The Villain In The Book: My Fiancee Forced Me To Apologize To The Male Protagonist

Chapter 66 Zhao Dong Wanted To Leave, But Was Hit With Precision

Watching Zhao Dong leave in embarrassment, Wang Haoran gained a lot.

[Ding! Zhao Dong was ridiculed in public, but he couldn't pretend to be a slap in the face! The male protagonist Zhao Dong has a halo of -180, the host's luck points +180, and his ability points +18! ]

[Ding! Zhao Dongzhong shocked others with his failure! The male protagonist Zhao Dong has a halo of -120, the host's luck points +120, and his ability points +12! ]

[Ding! Zhao Dong was severely traumatized by the heroine Lin Qingzhi! The male protagonist Zhao Dong has a halo of -100, the host’s luck points +100, and his ability points +10! ]

"That's great. Now I have 600 luck points. The system is here to draw ten consecutive draws!"

[OK! Swish——shua——]

[Ding! The draw was successful! Congratulations to the host for receiving the following rewards: Ability Points +2; Skill - Impregnable Level 1; Ability Points +2; Ability Points +2; Ability Points +8; Ability Points +6; Item - Convincing People with Reason; Ability Points +2; Ability Points +2; Skills - Displacement Shadow change lv1. ]

"Well... it's enough to raise the martial arts to the middle stage of transformation... let's add the rest to other things. It's better to have a balanced development!"

Wang Haoran quickly allocated the ability points that had reached 84.

[Wang Haoran: Host of “Villain Counterattack System”

Luck points: 300

Ability points: 0

Force: 377 (middle stage of transformation)

Constitution: 230 (Love Gu)

Mental strength: 254

Charisma: 180

Skills: Appraisal; Capture; Ability Shield; Enhanced Perception; Burst lv2; Clairvoyance lv2; Impregnable lv2; Cooking lv2; Apparition lv2

Item: Potion of Pure Desire

Yes, Wang Haoran was very satisfied when he looked at his panel.

Now, after the farce is over, the wedding on stage is continuing.

But Wang Haoran was not interested in all this excitement.

He estimated that the wedding would take more than two hours, and it should be enough time to come and go.

So, he whispered to Lin Qingzhi beside him.

"Qingzhi, I have something to do. It may take a while. Please wait for me here first."

"Yeah, I understand."

Lin Qingzhi nodded decisively.

But just when Wang Haoran stood up to leave, Lin Qingzhi suddenly grabbed his clothes, and then looked at him with big timid eyes.

" have to come back early..."

Looking at Lin Qingzhi's appearance, Wang Haoran understood.

This is a sign of inner uneasiness after the only familiar person leaves.

So Wang Haoran touched her head and comforted her.

"Don't worry, I will come back soon after everything is done!"

"There is a beautiful woman waiting for me here!"


It was just evening.

On the mountain road leaving City S, four cars were driving slowly in a row.

In the third car, Zhao Dong was sitting in the back seat, his face full of dissatisfaction.

Ever since he met Zhao Ruilong, he had never felt so aggrieved. Not only did he fail to slap his opponent in the face, he could only run away in despair under the ridicule of everyone.

Obviously he had calculated everything, but he didn't expect Wang Haoran to jump so fast and start stabbing others before they left.

But that's fine, since Wang Haoran betrayed him, as long as he goes back and complains to his father, the Zhao family will not accept the Wang family again, and then he can let go of Wang Haoran.

Humph, you deserve it!

In Zhao Dong's mind, Wang Haoran knelt down and begged for mercy, holding his thigh and crying bitterly, and he smiled proudly.

After feeling refreshed in his mind, Zhao Dong looked at the darkness outside the car window and suddenly thought of his father hurriedly asking them to go back to Zhao's house.

What was so urgent that Aunt Zhu had to take him back as soon as possible after arranging things in S City?

It's either a good thing or a bad thing, right?

Recalling his father's calm and unhurried voice when he made the phone call, Zhao Dong felt that it should be a good thing.

However, you can go home in a few hours, and you will know by then. There is no point in thinking too much. Now it is better to think about what Wang Haoran's little face that needs to be beaten will look like when it turns into a pig's head. Otherwise, if it really comes to that point, he will lose control of his image, burst into laughter, and lose his B-square for nothing.

Just as Zhao Dong was happily admiring the dark scenery outside the window, a car light suddenly flashed twice in the darkness.

"This is?"

He was confused, this was a straight road, how could a car come from the side?

Zhao Dong couldn't help but straighten up and stared curiously at the bright car lights.

Suddenly, he was horrified to find that the headlights were rushing towards him at a very fast speed!

"Uncle Lai, it's not good, there's a car about to hit..."

Zhao Dong hasn't finished speaking yet.


With the sound of a violent collision, Zhao Dong's vehicle was knocked out of the convoy and slid several meters on the road before stopping in the woods beside the road.

There was a big hole dented in the right rear of the vehicle.

People in the other three cars in the convoy were also frightened by the sudden accident and hurriedly stopped their cars.

After seeing that the accident was their young master's car, everyone panicked and hurriedly turned to block between the accident vehicle and the young master's car.

All the people in the three cars got out of the car. Two people hurriedly went to check on the young master, while the others stared at the vehicle that caused the accident with wary faces.

Four of them had even pulled out their pistols.

As for the vehicle that caused the accident, which everyone was watching, its front hood had been smashed to pieces and even partially dented.

The damage was so severe that under normal circumstances, the person in the driver's seat would be almost gone.

However, contrary to the expectations of these bodyguards, the driver's door of the vehicle slowly opened, and then a seemingly unharmed figure slowly walked out.

Wearing black clothes, with a hideous mask on his face.

His steps were light and his movements carried a terrifying aura.

At first glance, it seemed that the person coming was evil. The bodyguards couldn't help but tighten their hands on the guns, put their index fingers on the triggers, and aim at the person.

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