The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 71: Reiki Recovery Farming 2

In the Chamber of the Xin Yang Bai's House, the participants were seated in rows from inside to outside according to their status and relationship. From Wan's position on the periphery, they could barely hear a little voice. However, she was not interested in this meeting, so she became one of the few participants who was distracted.

The Bai family is a cultivating family in the spiritual door, and it has appeared since the spiritual energy has not faded. Later, the spiritual energy faded, and many cultivating families could not find the way to practice, so they gradually gave up the practice, broke away from the cultivating path, and chose to return to the mortal world to live the life of a mortal man. Only a few families such as the Bai family persisted.

Even if there is no spiritual energy, the Patriarch of the Bai family will strictly require the descendants of the direct line to learn the exercises left by the ancestors. Slowly as more and more families fell, the Bai family became one of the few adherents.

However, the Bai family’s perseverance was not favored by others. Instead, they were ridiculed a lot. They felt that they were feudal and superstitious, and even the Taoists did not recognize that they practiced the Tao.

Until now, the spiritual energy has finally recovered, and the practice of the Bai family has also played its role. -Rejuvenation of Reiki does not make much difference to ordinary people who have not started to practice, and once they start to practice, it starts from the first grade. However, because the generations of the Bai family have practiced the exercises handed down by their ancestors, after the rejuvenation of their spiritual energy, the people who practiced the exercises are equivalent to directly entering junior high school, far surpassing ordinary people.

Therefore, it has only been a month since the spiritual energy has recovered. The Bai family has been officially recognized and appointed as the helm of the spiritual door, because the eldest lady of the Bai family, Bai Xinyan, has become a first-class immortal.

Human immortal is the level of spiritual sect for practitioners. Currently, they are classified according to "human immortal", "earth immortal" and "tianxian" from low to high. And each level will be distinguished according to the level of strength, from the first to the ninth rank, with the first rank being the highest and the ninth rank being the lowest.

Before many people even reached the quasi-ninth grade for entry, Bai Xinyan had already become a first-grade immortal, which made the spiritual practitioners eager for them.

The Patriarch of the Bai family convened a meeting between the direct line and the tribesmen of the side branch. However, because the direct line was too poor and the place at home was too small, the meeting place was in the conference hall of the Bai Jingan home in Xinyang City, the richest branch.

In more detail, the fictitious identity of Cong Wan is Bai Jingan's second daughter. She, who was originally the host, was squeezed out to the outermost periphery because of her status as a side branch.

Fortunately, she doesn't care about these, just because no one pays attention to her, she won't be criticized for being impolite even if she is distracted.

At the meeting, the Patriarch of the Bai family asked the Bai family to fully support the cultivation of the children of the direct family, because only the children of the direct family have become immortals, but the children of the side family have not even touched the threshold. I'm afraid that he has already lost too many opportunities, and also lost his dominant position in the spiritual door.

The collateral line is somewhat unhappy, after all, the practice has always been dominated by the direct line, and they also want to practice, but the direct line has to give them a chance! Instead, they want to bankrupt their collateral family to support the collateral family. What good will this do for their collateral branch?

But they didn't dare to speak out, because the direct line now has a grade of immortals, and killing them is as easy as squeezing an ant to death.

The plot is clear from Wan. The relationship between the new Yang Bai's family and the direct line has already been out of five services, but who made his family the richest in the Bai family? However, the Bai family's direct line needs cultivation, far from being enough for only the exercises, but also a lot of resources. The direct line can't get these resources, so they can only take advantage of the side branches.

Bai Jingan was in awe of the Bai family's direct lineage, but he was a businessman who wanted to make a profit by using the name of immortal man, so he agreed to the request of the Patriarch of the Bai family.

After that, he squandered a lot of resources to the direct line of the Bai family, and the Bai family's company became the treasury of the direct line. The life of the direct line was getting better and better, but he did not feed back to the side line.

Therefore, Bai Jingan's sons and daughters can't stand it anymore. The eldest daughter feels that the direct line is a bottomless pit. For the benefit of the company, the loss must be stopped. Then she was overthrown by the heroine Bai Xinyan and the hero Li Xing, dismissed her as the general manager, and drove her away from the center of the Bai family.

As for the son, it was purely a cannon fodder—he was the rich second generation who robbed Li Xing's girlfriend in his previous life. -He didn't end well in his previous life. In this world, he naturally had a grudge against Li Xing, so after harvesting a wave of aura as a leek by Li Xing, he slapped his face and humiliated him.

He used his family's resources and contacts to find Li Xing for revenge. Instead, he was punished by the heroine Bai Xinyan and expelled him from the genealogy. In the end, he fell to death.

Bai Jingan saw his children look like this, can he stand by and watch? Of course he can't, but what can he do? The lineage whose appetite has been raised by him is no longer what it used to be, and Bai Xinyan has been successfully promoted from a first-grade human immortal to an eighth-grade earth immortal.

There is only one level difference between the immortal and the earth immortal, but their strength and status are vastly different. Not to mention that Bai Xinyan is already a big figure at the national level. It is easy to make him a wealthy businessman!

He regretted not using the resources in his hand to train his children, but instead raised a white-eyed wolf.

According to the normal small world, good and evil will eventually pay off. But who makes this small world not talk about good and evil?

If you use a novel as a metaphor, then the hero of this novel is a villain, because the hero uses swear words to improve his cultivation. When others do not want to scold him, he will do more excessive things, so he is Take the initiative to be evil. -This is also the final fear of the small world that the male protagonist will backfire on the small world itself when the hero is strong, because the male protagonist will definitely do more evil things in order to improve, and this will naturally endanger the development of the small world.

Therefore, Bai Jingan was regarded as an investment failure. His sons and daughters were placed on the opposite side because they harmed the interests of the male and female masters. They ended up miserably and no one would complain about them.

Cong Wan chose to make up the identity of Bai Jingan's second daughter, naturally not to do something for Bai Jingan, but because the family's current living conditions are pretty good, they are very busy and hardly care about her.

The Patriarch of the Bai family and his descendants have been staring at Bai Jingan—their target has always been him. Although the other collaterals have lived well for some time, they are far behind Bai Jingan. He is a wealthy man with a net worth of more than ten billion US dollars. .

Bai Jingan was also thinking about the deal in her heart. In his opinion, giving hundreds of millions of direct descendants every year can use Bai Xinyan's fame in exchange for greater returns. This deal does not seem to be a loss.

He was about to respond when he suddenly saw someone pushing in.

Xin Yang Bai’s villa is a quadrangle courtyard, and the chamber is actually a meeting room, right next to the main hall, and decorated with full floor-to-ceiling windows. When the door is pushed open, the people inside can see it at a glance.

What came in was a girl with long hair dyed in grandma's ash. She was carrying a shoulder bag. After coming in, she did not look around, but went straight to the chamber.

"This is..." Bai Jingan's gaze swept across everyone's faces, wondering which side child it was.

Everyone in the Bai family looked at each other, none of them knew each other!

Only Cong Wan, who was leaning on the back of the chair and rocking the chair, saw her and almost lost her center of gravity and fell off. But before the chair fell completely, it was held out of thin air.

The younger generation of the Bai family next to Cong Wan was shocked, and immediately stepped back a few steps, surprised to see Cong Wan who was able to maintain an excessive tilt without falling down without any support.

"Be careful." The long-haired girl had already walked to Cong Wan's side, and then gently straightened the chair.

Cong Wan: "..."

Her eyes dodge slightly, and finally recovered calmly, "Thank you!"

Because of this disturbance, everyone noticed the existence of Cong Wan, and Bai Jingan hurried over: "Xiao Wan, what happened, this one?"

"I am her classmate, my name is Zhong Qiyuan, I came to play with her." Zhong Qiyuan smiled slightly.

Bai Jingan: "..."

He glanced at Congwan and said in a low voice, "Now that there is something important at home, can't you make an appointment with your classmates?"

Cong Wan: "..."

Zhong Qiyuan asked in surprise: "Why, I didn't come at the right time?"

Bai Jingan was about to politely chase her out, but the Bai family's child next to Congwan asked in surprise, "Excuse me, are you also a cultivator?"

When this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

The young boy repeated what had happened just now. It was clear that Congwan was about to fall to the ground, but the chair stopped out of thin air, as if being supported by someone. However, Zhong Qiyuan clearly hasn't walked into the chamber, but he can control it remotely. If it's not a cultivator, who would believe it? !

When Bai Jingan heard it, she was also amazed, looking at Zhong Qiyuan with scorching eyes.

Besides Bai Xinyan, is he lucky enough to know the second immortal cultivator? !

Zhong Qiyuan said: "Cultivator? No!"

Bai Jing'an was greatly disappointed, and the heart raised by the Bai family's protagonist was relieved.

But Zhong Qiyuan hadn't finished speaking yet, and she saw her smiling and saying, "How can I be that kind of worm!"

As soon as this statement came out, it was like stabbing a maggot's nest, and a group of people attacked it: "What do you mean? Do you dare to slander the cultivator? You are against the spiritual gate!"

From Wan Fu'e, she knew that Zhong Qiyuan couldn't speak well, and it would be uncomfortable if he didn't mess up for a day!

She also didn't have time to stop Zhong Qiyuan's behavior for the time being, because the system turned on the twitter mode after seeing her, and she was quarreled with a headache.

Zhong Qiyuan didn't realize that she had offended people. She said: "The cultivator grabs resources and wealth from the country and the people. Apart from cultivation, he makes no contribution to the country and society. What is it that is not a moth?"

"You! Immortal cultivators can make a lot of contributions to the country, don't let this nonsense!" The Bai family, especially the direct descendants, are particularly embarrassed, because here only their direct descendants are immortal cultivators. What Zhong Qiyuan said is not just that. Are you scolding them!

"Then you guys tell me, the spiritual energy has recovered for half a year, what have you done for the country?" Zhong Qiyuan asked again.

The direct line of the Bai family: "..."

Bai Xin Yan: "..."

One month after the aura recovered, Bai Xinyan made a breakthrough in one fell swoop and stepped into the realm of the first-class people. The Patriarch of the Bai family took the initiative to contact the official, relying on the Bai family's advantages in this regard more than the official knows, and won the official recognition.

The official spirit gate was established to manage the immortal cultivators, and then, the Patriarch of the Bai family began to plan to consolidate the position of the Bai family in the spirit gate.

It is said that the greatest contribution made is to actively contact the official, so that the official will not be passive in dealing with the rejuvenation of Reiki.

As for the rest of the cultivators who have touched the threshold of cultivating immortality and found that they have a stronger power than before, they also want to join the spiritual gate, grab aura and resources to cultivate.

The official establishment of the spiritual gate is not only responsible for managing the immortal cultivators, but the official will also provide resources to the spiritual gate to help the spiritual cultivators cultivate better and faster. In contrast, if the country needs to use these cultivators for anything, they are also obliged to come out and perform tasks.

However, these immortal cultivators took a lot of resources but did not work. Instead, they used their power to blackmail ordinary people who could not practice.

In Zhong Qiyuan's view, are these immortal cultivators just worms?

The system also said: "In the doomsday world, the supernaturalists have contributed their own strength to the construction of the country anyway, and the consciousness of these immortals is too low."

Bai Jingan is a businessman, and he can see that Zhong Qiyuan is not just a slapstick, he must have that strength if he dares to be an enemy of the immortal cultivator.

So he didn't want to offend Zhong Qiyuan, but he didn't want to offend the direct line of the Bai family, so he came out and said, "You can't say that. It has only been half a year since the aura has recovered. Everyone has no strength yet. Of course, it is mainly cultivation."

"Then the immortal cultivator shouldn't reflect on it, why hasn't he had any strength after half a year of cultivation?" Zhong Qiyuan asked back.

"It's so arrogant, I want to see what arrogant capital you have!" The Patriarch of the Bai family snorted coldly, and he wanted to make a move. However, Zhong Qiyuan just looked past him, as if someone had caught his neck, he couldn't breathe.

"Dad!" Bai Xinyan yelled. She saw that Zhong Qiyuan had made the move, and she was already a first-class immortal, so she was not afraid of Zhong Qiyuan.

She released all of her aura, and her momentum suddenly suppressed ordinary people's breath. The rest of the Bai family flees in terror, for fear that they will be implicated.

However, Zhong Qiyuan's expression remained the same. He just raised his hand and swiped it lightly, and Bai Xinyan was slapped in the air.

All the spiritual energy was taken back in an instant, and Bai Xinyan looked at Zhong Qiyuan in horror.

In front of her, it seemed that it was no longer a person of the same level, but an earth fairy! As for why she didn't guess it was a god, it was because she thought that no one in the world could reach that level.

"Stop, have you forgotten your mission?" Cong Wan hurriedly stood in front of Zhong Qiyuan.

Zhong Qiyuan received his supernatural power: "You have to be grateful that I am here today to find someone, and I didn't bring insecticides, otherwise this field will be harmed by pests, and my crops will not grow well."

She lowered her head and leaned into Congwan's ear and said, "The task only explains that the son of luck is not allowed to die, but the heroine is not allowed to die without explanation."

Cong Wan: "..."

She took Zhong Qiyuan and walked out, "Aren't you here to find me? Let's go out and talk about something!"

Zhong Qiyuan looked at the hands they were holding, and then slightly changed the holding position, becoming ten fingers clasped tightly.

Cong Wan: "..."

She pretended not to notice.

At the back, Bai Jingan finally recovered. He looked at the already collapsed Patriarch Bai and Bai Xinyan, and at the second daughter who had no sense of existence. He asked in a ghostly manner: "Xiaowan, are you coming back for dinner tonight? ?"


"Then, what about your classmates?"

Zhong Qiyuan didn't feel any guilty conscience of making trouble at other people's home. She turned around and smiled and said, "Thank you for preparing Chinese food. I like Chinese food."

Bai Jingan: "Hey, good..."

It feels like his daughter has recruited an amazing classmate?

The author has something to say: Father Bai: I feel like I have recruited an incredible fellow (female) to learn (son-in-law) back?

The small world behind, of course, is sweet love, the abuse part has passed (probably)

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-0502:39:45~2021-05-0518:25:53~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the grenade: 1 MUGA;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: 10 indifferent;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 43 bottles of yoru; 40 bottles of yoru; waiting for text... 10 bottles; 7 bottles of scenery; 4 bottles of serious nonsense; 2 bottles of Ababa;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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