The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 315: : You deliberately frame me!

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How long has it been since Zhao Wei accepted the Zhao family, he has already begun to oppose the Shenji Pavilion, and obviously wants to do a piece of the plot in the later stage.

Xia Ye naturally cannot allow this kind of thing to happen, everything is under his control to make Xia Ye feel at ease.

It's just that this is not enough to make Zhao Wei lose his prestige in Yunguanzong.

A little trick is needed.


"I'm here~"


the other side.

When Zhao Xian walked to the inn, the pungent smell of blood rushed up in an instant, and the big man was lying on the floor of the tavern, and there was not even a ghost in the tavern at this time.


Zhao Wei hurried to Ada's side. At this time, Ada's body was completely frozen, and there was no trace of the breath of a living person.

Immediately afterward, several other secret guards came from outside the door, and when they saw Ah Da lying on the ground, he couldn't believe it.

A Da is a serious second-rank, and his horizontal training is even more indestructible. There are very few people who want to kill A Da directly.

"Who did it!"

Zhao Wei noticed the posture of Ada holding the knife, which was obviously suicide, but although Ada was stupid, he would not do such a thing as self-mutilation.

And Ada was the leader of the Zhao family's dark guards. For the sake of Yunguanzong, the Zhao family specially distributed Ada to Zhao Wei.

But how long has it been since he came to Yunguanzong, Ah Da died unexpectedly, what did Zhao Wei explain?

These dark guards and Ah Da had a very good relationship on weekdays. Seeing Ah Da collapsed on the ground, one of the dark guards couldn't hold back his mood and ran to Zhao Wei's side with tears in his eyes.

"How could Ah Da die? His martial arts is so high, he must have died a wrongful death!"

"Where's the shopkeeper of this restaurant?!"

Zhao Wei stood up and looked around, the restaurant was empty, there was no shadow of anyone, and the one who shouted was a few disciples wearing Yun Guanzong law enforcement costumes, walking to Zhao Wei's side and asking: " Are you Zhao Xian?"

"it's me."

Zhao Wei recognized at a glance that these disciples were specially selected by Yun Guanzong to maintain the law and order in the vicinity.

"My bodyguard is dead."

Zhao Yuan pointed at Ah Da on the ground and said.

"We have already inquired about the situation. Your bodyguard did not pay and was exposed on the spot before committing suicide."

The law enforcement team looked at the letter paper in their hands and replied flatly, and then looked at Zhao Wei and added, "I suspect that you are also involved. Come with us."

participate? !

Hearing this, Zhao Xun instantly became angry and roared, "My people died in Qingxia Town, your law enforcement team didn't investigate clearly, but instead beat them up?!"

"Why didn't our law enforcement team investigate clearly? All the people around have seen it, just ask anyone to know."

The law enforcement team put away the letter and stared at Zhao Hao with a bad expression.

It seems that there is a meaning to take Zhao Hao away.

"Come on, let's go with us."

Facing the law enforcement team, Zhao Wei really did not dare to make a mistake. Yun Guanzong's law enforcement team has the right to kill first and then report. Now the position of the Zhao family's heir has just been in his hands, and Zhao Wei has come to Yun Guanzong and has a family task, absolutely not. Something happened at this time.

Instructing a few secret guards to properly handle Ada's funeral, Zhao Wei could only follow the law enforcement team to Yun Guanzong.

I have killed Zhao Wei all the way, thinking about how Ah Da died, and the last target was one person, Xia Ye.

When Yun Guanzong went down the mountain just now, Xia Ye specially came to provoke him, but he didn't take Xia Ye's words to heart, but thought that Xia Ye just wanted to stimulate himself.

As a result, it took a long time. If he had come earlier, he probably wouldn't have died.

Along the way, the law enforcement team did not have too much conversation with Zhao Wei, and even more, they locked Zhao Wei in the prison of Your Excellency Yun Guanzong's book collection without saying a word.

After a while, a middle-aged man walked into the room and asked, "Your bodyguard, Da, was exposed to shame and died on the spot for not giving money. Do you have any problems?"

This middle-aged man should be the captain of the law enforcement team, Zhao Wei immediately retorted: "Ada is the longest bodyguard of my Zhao family, and he is more honest and honest, how could he not give money, and he does not lack money."

"Well, it seems that the rich deliberately refuses to bully others."

The middle-aged man said something and recorded something in his notebook.

This ignited Zhao Wei at once, and roared directly: "I said, it is absolutely impossible for him not to give money!"

"That's what you instructed him not to pay."

The middle-aged man started to record it in his notebook again. Zhao Wei was in a frenzy at this time, walked a few steps to the middle-aged man and said, "Are you okay with your ears? Can you understand what I'm talking about? This matter was framed by someone! It was Yun Guanzong's disciple, the one named Xia Ye!"

"I tried to frame it afterwards, but it didn't work."

The middle-aged man continued to record the details of the "conversation" calmly.

"Don't **** memorize it!"

Zhao Wei smashed the small book in the middle-aged man's hand and threw it on the ground. He stepped on it, and his lungs were about to explode.

How could Zhao Wei ever suffer such grievances?

The dignified son of the Zhao family in the future head of the Zhao family, he is one of the few people in China, and he has never been as aggrieved as today.

The middle-aged man calmly looked at the small book that was smashed, took out another copy from the ring and said, "Deliberately destroy the record."

"What am I!"

Even a villain like Zhao Wei who likes to play by means can't think about it so much at this time, he grabbed the middle-aged man's collar and shouted: "Can our Zhao family give you that little money? !"

The middle-aged man looked directly at Zhao Hao and said, "That might be the case."

"Are you guys a group with Xia Ye! Specially frame me!"

Zhao Wei finally found the point of the problem, but the old man's eyes still did not change: "I suggest you calm down, our Yunguanzong law enforcement team will never let a bad person go, and will never support a good person, balance is me Order of the sect."

Zhao Wei's fists were already clenched, but he let them down again at this time, and he did attack the law enforcement team, which would only become more passive.

He doesn't believe that Xia Ye has such a great ability to cover the sky with one hand in the Yunguan Sect. After he has passed the inner sect assessment and is selected by the elders, he will shake out these things about Xia Ye. Wouldn't it make him real Xia Ye? guilt?

Zhao Wei's brain reaction was indeed much faster than Zhao Hao's, he loosened the middle-aged man's collar, and the middle-aged man calmly picked up the small book on the ground and said, "I suggest you calm down, I'll come in later. Ask again."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he turned around and skillfully closed the door. With the sound of footsteps walking further and further in the corridor, Zhao Wei punched the wall.

I play eagle all day long, but I didn't expect to let the eagle play!

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