng is that Yang Guo can not be used. The purpose of her visit is to find Xia Ye.

In terms of Xia Ye's luck, his martial arts talent will certainly not be low, so in addition to Xia Ye, there is also that luck, she also wants to find.

Looking at Yang Guo who was shaking her head, Xia Ye's mouth smiled unwittingly. Little Lolita or something is really attractive.

But Xia Ye didn't mean to look for Yang Guo. His villain's plot line has nothing to do with Yang Guo. Although Yun Guanzong has some heroines, they are all plot lines.

The villain only needs to compete with martial arts and deliberately retaliate.

So this villain is also Xia Ye's favorite. There is no superfluous purpose. It is because Zhao Hao has been pressing him all the time.

Therefore, when Xia Ye entered Qingxia Town, she put on a playful look.

The days when you don't have to lick the heroine are really relaxing!

Xia Ye and Zhao Hao were both standing on the side of the martial arts assessment. The team was like a long dragon. From time to time, they could see depressed young people leaving from the front of the table.

You can also see people who have passed the most basic assessment with a look of joy.

"Brother, what do you think that loli does? Why did Guafeng let a loli to test?"

Shen Zhong followed behind Xia Ye. The most eye-catching person was actually Yang Guo. He had a table for one person, and there was no one in front of the table.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Going to the disciples, there are occasionally people who have been eliminated from martial arts and want to go to Yang Guo to try their luck.

He was also rejected by Yang Guo with a straightforward shaking of his head. The talent of a hexagram master is about a predestined relationship. This kind of thing is mysterious and mysterious, and it is incomprehensible.

"Believe it or not, if you dare to say nothing about that little loli, Yun Guanzong will not let you go."

Xia Ye raised his brows, as the little princess of Yunguanzong Yang Guo's status in Yunguanzong is very high.

Moreover, Yang Guo's grandfather was the highest-ranking position in the Cloud Crown Sect. Even if she was a granddaughter, she was older than many of the Cloud Crown Sect's disciples.

Just when Xia Ye answered, Yang Guo's eyes finally stopped on Xia Ye.

This man is here!

And what's the matter with feeling more handsome than last time? !

Xiao Yangguo just flashed such a thought, and immediately shook his head and changed his face, this man caused him to lose eleven years of his life!

Thinking of this, Yang Guo immediately took out the letter talisman from the ring. When she came, Ruan Yu specially instructed Yang Guo to notify her as soon as she saw this man.

Xia Ye didn't know that he had already become a "celebrity" in Yunguanzong more than ten days ago.

And all of this is due to a fortune-telling at noon that day...

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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