The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 87: : The coercion of the great master

Great master!

This extremely charming woman turned out to be a great master. Zhao Gang quickly said, "There must be a misunderstanding here. Did the lady find the wrong person?"

Great master is so annoying?

Even in Shenzhou, there are only a handful of people at the level of the Great Grandmaster, and some of them are the head of one side and the master of one side.

Resisting Yun Mei's casual blow, Zhao Gang panicked. How on earth did Zhao Hao provoke this kind of existence?

"There's no misunderstanding."

Yun Mei glanced at Zhao Gang lightly, then turned her gaze to Zhao Hao who was struggling on the ground and said, "Some things come at a great price."

Zhao Hao's complexion was pale, and at this moment Yunmei's charming smile was terrifying in Zhao Hao's eyes.

Summer night!

A name appeared in Zhao Hao's mind. It was impossible, absolutely impossible. How could a second-generation ancestor like Xia Ye know someone like Yun Mei?

Then in the next second, Zhao Hao's heart was half cold.

I saw Yun Mei said softly, "My husband was assassinated by you and is in a coma at the moment, so you should suffer the same pain."

Is Xia Ye the husband of the great master?

Isn't Xia Ye's fiancee Lin Naiyi?

"I... I didn't know Xia Ye was your husband."

Zhao Hao said with a trembling voice.

If he knew, how could he still go to assassinate Xia Ye? Isn't this courting death?

If this was in the family, Zhao Hao would definitely not bow his head. After all, in the Zhao family, there are also great masters.

But now it's different, far away can't quench near thirst.

Yun Mei wants to obliterate herself, so don't be too simple, her third uncle and third aunt are only the strength of the master and the third rank, and they can't resist the woman in front of her at all!

Seeing that Yun Mei was about to act again, Zhao Gang quickly waved his hand and said, "Miss, this is a misunderstanding. Our Zhao family can make compensation, as long as the lady speaks."

"Do I need it?"

Yun Mei's eyes are a little impatient. As a great master, she is already a ceiling-level existence. Do you want anything?

"Miss may not know, we are from the Zhao family in Shenzhou, why don't you think about it, miss?"

If anyone else would know about the Zhao family, it is impossible for someone of this level to have heard of the Zhao family.

It was definitely impossible to beat him. Zhao Gang could only move his family out first to see if he could deter the woman in front of him.

"Have not heard."


Yun Mei didn't care what background he was at all, and if she hurt her elder brother Xia, there was only one way to go.

The reason why Zhao Hao didn't kill at once was because Yun Mei felt that it was too cheap for Zhao Hao to die like that, and Zhao Hao paid for the pain Xia Ye suffered.

"wait wait wait!"

Zhao Gang was already sweating on his forehead, desperate to fight?

Stop joking.

Do you know what the Great Master is?

It's almost death.

"Miss, if you kill Zhao Hao today, you will definitely suffer revenge from the Zhao family in the past. With the strength of the young lady, there is no problem, but what about the lady's husband?"

"You threaten me?"

Yun Mei's eyes widened, and the aura of the great master spread out. Zhao Gang's legs were kept shaking by the breath, if it wasn't for him being a master, he would have knelt down at this moment.

And Zhao Hao was even more pitiful. On the eve of the release of the pressure, he had already fainted.

"Miss, what you said below is true, even if you kill me, this will happen in the future, and our Zhao family also has a great master!"

Zhao Gang is struggling to speak now, and he has to shout out every word.

It took ten seconds for Yun Mei to withdraw the pressure of the great master. He was right. If the Zhao family retaliates, he doesn't need to worry, but Brother Xia will definitely be more dangerous.

This made Yun Mei, who was already angry, even more angry. For a long time, Yun Mei thought that as long as she was with Brother Xia, it was enough.

I never thought about the issue of power at all.

But now, Yun Mei realizes that power is so important.

"Give me the storage ring."

If Zhao Hao couldn't be killed, then he had to ask for some interest. Zhao Gang quickly took off the ring from his finger and handed it to Yun Mei.

After all, this kind of thing is something outside the body, and it is nothing compared to life.

It took a long time to calm down the anger of the great master. He didn't want to annoy the woman in front of him again because of this.

"I'm talking about the three of you."

Want to kill yourself with a ring? Isn't this a joke?

Since that Zhao Hao is so important to the Zhao family, there will definitely be something good in his ring, which will be given to Brother Xia at that time.

Sure enough, Zhao Gang's expression changed. He didn't know what was in the ring on Zhao Hao's finger.

But as the heir, he will definitely have many treasures from the Zhao family in it.

But now, if you don't give it, it's a dead end. Zhao Gang just hesitated for a while and came to a judgment. He immediately turned around and took off the ring from Zhao Hao's finger.

His wife took off the ring early, and the coercion just now made her kneel on the ground.

This is the power of a great master.

Everything is like ants.

Holding the three rings in her Yun Mei walked towards Zhao Hao again, which made Zhao Gang break out in a cold sweat, this woman wouldn't want to do it again, would she?

It's not too bad. It's okay to take the ring after killing yourself. Why bother?

But what Yun Mei was going to do now, Zhao Gang simply couldn't stop her.

Yun Mei walked in front of Zhao Hao, her eyes suddenly turned into fox-like looks, and she stretched out her fingers and sent a light pink air current on Zhao Hao's body.

After doing this, Yun Mei slapped the half of her arm by the wall again, turning her arm into slag, giving Zhao Hao no hope of reconnecting.

Zhao Gang saw all this, but he couldn't do anything.

He didn't dare to ask what Yun Mei did to Zhao Hao.

"If you mess with my husband in the future, I don't care what family you have."

After throwing these words, Yun Mei left the courtyard in a flash.

Zhao Gang just sat on the ground and gasped heavily. He had already collapsed. Facing such a terrifying and coercive woman, he had no time to appreciate her appearance.

Just after taking a few breaths, Zhao Gang immediately went to Zhao Hao to check it, and he turned it over and over again, but he didn't find out what was wrong with Zhao Hao.

He clearly saw that Yun Mei's woman put a trace of air into Zhao Hao's body, how could it be gone?

But right now, I can't take care of that much anymore. We need to treat Zhao Hao's arm first. Just when he was about to use the storage ring habitually, Zhao just realized that his ring had already been handed over.

This prodigal son actually caused himself such a big trouble. If it wasn't for the support of the Zhao family, Zhao Hao would have been turned into a corpse long ago.

However, this matter is not over. The situation of this woman needs to be reported to the family as soon as possible. There is actually a great master in Zhongcheng.

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