The Villain is Addicted to Farming

Chapter 82: Reiki Recovery Farming 13

Bai Jingan finally learned from Zhong Qiyuan that those who set foot on the path of cultivating immortals will not only have power, but will also reduce the annoyance of diseases, gradually reduce the need for food, and even extend their life span and look more youthful and beautiful.

Only the family of Lingmen has always mastered this secret. Otherwise, how could they have been practicing for thousands of years? Because life span and strength are what they are eternally pursuing.

And the result of these changes is that human beings don't have to worry about what they want to accomplish in a short lifetime.

Before the rejuvenation of Reiki, with the help of medical technology, the average life span of a person can reach more than eighty years. Before the age of twenty, most people were still reading and understanding the mode of operation of this society. After that, maybe they were afraid of loneliness, and maybe they felt that the remaining sixty years was too short, so they would marry and have children, teach children, After raising the child to an adult, let life be continued...

After the rejuvenation of spiritual energy, a person's life span may be one hundred, three hundred, or thousands of years old. The matter of getting married and having children and extending life seems less urgent. With so much time, they can do more things and enjoy more time just for themselves.

Therefore, the life-long events of Congwan that Bai Jingan is worried about, there is actually no need to worry at all. If he is afraid of the discriminatory eyes of the world, then he will kill those people until they can't discriminate against them.

Bai Jingan: "..."

After so many unrealistic things have happened, is it unrealistic to consider reality?

He asked: "But, you are an immortal, Xiaowan is not, she..."

"Don't worry, Dad, I'm also cultivating, but it's not that high-profile." Cong Wan had to lie.

With Zhong Qiyuan by her side, the Bai family really didn't doubt it, but Zhong Qiyuan's words also had a great impact on them, — if Xiuxian would really achieve all that, then would they also start to think of a way? Practiced?

In this way, Zhong Qiyuan's following Wan's matter seemed less important. Bai Congshao talked to Zhong Qiyuan about the recent rumors circulating outside, and asked her if she had any solutions.

Zhong Qiyuan smiled mysteriously: "This tea is the key to opening a new situation."

Before long, the first batch of spring tea from Qiwan Tea Industry finally appeared.

Three years ago, the birth of the only first-grade Dixian shocked the world, and then this Da Neng did not establish a mountain or a cave, nor did she ask the government for power or money. She just contracted 1,000 acres of mountainous land, and then planted it. Had tea.

In the past three years, she has been developing tea mountains, planting tea trees, and researching tea-making technology step by step, which is no different from ordinary tea companies.

In addition, she never accepts disciples and teaches others to practice, and over time, everyone forgot about her and Chashan.

Now, Qiwan Tea Industry announced in a high-profile manner that the first batch of early spring tea will be on the market, and everyone's eyes are instantly placed on Zhong Qiyuan. The news media have prepared for interviews, using tricky questions to test whether she has the real material, or is it just a liar created by the Bai family and the government.

However, Zhong Qiyuan didn't think about coming out to explain specifically. She just asked Bai Celadon, who had already taken care of the company's public relations department, to hold a new tea conference and told the outside world about their company's arrangements.

At the press conference, Bai Celadon talked freely and pulled back crooked topics many times, and then a reporter who planned to start with tea in order to find loopholes in the discourse of white celadon asked: "May I ask if Zhong Dixian planted three New year tea, what is the difference between this tea and ordinary tea?"

White celadon said calmly: "This tea is called Wancha, of course, it can also be called Marrow Tea. As the name suggests, it can wash the bone marrow meridians, so as to increase the chance of ordinary people to cultivate immortals, and at the same time help lower the threshold for cultivation."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience made a sensation, and the cameras and microphones couldn't wait to see Bai Celadon in front of them.

Bai Conghong, who watched the live broadcast, said: "Fortunately, Sister Zhong, you didn't go, otherwise so many people would cause headaches."

Cong Wan also glanced at the TV and echoed: "Yes, fortunately she didn't go, otherwise the press conference will become the scene of the murder."

Bai Conghong: "?"

Zhong Qiyuan was not angry because of the connotation, but just smiled.

The live broadcast scene has become lively. Many reporters who have collected money from Lingmen and prepared to make trouble have forgotten their mission and began to care about washing marrow tea.

It has been nearly four years since the rejuvenation of spiritual energy, but ordinary people can practice or catch the threshold of cultivation very few, and almost one in ten thousand people has successfully explored the resuscitation by themselves.

And none of these people will be paid to the sect by the spiritual sect after they are opened up. The exercises they learn belong to the secrets of the spiritual sect, and there is no chance for outsiders to learn it.

So many people begin to feel anxious in their hearts and feel that God is unfair. However, due to reality, they also had to spend a lot of money to please the spiritual door, so that the spiritual door can guide and teach the juniors in the family.

Those pseudo hosts in the system forum can use their points to redeem the exercises to learn, but most people are unwilling to teach the exercises to others in vain. A small number of people find that teaching others can also gain aura, but once the other party can't learn it, they start to complain about the teacher and get detained, and become cautious.

Even though many exercises have been circulated through the Internet, but still that sentence, no one has pointed out how to introduce spiritual energy, and ordinary people are still confused about cultivation.

It's like taking a primary school textbook to a kindergarten child, and letting them learn without any foundation. They may be able to remember the content, but they don't know what the content expresses.

The function of washing marrow tea is like building a bridge between ordinary people and the exercises. After washing the bone marrow meridians, it is easier to understand how aura is introduced into the body. After that, you can find the exercises yourself and you can step on it more or less. The road to cultivating immortals is just to see if someone guides the next road.

Ordinary people are not afraid of hardship in cultivation, they are afraid that there is no way, or the threshold is too high. With washing marrow tea, they only need to buy a cup of tea to drink, which can lower the threshold. How can they not yearn for washing marrow tea?

Before the live broadcast was over, some people started calling Qi Wan Tea Co., Ltd. to inquire about buying tea. Although they are still not sure about the authenticity of Xisui tea, but if you want to come to Zhong Qiyuan and Bai’s family, it’s not for this. The money has smashed the reputation.

The customer service calls of the company with few customer service personnel were blown up, and they were busy almost every second. Some people simply rushed to the place where Chashan is, and some people choose a circuitous route and want to make an early booking through the employees who work here.

However, the answers they got without exception were: "Sorry, please pay attention to the press conference and our official announcement for the channels of tea sales."

Soon, the white celadon at the live broadcast answered everyone’s questions: “According to the original investment share, the Bai’s Group will get 36% of the tea in the first year, the government will get 49%, and the remaining 15% will be Not for sale."

Bai's also issued an announcement soon. Bai's got the agency sales right of washing marrow tea, so instead of calling the Wancha industry to consult about tea orders, it is better to go to Bai's Taobao store or physical store. As well as supermarket purchases.

In Bai’s purchase of cleansing marrow tea, you must use your ID card to buy, and one person can only buy one packet, even Taobao has opened real-name authentication. Although it is impossible to put an end to the scalper party, it can give ordinary people more buying opportunities anyway.

When the announcement was made, the Bai’s stock market rose sharply, and the phone calls between Bai Jing’an and Bai Congshao were blown up. Xu Min’s little sisters have also been urging her to go out to play. She knows the thoughts of these people. The phone was turned off and I was hiding in the spa at home.

The part that is not for sale is distributed as a benefit for Zhong Qiyuan to employees, and she put it on the system forum, allowing the pseudo hosts to exchange points with points.

Doing so is tantamount to telling the pseudo hosts that she has a close relationship with the system forum, but she doesn't care.

The rules of the system are equal, and the method of accumulating points is the same.—This requires the pseudo-hosts to explore for themselves,—some people with high cultivation levels have low points because they spend all their resources on themselves. He didn’t make much contribution, so the points were less.

Those who have exchanged the exercises to practice and then taught them to others, although they may encounter the malice of not knowing good people and be deducted from their spiritual energy, their points will not be deducted. Over time, when the accumulated points are high, they can be exchanged for cleansing marrow tea, which is also a way to reward them for their contributions to a harmonious society.

Their cultivation progress may not be as good as those who concentrate resources on themselves, but by redeeming these "cleansing marrow tea", their cultivation progress quickly catches up.

After three years of transition and foreshadowing, after confirming that Reiki recovery will not stop for a long time in the future, the Ministry of Spirituality and the Education Bureau also passed a resolution to officially launch training courses, popularize training education, and avoid training. Resources are tilted towards a small group of people, which affects the development of the country.

The 49% of the "washing marrow tea" received by the government is given priority to security forces, because the first thing to do is to ensure the security inside and outside the country, and the power to stabilize the social order is needed.

After the production of tea, Zhong Qiyuan will divide these teas into two parts, one is distributed to students through national arrangements as teaching resources, and the other is for ordinary citizens. Bai's obtains the agency sales right and will be solely responsible for the sale of this part of the tea. .

Therefore, after the Bai Group, the national level soon came up with an education reform and a plan for the allocation of important resources such as washing marrow tea, which is regarded as acquiescence in cooperation with Zhong Qiyuan.

When everyone was busy grabbing tea and discussing the reform of the country's education, Zhong Qiyuan had fewer doubts about whether he was a first-class Dixian. -No matter whether she is a first-class Dixian or not, as long as she really grows Marrow Tea, then she is the best in everyone's hearts!

As for going to the spiritual gate?

The country has reformed education. In addition to the nine-year compulsory education curriculum, there is also an adult cultivation school. Everyone can take classes through the Internet. Everyone can learn to practice immortality. Who wants to go to Bajie Lingmen?

At a new tea conference held by Qiwan Tea Industry Co., Ltd., Lingmen's proud heads were pressed down for many years. They were also panicked. They almost did not openly oppose the country’s education reform. Everyone can cultivate immortals, Lingmen The advantages of the game no longer exist!

However, when the country first introduced this plan, it was different from other decisions involving people's livelihood, national security, development, etc., which required years of research and public opinion surveys. It was decided after the top management passed a series of calculations and speculations.

Naturally, the sooner this plan is introduced, the better. Lately, it will not only lag behind the world and make our country very passive, but it will also make the privileged class grow stronger. When the time comes, it will be difficult for the country to stabilize the order.

Lingmen wants to divide a part of the jurisdiction by persecuting the country. It can be said that their fangs and ambitions have been exposed.

They didn't have much time for the country, so after getting Zhong Qiyuan's cooperation and getting more training data, the country took this opportunity to promote this education reform.

Senior officials who have gained a lot of benefits by relying on the spiritual gate also want to oppose it, but the emergence of washing marrow tea has pushed the topic of national cultivation to a climax. If they prevent the country from doing this, it is against the people. They don't dare to appear easily, they are afraid that they will be torn apart by the people who find that their interests are harmed.

Lingmen, Luoyashan.

The Patriarch of the Bai family was very angry: "This is Zhong Qiyuan again. How much good has she ruined us?!"

He still remembered that their direct line wanted to rely on Bai's side branch to provide them with resources, and the critical moment was that Zhong Qiyuan's appearance broke their good deeds.

In the past few years, their direct descendants have been so scared that they dare not just go straight to Zhong Qiyuan. I thought they had already evaded to such a degree. Zhong Qiyuan should give them a little bit of face too, right? As a result, when Lingmen and the country demanded Luoyashan's jurisdiction, they came out again to ruin their major event!

Once the education reform is completed, Lingmen will become an insignificant small organization. Who is willing to rely on them and give them resources? And you have to be controlled by the country, you can't do things as you want, and you're too embarrassed!

The rest of Lingmen were also very angry, but they gathered for a meeting today to discuss how to deal with this crisis, not to lose their temper here.

Someone said: "I heard that Xisui tea appeared in the exchange column of the'System Forum', but as everyone knows, Qiwan Tea Industry, the only producer of Xisui tea, allocated all the tea for the first year, and part of it was given to Bai's. Part of the sales was handed over to the country, but I kept 15%. So where did the marrow tea in the exchange column come from?"

This question is very important. Only by clarifying where this part of tea comes from can we determine who the ‘harmonious system’ is related to.

At this time, Bai Xinyan glanced to his right and asked, "Aren't you doing a part-time job there? Why didn't you know the news?"

Li Xing said: "Before the press conference, no one except Zhong Qiyuan knew that this was marrow tea."

"At that time, didn't you find anything abnormal?"

Li Xing shook his head. He had been working part-time in Chashan for the past three years. At first, he was just to get close to Zhong Qiyuan, but later discovered that even if he used things that Zhong Qiyuan was interested in to seduce her, she was unmoved. So he thought maybe it was Zhong Qiyuan's status change that caused him to no longer be able to use the advantages of his previous life to approach her.

After that, he gave birth to the idea of ​​finding another backer, but he was used to doing a few preparations, so while he was doing a part-time job in Chashan, he continued to practice the exercises exchanged from the system forums, and he successfully entered the eyes of the spiritual door. The Xiao family, one of the ruling families of the door, became a disciple.

Cultivating here, he made rapid progress, and after learning that Bai Xinyan also has a harmonious system, they began to talk about love for profit. -He is a high climber, but among so many immortal cultivators, only Li Xing is qualified to be with her.

In the past three years, Li Xing spent the past three years undercover in Chashan, passing news to the spiritual gate, while enjoying the resources given by the spiritual gate, and his cultivation speed increased rapidly. Now he is a third-class immortal, and the gap with Bai Xinyan is getting smaller and smaller.

Although he had already taken refuge in Lingmen, he didn't dare to be lazy when working under Zhong Qiyuan's nose, so he knew all about Zhong Qiyuan's process of planting tea. But in the past three years, he didn't find the tea tree out of the ordinary, and even only a little spiritual energy radiated, which was far worse than that of Luoyashan.

"Go back and see if you can figure out how to make the cleansing marrow tea." Bai Xinyan said.

Li Xing is unwilling to be escorted, but he dare not complain, because if there is a complaint, Bai Xinyan will know that when the other party quarrels with him, the two parties can only be kept alive by the system. This is exactly what Bai Xinyan liked. For this reason, Bai Xinyan needs a husband who will not complain to her. Together, they can at least maintain the superficial love and harmony.

Some people in Lingmen proposed to take the opportunity to test Zhong Qiyuan, to uproot the tea trees in Chashan, and bring them back to Luoyashan for planting, so that they can have the cleansing marrow tea for themselves, even if they can’t be used for themselves, they will be burned. Chashan, obstructing the country's strategy.

No one objected to this proposal, so soon someone sneaked up to the tea mountain of Qiwan Tea Industry at night and dug up tea trees.

The author has something to say: System: The last one who dared to move the host has been around for N years.

From fishing: Cool is just one word. How many times do I want to say it?

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-05-1321:13:38~2021-05-1423:20:26~

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: Caramel Horse Head, YyMoon, you are the little orangutan in my eyes, not easy, one thousand years of streamer;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of obsessed with female sex; 17 bottles of Muqizhai; 13 bottles of Ganfaying; 3 bottles of Lou Yiju

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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