The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 5: Home fighting is not as good as farming 5

In order to stop eating ashes, Zhong Qiyuan specially waited for the Yun family's car to go far before starting again.

The speed of the bullock cart is not fast, but fortunately, the destination is not far from the county seat, and it was only five miles away.

Probably the Yun family's car appeared first and attracted most people's attention. When Zhong Qiyuan and Zhong Chuyuan entered Beiweili, only two or three farmers resting in the field noticed them.

They had never seen Zhong Qiyuan, but Meng clan brought Zhong Chuyu back for rent every few months, so they recognized this little carrot head and asked her: "Ms. Zhong, how come you are the only one coming back this time, your mother? What?"

Little carrot head happily introduced Zhong Qiyuan's identity: "This is Yuanyuan's sister!"

They looked at the indifferent little Taoist priest, and they did remember that Zhong's parents and daughters had already become a monk. The memory is right, but I can't conceal my surprise: "Is the trail leader still vulgar?"

Zhong Qiyuan said: "I haven't returned the vulgarity, but come back to deal with some vulgar affairs."

She didn't say what it was, and others didn't ask too much, but when they saw them go straight to Shu's house, she knew that the rent was probably collected.

They glanced at each other and shook their heads one after another: Meng had come back empty-handed many times to collect rent, can their two little girls get the money?

Zhong Qiyuan knew that no one was optimistic about them, but she didn't care.

She first politely explained the purpose of her coming to the tenant Shushuang, and then the tenant, who had been more than sixty years old, saw that the visitor was just a 13-year-old hairy girl, and she didn’t even bother to fool Meng's tricks in the past. I used it, and confidently said: "This year's harvest is not good, and there is really no rent to pay."

Zhong Qiyuan took out the account book, and drew out another abacus, which crackled to make it clear:

"Seven years ago, you rented my Zhong’s field and agreed to pay five buckets of rice per acre. Eighty acres is forty stone meters. In the first five years, you never owed rent taxes. It’s just that in the past two years, you are not an excuse for poor harvests. , I cried out that there are so many people in my family that I have to support my family, so I don't just pay a few shi meters, or use IOUs to prevaricate my mother. This year, I don't even bother to give IOUs.

"Eighty acres of land, of which 30 acres for Shangtian, 30 acres for Zhongtian, and 20 acres for Xiatian. In good years, Shangtian can produce two to three stone meters, and 30 acres can be converted to 70 stones; Zhongxiatian can produce three stones together. A total of one hundred and fifty stones.

"Last year, the floods reduced production by 30%. There were more than 150 stones, but you only paid five stones.

"This year there is a little more rain and there are locusts, but they will not be flooded, so even if your harvest is halved, there will still be one hundred and ten stones.

"I don't care about the soybeans. The harvest is halved, and the tax is halved. Then, at any rate, you have to pay a tax of 20 shi? There are a dozen people in your family, and there are people in my family who need to eat, don't they?"

Shu Shuang didn't expect that a girl in her film would calculate this account so clearly, a dark old face stretched out, and her gloomy face looked even darker.

His son Yin and Yang said in a weird manner: "One hundred stone meters, our family can barely eat enough, but you Aye is a high-ranking official with a high salary. Without these twenty stone rents, you will not starve to death!"

Zhong Qiyuan: "..."

She told the system: "This is a seedling who is the host of the white lotus. The moral kidnapping skills are superb. Remember to recommend him to your Lord God."


Don't think you can't hear your criteria for selecting the host in the connotation master god!

However, she also made sense. After all, the main **** saw her acting too hateful, and he brought her to be the host of the villain after her death.

Shu Shuang did not speak to his son, obviously he thought so too.

Zhong Qiyuan doesn’t want to be miserable, but she has to explain to them clearly: “So what? When you are a high official, you have to give the field to you for nothing? If you are really afraid of being the master of a high official, you won’t So bold and presumptuous."

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Don't you just see Zhongzao for years outside and care about your family, and regardless of the life and death of your original wife and daughter, it is expected that you will not have serious consequences for bullying orphans and widows, so you dare to fool my mother and bully us!"

The Shu family was slightly shocked in their hearts. They didn't expect this girl to watch this movie so clearly, let alone that she would dare to say it!

Shu Shuang gritted her teeth and complained: "You are exploitation! Come and see, we are poor people who are exploited by officials!"

Zhong Qiyuan didn't want to eat him, and turned to ask a farmer who was watching: "How much tax does the tenants pay on your side?"

If the one who came here today was Zhong Zao, or a big man, anyone would feel that the Zhong family is strong and sympathize with the Shu family. But now there are two girls, one is thirteen years old and the other is only six. In contrast, they are naturally more worthy of sympathy.

The farmer said: "50%."

Zhong Qiyuan pretended to be surprised and said: "50%? That means paying a tax of one stone and five buckets of rice for an acre of land?!" She turned to look at the Shu family, "How much is the difference between one stone and five buckets of rice and five buckets of rice? I don't need me to help you. Do the math again?"

Before Shu's family responded, she had another pitiful look, "We also know that it is not easy for you, otherwise, when Aweng was alive, she would not only collect less than 20% of the rent under the prevailing market of 50% rent."

She changed the conversation and pointed to a fat boy in the room, "But, your child looks about the same age as my sister, but look at my sister, the flesh on his body is less than half his!"

The Shu family hurriedly hugged the boy back into the house, but the balance in everyone's mind had already tilted toward the sisters.

Some people feel sore and annoyed when they think that they are both tenants, but they have to pay 50% of the rent. The Shu family only pays less than 20% but they are still crying about exploitation by the owner.

They scrambled to say: "The trail is long, why don't you rent the land to us, we will give you a full 20% tax!"

"No, rent it to me, I'll give two and a half!"

"I give 30%!"

Some gritted their teeth and said, "I'll give 40%!"

Zhong Qiyuan has already expressed it in a civilized way, and his patience has been exhausted.

Then she put away her gentle side, and her voice was cold: "Now you have only two options. Either immediately make up the tax you owed in previous years, and then find another owner's house. Or I will go to the government to sue you and even rent. Compensate us with interest."

The Shu family's complexion turned pale, and Shu Shuang plopped and knelt down to Zhong Qiyuan: "The old man begs the little lady to give us a way to survive for a dozen people."

System: "Host, you look like a villain!"

"If this is a wicked person, then you are underestimating me." Zhong Qiyuan was not ashamed of this, but said to the Shu family, "You are not sincere enough."

The Shu family looked at each other, and suddenly understood what she meant in the silent communication—she asked them all to kneel down and beg her.

Shu Shuang's eldest son shouted in shame: "How can you be so vicious at your young age?"

Zhong Qiyuan took out the whisk from the wide sleeves and swept it on his face. He was immediately knocked to the ground.

"Ah—" he wailed, lying on the ground, covering his face.

This stunned everyone.

Well said, why did you start it?

Besides, the comfortable eldest son is not said to be very tall and mighty, but here is also considered a middle-to-high level. How did a little girl who was only as tall as his chest knock him to the ground?

"You must have an attitude of asking for help." Zhong Qiyuan smiled slightly, but her smile made everyone shudder.

Let alone these people, even the system was shocked: "Hey, host, I am the assist system, not the villain system!"

"Don't bully Grandpa!" The boy who was carried into the house by the Shu family grabbed the sickle and rushed out, waving directly towards Zhong Qiyuan. The latter stretched his foot and kicked him directly back into the arms of Shu's family with just one touch.

"He's just a child!" The young woman hugged the crying boy and yelled at Zhong Qiyuan.

"Don't worry, whether it's a man, a woman, an old man or a child, I treat him equally." Zhong Qiyuan exudes a villainous atmosphere.

Everyone: "..."

Can't treat everyone equally at this time, right? Respect the old and love the young, right?

In order to prevent Zhong Qiyuan from slaying, the system whimpered to ask Yun Congwan for help.

Yun Congwan was brushing honey on the grilled wings when she suddenly received this news. She didn't want to see it, but she was curious about what terrible things Zhong Qiyuan could do, so she brought someone along.

When I saw more than a dozen people from the Shu family knelt down towards Zhong Qiyuan, I had to say that it was not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

If they weren't for the two girls who looked pitiful than them, Yun Congwan thought it was a bully who had bullied a good citizen.

Someone couldn't stand it anymore, and came out to fight the injustice: "Little Daoist, you are a monk, is this a bit too much?"

Zhong Qiyuan waved the dust: "I practice Taoism, I don't practice Buddha, and I don't have the bodhisattva heart of the Buddhist family. But you reminded me of one thing. It is my specialty to do things for others. Do you want me to do rituals for you? ?"

"Isn't this just asking people to die?"

Being so intimidated by her, more than half of the people who fight the injustices are missing.

Zhong Chuyuan lay quietly on the bullock cart and watched. Although she didn't quite understand what was going on, she felt that her sister was amazing!

Suddenly, she saw a familiar figure outside the crowd, jumped out of the bullock cart hurriedly, ran over, and took Yun Congwan's hand: "Sister Yun, what a coincidence!"

"What are you doing?" Yun Congwan asked.

Zhong Chuyuan made a big circle: "Do great things!"

Looking at Lizheng who hurried over.

Yun Congwan: "..."

This has been a big deal, and in a sense, it is indeed a big deal.

But what does it have to do with her?

She asked to bring the roasted wings and gave Zhong Chuyu one.

"Wow, what is this?" Zhong Chuyuan asked, holding the roasted wings.

"Roasted, here should be called roasted chicken wings."

"Thank you Sister Yun!" Zhong Chuyuan gnawed, eyes gleaming, "Sweet, delicious!"

"That's because of the honey." Yun Congwan knew that children like sweets, so she gave her the honey.

Zhong Chuyuan only took two bites and stopped eating. Yun Congwan asked her, "Why don't you eat it while it's hot?"

"For such a delicious thing, Yuanyuan wants to give her sister and mother a taste!"

Yun Congwan glanced at Zhong Qiyuan, thinking that someone who was essentially an old monster should have no interest. She said: "You finish eating first, and I'll give you two and take them back to them."

"Yeah!" Zhong Chuyuan nibbled like a squirrel.

System: "Auditor, do you care about the host?"

Yun Congwan: "Isn't this the small world hasn't collapsed yet, let's talk about it when it's about to collapse."


Then dare you to be the liar in the melon field?

Let's look at another Xuan who eats melons very happily in the melon field-the son of luck.

System: Can you have a little sense of crisis?

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