Touching Hinami's little head, I felt like all the stress from the past few days had disappeared.

"By the way, when I came down earlier, I saw that my brother seemed to be in a bad mood. What happened?"

"Well, who told you, sister Touka, to bully others? You actually said that others looked like crabs or something. That's too much, right?"

"Yeah! Sister is really too much. My brother is obviously a very good person."


Kirishima Touka's mouth twitched upward fiercely.

Five minutes ago, he killed three ghouls without changing his color, and even planned to take the fourth and fifth kills. This kind of guy has nothing to do with the word kindness!

Hinami, don't be fooled by this guy!


"Speaking of this, by the way, shit... How is that guy Nishiki now?"

Because he didn't want to show his rude side in front of Hinami, he quickly changed his words halfway through.

"As for's not bad. I did some emergency treatment. As for the rest, it depends on his own recovery."

He breathed a sigh of relief. Even if he didn't like that guy very much, they were more or less familiar with each other.

Then he frowned: "But what's going on? Why did you suddenly meet...Jin?"

"In simple terms, it's probably...a trap, right? You'd better ask him for the details."

He spread his hands, indicating that he really didn't know so much. Although he could make a rough guess, it's better to ask the person himself about this kind of thing.

"Brother, what is a 'trap'?"

"...Let me think about how to explain it to you while protecting your young heart...Well, to give you a more vivid example, your sister Dongxiang pretends to be a shy little girl every day to trick customers into ordering."

"Hey! Don't teach Hinami weird things!"

He interrupted Lin Qiao's words with dissatisfaction.

"Let's talk business. Why bring that woman back?"

Even though there is Lin Qiao who can erase other people's memories, so that people in the stable area can face the humans who have discovered their identities in a more gentle way, it is still a bit... Do you think you are not an outsider?

"What else? Do you think you should bring her back to my house or to Kaneki's house?"

Especially because Nishino Takamiya is still wearing so... cool clothes, no matter where he goes back, Nishio Kin's head will be a little green.

The sun gradually sets in the west, and it took some time to send away the annoying blue smelly sister. Soon only Lin Qiao and Hinami are left.

Fueguchi Ryoko on the side looked at the two with a kind smile, but seemed to think of something and sighed from time to time.

He walked to the bar with ease and took out the coffee beans. After a familiar operation, he handed a cup of freshly brewed coffee to Hinami.

Of course, considering that Hinami is just a child, the taste of adults may not be very suitable for her, so this is just an ordinary cup of coffee, not his customized version.

"Brother, the coffee is delicious."

He gave a thumbs up to Lin Qiao's coffee.

"Yeah, yeah, it's very good, isn't it? It's a pity that other people don't know how to enjoy it."

He made a cup of customized coffee for himself with some regret. The special taste was really unforgettable.

But at this time, Kaneki Ken walked to the bar, looking at Lin Qiao inside, and stood aside uncomfortably, wanting to say something but stopping.

"From your appearance, you should have something to ask me, Kaneki?"


After struggling, he nodded, but when he looked up at Hinami on the side, he hesitated.

Seeming to understand the atmosphere in front of him, and also knowing that he should not get involved in the things in front of him, Fueguchi Hinami was very sensible and prepared to leave.

"Then I'll go back first, brother..."

Just when she stood up from her seat, she saw Lin Qiao gently stroke her head with one hand.

The warm temperature above made people feel a little comfortable.

"It's okay to stay. After all, I don't have anything to hide from Hinami."


"Okay, Kaneki-san, let's continue our topic. I believe that with your personality, you won't ask anything that will embarrass everyone."

He found a new set of coffee cups from the counter, placed them in front of Kaneki Ken, and then filled them with coffee.

"Hey, please enjoy."

"Thank you very much..."

Although he said so, he didn't choose to drink it, probably because the last incident was still vivid in his mind.

After hesitating for a while, he tentatively asked: "...I remember Mr. Ishimori said that he was a human, right? But you looked very similar to Amazon at that time..."

"Yeah, that's true, but I remember I also said that I'm not an Amazon, right?"

"No, sorry, what I meant was..."

Some people didn't dare to face Lin Qiao's gaze directly. After hesitating for a long time, they stuttered and said their doubts.

"That's...that, I want to know, what does Mr. Ishimori think of ghouls?"

He mustered up the courage to speak out his doubts.

Although it has been quite some time since he became a ghoul, and he has become accustomed to living like this, but because of this, he has become more and more confused.

In the past, he had always thought that ghouls were just brutal monsters that drank blood and wore fur.

But after these days of contact, he found that Touka, Mr. Furuma, Sister Iruma, the store manager, and Miss Ryoko, no matter who they were, they were no different from humans...except for eating people.

But it's not their fault, at least not entirely, because no one can choose their own birth.

But why can't everyone get along and solve problems together?

Hinami, who was sitting across from the bar, also looked at Lin Qiao as if she wanted to but didn't dare to look.

He seemed eager to know his inner thoughts.

"Well, a very good question. It seems that you have grown a lot during this period of time, little brother Kaneki."

He sighed, and although he was shocked at first, he quickly returned to his relaxed tone.

"Speaking of which, did what I did before coming here leave some psychological shadow on you?"

"No, that,"

I subconsciously wanted to defend myself, but in the end I just nodded silently.

"Well, it looks like it's my fault."

"But the fact that you suddenly asked me this question probably wasn't just on a whim."

"Then let me guess, other reasons..."

With a smile of unknown meaning on his face, Lin Qiao came closer and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"You must have met Tsukiyama Xi, right?"

Chapter 47 The world needs an enemy

Has Tsukiyama Xi approached Kaneki Ken?

I don’t know, but there’s nothing to lose if I try. Anyway, it doesn’t cost much to defraud him Kaneki Ken.

"Well, Mr. Tsukiyama... No, no, no, I'm sorry, I don't know!"

First he nodded subconsciously, but then he hurriedly denied it.

Almost everyone in Anding District knew that Lin Qiao wanted to kill Yue Shanxi.

Of course, you know what you know, but from their standpoint, the most they can do is not help each other, even if they have a higher favorable impression of Lin Qiao.

This is a matter of principle.


"You really can't lie, Brother Kaneki... Well, but in a way, this is also your advantage."

After taking a sip of coffee, Lin Qiao shook her head with emotion, then put the coffee cup down without dwelling on this issue too much.

Regarding Tsukiyama Xi, he had already asked the local ghouls when he was in District 13, and got the exact news of his return to China.

It can be said that if he wanted to, he could rush directly to this guy's house, tie him and his father Yueshan Guanmu Wuhuada into a Poyang Lake hairy crab, and when Christmas comes, send it to the door of the CCG General Administration as a gift.

But after thinking about it, I decided to take a long shot and catch the big fish, so I didn't rush to do it.

The Ghoul Restaurant...that's just a place, similar in nature to a dance party, and it doesn't have much meaning in itself.

If the master didn't distribute invitations to other people to hold a dance, then even if he went, he would only catch two or three garbage men responsible for cleaning up.

Need to wait for the opportunity.

"Anyway, I won't ask you any more questions about Tsukiyama Xi to save you the trouble. As for my views on ghouls... To be honest, it's hard for me to answer you this question right now."

He put on a troubled look, and instead of answering Kaneki Ken's question directly, he threw the question back.

"But before that, let me ask you a question first. Brother Kaneki, what do you think is the most fundamental conflict between ghouls and humans?"

The most fundamental conflict...

After thinking about it, Kaneki Ken said with some uncertainty: "It should still be food, right?"

If not for this, then ghouls should be no different from other minorities in the world.

Lin Qiao nodded: "Yes, as you said, food. One of the parties must take the life of the other and devour its flesh and blood to maintain its own survival. Generally speaking, we call this relationship - food chain."

"Putting aside other aspects, from a purely natural perspective, ghouls eating humans is no different from cats eating mice or snakes eating frogs. It is part of the natural cycle."

"But of course, no one wants to die. As the prey, facing this life and death situation, even a single-celled organism will choose to fight to the death."

"So whether the result is killing the other party or being killed by the other party, it is nothing surprising."

Lin Qiao sighed, then patted Hinashi's head and deliberately slowed down her speech.

"And from the moment humans evolved wisdom, they were destined to be different from other creatures. When faced with natural enemies like ghouls, humans would not flee like a herd of zebras encountering lions, but would choose to unite Rise up and nip this danger in the bud.”

This is also the main reason why most ghouls can only survive in the gaps of society.

After all, although ghouls are powerful, they came onto the historical stage too late, and their power is not so strong that humans cannot contend with them, and they are not united internally...

It was okay in the cold weapon era, but with the development of technology to this stage, their individual advantages have been almost eliminated.

"It seems that I have said too much... In short, my personal view on ghouls is still neutral and objective, and I don't have the extreme idea that birth is wrong."

After all, asking others to choose birth is too naive.

"Of course, that's the case, but as a human being, although I like everyone in the stable area, it is impossible for me to have any good feelings towards ghouls as a whole."

Although such an idea itself is already heretical and even heretical in human society.

But as a time traveler, his position is not so firm.

"In other words, as long as the food problem is solved, it will be fine...?"

Kaneki Ken murmured thoughtfully, and even the little Hinami on the side looked like he was thinking.

Seeing this, Lin Qiao couldn't help but sigh: "Although I don't want to hit you, it's not that simple, Kaneki."

"Eh? But didn't I just say..."

"That's just the most basic thing. If your dream is to achieve friendly coexistence between humans and ghouls, simply solving the food problem is far from enough."

It's better to say that if it's just a simple food problem, it can be solved with current scientific conditions.

For example, the RC repair liquid used by ghoul investigators to maintain Quinque.

Ghouls can basically eat that stuff, but it's hard to say how it tastes, and the cost is not friendly to ghouls living at the bottom of society.

But those are all secondary issues.

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