The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 50: : 0 years fox demon Yunmei

To tell the truth, Xia Ye was so annoyed, he closed the door with a bang, looked at Lin Nai and shouted: "Eldest sister, you have your business, I have mine, and the two of us seem to have no relationship. Parallel lines, only visible to each other, but never intersecting, you know?"

Spirit Stone Mine, Sparrow, Mind Technique.

You have completely messed up my plot, you know!

Although it has been at least a year since I wrote about you, I have only really known you for two days!

Sitting well at home, I arrived here in a blink of an eye.

I thought that I could go home after finishing the plot as soon as possible, but in the end, so many bad things happened in just two days.

Xia Ye actually didn't know why he was angry, or was really annoyed by Lin Naiyi's meddling in the plot.

Or maybe he couldn't accept Lin Naiyi's fierce pursuit, afraid that he wouldn't be able to control himself to sink in this world...

The look of Xia Ye's anger obviously frightened Lin Naiyi, and the sound of slamming the door made Lin Nai's whole body tremble.

Standing still, there was no charm in his eyes, there was only worry and fear.

"I beg you, please stay away from me, I like Ning Ruxue, don't you know? How many times have you asked me to say that I don't like you, get away!"

After Xia Ye said the last sentence, she turned around and opened the door and walked out.


The irritable Xia Ye walked aimlessly on the street, walked a few steps and then stopped, turned to look at the Zuixianlou, and seemed to think of something, turned around and continued walking.

You are the villain, you are a modern person, you want to go home!

Xia Ye kept repeating these words in her heart, but she became more and more irritable.

For a whole afternoon, Xia Ye wandered aimlessly on the street, and the system also issued a prompt at this moment.

"The host still has unfinished Tucao shooting today."

"Don't shoot!"

Xia Ye replied angrily, but the system did not remain silent, but continued:

"The host has unfinished additional plots today."

Are there any extra plots?

Xia Ye thought about it carefully in his mind, it was dark for a while, and if there were any additional plots, there would be only that one.


I am a little villain in the early stage, and there are additional plots for this kind of late-stage BOSS?

Xia Ye took out the fox-shaped jade pendant that morning maid gave to her from her chest, and a cool breeze blew through her heart for no reason.

This woman is different from Linnai, she is a pure murderous devil without blinking an eye.

The strength of the great master was almost invincible in the early and middle stages.

To see or not to see?

What if you say something wrong and kill yourself with a sword?

Not to mention going home, I am lucky to have a whole corpse left.

Looking at his long-term villain value, Xia Ye felt helpless for a while, put the jade pendant back on his chest, and walked towards Yichun Tower.

Outside the courtyard, the courtyard is protected by pink walls, with green willows hanging around it, three door towers with hanging flowers, hand-painted verandas on all sides, small paths in the courtyard, embellished with rocks, and a huge plaque of "Yichun Building" hanging on the five buildings.

The entire courtyard is magnificent, graceful and luxurious, the gardens are splendid and exquisitely carved, surrounded by roses, and there is a large pool in the courtyard.

Naturally, there are quite a few of these people, literati and writers in various dresses, as well as beauties in blatant clothes.

Take a walk, play the piano, read poetry.

The most prosperous place in Midtown should be here.

The family is headed by summer, and the street is respected by spring.

No one knows who the boss behind Yichun Tower is, nor does Xia Ye, the half-hearted author.

When I was writing, I needed a Yichun Building, so I wrote a Yichun Building.

A place like this, which is open with great fanfare in Midtown, has no family fingering, it really doesn't feel right.

But Xia Ye knew in his heart that since the system made up for the world, the origin and background of Yichun Tower must also be completely decorated.

Xia Ye stood at the gate, watching the men and women coming and going in groups, not knowing where to go for a while.

"Master Xia~~ I haven't seen you for a while~~"

Xia Ye turned around and saw a middle-aged woman with a piece of cloth covering her body came over with her **** twisted.

Xia Ye also immediately entered his role, with a wicked smile on his face, and said with the best look of Lao Tzu, "I'm here to see Yun Mei."

After saying a sentence, the people around seemed to be a little quieter.

Some men who turned their backs thought that someone had such a big tone. When they turned their heads, they saw Xia Ye's appearance as a second-generation ancestor, and they didn't dare to make a sound at the moment.

To say where Xia Ye is most famous, it is in this fireworks lane.

Most of these people have a little background, and no one can mess with them. They have already done their homework when they come out.

Obviously, Xia Ye is the one who can't be messed with in the middle of the city.

The eldest son of the No. 1 family in Zhongcheng, whoever touches will die.

The middle-aged woman wasn't much surprised, she walked to Xia Ye's side and smiled, "Young Master Xia is really cruel~ I just leave my family Mei'er here and don't give me the right words~"

Middle-aged women naturally have something to say, and Yun Mei is the most special existence in the entire Yichun Tower.

A Yiji who doesn't pick up guests and occasionally plays the piano, even if she is an entertainer, can't do anything about her. This is an existence that makes people jealous.

"Didn't I come I have a lot of money for you."

Saying that, Xia Ye threw out a few spiritual stones from the storage ring and threw them to the middle-aged woman.

The moment she saw the spirit stone, the middle-aged woman's eyes lit up.

Ordinary guests, even the children of some families, come with gold and silver at most.

Spirit stones are more precious than gold.

With Xia Ye's move, the middle-aged woman's resentment naturally dissipated.

"Look at what you said, I'll take you there~"

The appearance of Xia Ye obviously attracted the attention of many people. He followed the middle-aged woman around the front yard and stopped in front of a secluded house.

"Then I won't disturb Young Master Xia's Yaxing."

The middle-aged woman said, turned and left here.

Xia Ye was a little uneasy in his heart. He didn't even think about how to face this thousand-year-old old goblin, so he could only take a step by step.

Xia Ye had just walked to the door and was about to knock when the door suddenly opened from outside to inside, and a phantom appeared in front of Xia Ye.

Extremely alluring.

"Ding, a non-aggressive seductive power is detected, and the beautiful man's mind will automatically start to resist."

Xia Ye didn't notice the system's prompt, and he couldn't move his eyes away.

The woman in front of her, the one who looks like she came out of a painting, no, it should be said that even a painting can't paint such a beautiful face.

A coolness rushed between his brows instantly, and Xia Ye finally came to his senses, the peerless fox demon - Yun Mei.

He remembered that when he was describing Yun Mei, the veil never left his body.

But now Yun Mei has nothing to hide on her face.

At this moment, Yun Mei and Xia Ye's reaction were exactly the same, their eyes stayed on each other's cheeks and couldn't move.

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