The gold finger that the other party obtained seemed to be the same as the werewolf just now, which was some kind of ability enhancement, not equipment... Isn't this very bad for her?

It's simply gender discrimination!

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot about that guy."

He slapped his head and remembered the werewolf who was used by him using the biased tree badge before, but almost killed him after discovering it. The breath from his nostrils became heavier.

He didn't care about Lin Qiao who was still struggling weakly on the ground... Anyway, it's like this, it's estimated that it won't be long before she is completely dead.

Zhang Xiaowei decisively wrote the other party's name in the notebook.

"Very good, so... ah!"

Looking at the newly added name in the notebook, she was about to nod with satisfaction.

But the next second, a black tentacle stretched out from Lin Qiao's wrist and quickly pierced her ankle.

"Fuck you... ah ah ah!"

The pain of being stung by a bee instantly made her take a breath of cold air.

Just as he was about to curse, some kind of poison quickly spread through his blood vessels to his whole body, causing him to scream heart-wrenchingly.

In just two breaths, the blood vessels in his body had turned black, like spider webs crawling all over his body.

"... Hey, why... can't you laugh?"

Lin Qiao climbed up from the ground trembling all over, and laughed very weakly.

The pain brought by the heart paralysis made him feel as if a black curtain was stained in front of his eyes, and it was as if he had eaten some kind of red umbrella, and the whole world became less real.

"... You bastard! Actually... Ah ah ah ah!"

He looked at Lin Qiao with a resentful look, as if he wanted to continue to curse.

But then her body was decomposed into countless light particles in the severe pain.


Lin Qiao laughed miserably.

“…But this time…it’s really bad…”

If it were an ordinary person, he would have died long ago after such a long time, but as a half-blood star person, Lin Qiao’s vitality is far beyond that of ordinary people…But even so, his condition may not be far from the word “death”.

‘Can’t stop here, otherwise you will only become a target for others! ’

Lin Qiao barely moved his body and stumbled towards a certain direction.

Some weak but strange whimpers came out of his throat.

The dizziness and suffocation caused by lack of oxygen became more and more intense, as if he could fall into darkness at any time.


His body fell to the ground, making the already shaking world in front of him even more shaky.

But in the face of a strong desire to survive, even though his thoughts had become blurred, he still relied on instinct to crawl forward.

The bright red armor made a grinding sound with the ground.

It was only a few meters away, but at this moment, it seemed as if he was hundreds of kilometers away.

What's worse is that as time goes by, his condition gets worse and worse...

He raised his hand and tried to crawl forward, but as the other arm supporting his body suddenly became weak, Lin Qiao fell powerlessly on the asphalt road that had been weathered for who knows how many years.

I don't want to die, don't want to die, don't want to die!

That being said, the world in front of him was rapidly turning black, as if everything was beyond redemption.

He trembled and touched the position of his heart, but there was no sign of any beating there.

At the same time, for some reason, his chest became more and more painful.

It was as if a ball of fire was burning in it, or something was dissolved alive and turned into thick water.

'Is this my...end? '

That was too bad...

Lin Qiao, who could no longer use his hands and feet, could only twitch his fingers slightly a few times even if he tried his best.

The pain in his chest suddenly stopped, or it was not as painful as before...but his consciousness was also blurring rapidly, as if everything around him was darkening.

But I don’t know if it’s an illusion seen by a dying person, or something else.

Just when Lin Qiao felt that he was about to die, a white figure appeared in front of him.


Such an almost unrealistic idea suddenly popped up in his mind.

He stretched out his hand with his last strength to try to grab something... but in the end, he only got a ball of air.

Not long after, the world belonging to Lin Qiao went completely dark——

I don’t know if it’s an illusion caused by the fantasy before dying, or something else.

In the dream, Lin Qiao seemed to feel that someone was dragging him, and the method was rough, and he would even hit his head from time to time...

No, it didn’t seem to be an illusion.


The feeling of water drops falling on his face made Lin Qiao’s consciousness, which had sunk to the bottom of the sea, quickly rise and wake up from the state of suspended death.

‘Am I still alive? ’

Slowly opened his eyes and looked around. The light here was a little dim.

The vision became clear, but the brain was still a little drowsy, and the body could not use any strength.

The narrow field of vision and the simple perspective without other bizarre scenery made him realize that he seemed to have untransformed without realizing it.

He clenched his fists, and his body still felt bad, but compared to the previous state that could collapse at any time, it was much better.

And most importantly, the painful feeling of being unable to breathe before also disappeared.

"Hu... cough!"

He took a deep breath and tried to sit up from where he was lying, but the pain in his chest still made him calm down instantly.

This was normal, after all, his original heart had just experienced a self-dissolution, and the new one had not yet fully adapted to the body...

Hmm? Why do I know this question?

It was as if some information was automatically input into my brain.

"You're awake."

Before I could figure out the question, a female voice that sounded a little cold rang from the side.

'Who is it? '

Lin Qiao turned her head with some effort and found that not far away from her, there was a woman with long white hair sitting.

To be honest, she looked much worse than Lin Qiao, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

A tight black leather jacket that could be regarded as a battle-damaged style barely covered her body, and the whole person was also covered in dust, and a lot of dirt was stained on her delicate face like a porcelain doll.

It was just from her simulated skin that seemed to be spliced ​​together, but it silently told her that she was not human.

——A2, the android.


“…So I have become a girl?”


Ah this…

A2 was stunned at this moment, and the words that she was going to say were stuck.

She seemed to have picked up a strange thing.

Chapter 6 Unfriendly first meeting



Some awkward meeting scene, men and women smiled at each other - it should have been unfolded like this.

At least if A2 didn't put a sword on Lin Qiao's neck, the relationship between the two sides might be much more harmonious.

“I ask, you answer, don't say extra words, understand?”


Looking down at the long sword clamped on his neck, Lin Qiao, who remained lying flat, nodded very obediently.

The hard touch of the sword blade, which was slightly lower than the surrounding temperature, made him swallow nervously.

To be honest, playing with ChatGPT or playing with AI, and finally making it buggy, that is indeed fun.

But if the opponent can easily cut the steel plate in half, then it is better to consider whether your words are appropriate.

After all, AI will not joke with people - it will definitely not show mercy if it says it will kill you.

Not to mention that the android in front of him is a combat model, and it is estimated that the number of mechanical life forms killed by him is more than what Lin Qiao has seen in recent days.

Not to mention that compared with other androids, because all the relatives and friends around him died because of the calculations of the android leaders, A2 can be regarded as a standard avenger - so don't expect her to have a heartless personality.

Finally, not to mention that his current state is particularly bad.

At least in the non-transformed state, Lin Qiao felt that he should not be able to withstand A2's sword.

It is not easy to grow a new heart after losing it, but it is impossible to grow a body after moving the head, right?

"Tell me, who are you?"

"Just a..."



I won't be naughty anymore. If I continue to be naughty, I will be really finished.

"Well, well, my name is Lin Qiao, this year..."

"Shut up!"

Before Lin Qiao finished speaking, A2 interrupted him coldly, and at the same time, the sword on his neck was slightly pressed down.

"I'm not interested in those boring trivialities, just get to the point - what are you? What are you planning?"

"...No, actually I think it's still very important..."

He muttered a few words in a low voice with a little bit of reluctance.

However, facing A2's expression that didn't seem to be joking, Lin Qiao decisively swallowed the rest of his words.

And the questions the other party asked him were also worth thinking about - such as the "you" and so on.

It's not difficult to guess that in the past few days, as a wanted criminal in YoRYA, she should have seen other time travelers.

Of course, as for the specific results, that's another matter - at least at the moment, this information can't deduce anything.

And compared to such insignificant things, it's better to think of a way first, so as not to let yourself be chopped off with a knife.

At least the cold and arrogant android in front of him definitely didn't ask about trivial matters such as family background.

"How should I put this..." Lin Qiao coughed twice.

"——Actually, I am a human."

Although it may be that after receiving the golden finger given by the system, the purity has decreased.

Lin Qiao looked at A2 standing next to him with a very serious look.

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