Lin Ao took advantage of his free time and turned on his phone.

I found dozens of unread messages inside.

They belong to Gu Wanqing and Qin Yun respectively.

The moment I opened it and looked at it, my head was completely empty.

"Did I drink fake wine last night? What did I do? I went crazy in a hurry and forgot all about it!"

Lin Ao was so scared that his hands were shaking. It was so exciting.

Sent to Gu Wanqing: "Gu Wanqing, if you have the guts, don't keep posting these things to tease me! When I get back and you have the guts to fight me for real! Let's have a real fight!"

"Chest muscle picture.jpg"

Lin Ao's face began to twitch violently. Do you dare to provoke this woman? Where did you get the courage? Why are you provoking this woman?


Then he looked at the one sent to Qin Yun.

Sent to Qin Yun: "Ji Baba, can I meet you when I get back?"

"I don't want to hide behind the screen and miss you anymore. I want your taste, I want your body temperature. I want to hug you and really feel your presence. Give me a chance, okay? Baby~ "

"Chest muscle picture.jpg"

What are you doing? Lin Ao! What kind of nerve do you have? You have to match everything with a picture of your chest muscles! Are you sick!

Didn't you plan not to meet? Platonic love is gone!

It only took a few seconds for Lin Ao to go from being proud of last night's spring breeze to losing his soul.

He didn't even have the courage to read the news from Gu Wanqing and Qin Yun.

He was so drunk last night that he had already forgotten the message he sent.

"What are you doing? Like a deflated balloon."

Xia Qiange went to see off the director and the others, and upon entering, she found Lin Ao petrified on the sofa.

"It's nothing, maybe I was tired last night."

Lin Ao didn't dare to tell Xia Qiange directly about the other two women, so he just made a perfunctory remark.

"You're the only one who's tired, not still want to continue. I'll go back and catch up on some sleep, and call me when you're eating~"

Xia Qiange spat at Lin Ao, her face turned red with embarrassment, and she went back to her room to catch up on her sleep. It was not appropriate to move too much today.

Lin Ao did some mental preparation for a while and decided to open it and read the messages they sent back.

First he opened Gu Wanqing's.

"Hey~ Get out of here for a few days. Is it the length of time you go out to practice? Are you afraid that you will be a man for five seconds by then? You have become more capable. Now you dare to say such things to me?"

"If you don't say anything when we meet, I will tie you up. I've made you angry, and you will bear the consequences if you don't extinguish it!"

"Threat.jpg", "Little Blue Pill.jpg", "Little Blue Pill.jpg", "Little Blue Pill.jpg", "Little Blue Pill.jpg"

Lin Ao unconsciously touched his waist, trembling a little.


He closed Gu Wanqing's chat interface with trembling fingers and opened Qin Yun's.

"Kiss, I've actually been waiting for your words for a long time, and I've been mentally prepared. I have a feeling that you are the one I want to choose. I can't wait to meet you. Kiss, I hope Don’t be scared the moment you see me ~ don’t run away!”

"Cheongsam black silk.jpg", "Hanfu jade legs.jpg", "Mariana Trench.jpg"

Lin Ao clicked on those photos and sighed in his heart.

Qin Yun, Qin Yun, my damn bad mouth, why don't you just be obsessed with me? Now you're fine, you're really in love with me.

And I found that you are very love-savvy. Online dating can make you like this. You really dare to post anything. The more you go cross-country, right?

Hope I won't be scared? I hope you won't be scared by then.

Time flew by quickly, and Xia Qiange only stayed with Lin Ao for three days.

"Remember to miss me~ Smelly man, when you return to Jianghai City, remember to take the time to see me."

Then she hurried back to Jianghai City to continue working. If she didn't leave, she was afraid someone would die.

Lin Ao spent the rest of the time consolidating his realm here alone.

Then he received a call from Uncle Zhang, saying that the renovation of the manor had been completed.

Lin Ao sent an address to Uncle Zhang and asked someone to pick him up. No one could have guessed that Lin Ao was here all the time. When did he buy this villa? The property rights did not belong to anyone in the Lin family. It seemed that Lin Ao had already Already prepared.

Lin Ao drove to the outer gate of the manor. A twenty-meter-high brick wall surrounded the entire manor, with an inner wall made of tungsten steel.

There were hidden cameras all around, and Uncle Zhang couldn't find out where they were even if he didn't tell Lin Ao.

The thick outer door of the manor slowly opened, and after driving down a small road, we saw the original main residence of the Lin family.

You may not be able to find anything different about it from the outside, but it has indeed been completely torn down and rebuilt.

The main house is surrounded by traps of modern technology, and only those who have been identified can move around safely.

The car drove to the door of the house, Lin Ao opened the door and stepped out of the car, and felt a strong aura locking on him.

He suddenly felt bad.

"Uncle Zhang, let's hurry..."

Before Lin Ao finished speaking, he was knocked down by a dark shadow and pushed into the back row.

Uncle Zhang gestured to the others and quickly evacuated.

Before Lin Ao had time to struggle, a familiar sweetness slipped into his mouth.

Lin Ao was treated roughly. She seemed to want to eat Lin Ao. This lasted for a long time.


Lin Ao screamed and touched the corner of his mouth that was bitten and bleeding.

He was about to say something about this crazy woman, but when he looked up, he took back all the words.

Gu Wanqing's eyes were red and her face was thinner than before. Her tears were flowing down silently and she bit her lips to try not to cry.

Gu Wanqing seemed a bit stubborn at the moment. She kept looking at Lin Ao, her eyes filled with all kinds of complicated emotions, including resentment, worry, fear and happiness. Tears had already wet Lin Ao's chest.

Lin Ao felt a pain in his heart. He opened his arms and hugged Gu Wanqing into his arms.

Gu Wanqing burst into tears at this moment after entering Lin Ao's arms.

She grabbed Lin Ao's clothes with both hands, fearing that Lin Ao would disappear again in the next second.

"Lin Ao! You bastard, you are a big bastard, why do you want to disappear? Do you know, do you know how worried I am about you? I am so afraid of losing you, do you know? You..."

As she spoke, Gu Wanqing started crying again. This time she was really aggrieved and angry.

She had been worried about Lin Ao during this period, and missed Lin Ao every minute and every second. She asked him to tell her that he was safe all the time. She tried her best to get Lin Ao to reply to her messages. She wanted Always aware of Lin Ao's safety.

Lin Ao listened quietly to Gu Wanqing's confession and allowed her to release her emotions in his arms.

Only now did Lin Ao dare to be sure that Gu Wanqing truly loved him.

Finally let her enter his world.

Lin Ao hugged Gu Wanqing vigorously and gently stroked her hair.

He whispered something softly into her ear.


"I promise I won't do it again."

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