Lin Qiao continued to complain weakly while lying on the table, seemingly dissatisfied with the suspicious gazes of the people around him.

In fact, to be honest, this was the result of his own actions.

The reason was very simple - the shares of the companies he held were more or less related to the Tsukiyama family, or were subsidiaries of the other party.

This was very fucked!

Although the Tsukiyama Group stabilized its stock price in a short period of time after the truth about Tsukiyama Shuu being a ghoul was leaked, Lin Qiao sold all his shares before the action to ensure that he would not lose all his money after the sudden death of the Tsukiyama family.

But this could not change the fact that he had lost most of his current source of income.

If he continued to maintain the current consumption level, he might have to declare bankruptcy in more than two hundred years!

However, the others still looked like "Ah, right, right, right" and "Whatever you say", which made him helpless.

Only Fueguchi Hinami, who was sitting opposite, widened her doll-like eyes and asked with concern: "Has my brother encountered difficulties?"

"As expected, Hinami is the best. She knows how to care for my brother."

Reaching out and touching Hinami's head, the other party also showed a comfortable expression in response.

"How is it? Are there any questions you can't do?"

She propped herself up and looked at the math test paper spread out in front of her. It was probably the difficulty of the first and second grade of elementary school.

For Hinami's age, it is a little late to start.

But because she has never had the experience of going to school before, even if she is considered to be a mature and talented type among children of the same age, it is better to start from the basics step by step.

This is where Dong Xiang suffered a loss. She was thrown into high school and beaten without any foundation. Lin Qiao thought it would be better not to let her follow in her footsteps.

"No, the questions above are very simple, and I have memorized the multiplication formula."

Handed the test paper to Lin Qiao with great interest.

He glanced at it. Although the questions above were not all completed, judging from the part that had been filled in, if he really had to give a score, it should not be that low.

The most important thing is that the other party did not show any bored attitude towards learning... This is much better than him who was thinking about going out when he was a child.

"By the way, how is my brother doing?"

Lin Qiao's expression froze slightly, and then he silently put the paper in his hand back in front of Fueguchi Hinami.

In front of his seat, there was also a paper, but the subject was chemistry, and there was a thick stack of textbooks next to it.

Learn math, physics and chemistry well, and travel all over the world.....

Lin Qiao didn't know whether he could travel all over the world, but in order to better master his own power, the relevant necessary knowledge must be mastered.

But unfortunately, he was a liberal arts student before crossing over, and his grades were not ideal, so he had to start from scratch with the relevant knowledge. 伿

This is also the reason why he still came to the Anding District to punch in as usual after solving Yueshan Xi.

After all, there happened to be a nerd who could teach him here—Nishio Jin, who was admitted to the Department of Pharmacology at Shangjing University by self-study.

With his ability, it was more than enough for him to tutor Lin Qiao, who could only barely pass the three subjects of math, physics and chemistry in high school before crossing over.

The only thing that needed to be paid attention to was that when listening to the other party's lecture, Lin Qiao had to make sure that the Buddhist scriptures were playing in the recorder next to him.

Otherwise, he was really afraid that he would get angry and take out the smoke gun to blow up this guy.

But fortunately, it was also a little bit of gain. At least he had almost mastered the knowledge of math, physics and chemistry in high school. He didn't say that he would get 100 points in the exam, but at least he would not be in the Schrodinger uncertainty state of passing or failing.

It was just that because a certain yellow-haired guy had a date with his girlfriend tonight, he left the coffee shop after work, threw a bunch of study materials to Lin Qiao for him to study by himself, and ran away early with a bright face.

Putting aside the medical materials in his hand, it was a textbook from Nishio Nishiki's freshman year, with dense notes written by him in the blank space.

He turned on his phone, tapped a few times on the screen, and looked at the playback screen with one hand on his head.

It can be seen that the screen shows a magnificent European-style villa, but because it is too far away, it can only be seen roughly.

"Is that... a movie?"

Dong Xiang, who came over at some point, looked at the almost static black and white screen and wondered.

And is the picture quality too low? It's always the same picture... Is it stuck?

"It's the Tsukiyama family. I spent a little effort before, and I installed a webcam nearby."

Of course, since there was no wifi nearby, he had to leave a mobile phone with a data hotspot connected to a power bank in place.

Except for the need to replace it from time to time, it is more troublesome to bring the original one back for charging, everything else is perfect.

In the picture, on the road a little further away from the Tsukiyama family villa, a huge convoy was driving at a constant speed, and then surrounded the Tsukiyama family.

Black helicopters kept circling in the air.

"That can't be...!?"

Dong Xiang couldn't help but take a breath.

"Ah, yes, it's what you think."

He raised a finger in front of the girl's lips, preventing her from saying the next three words.

Because Hinami was still there, and considering that the other party had finally come out of his psychological shadow, Lin Qiao just nodded and confirmed the other party's thoughts without saying anything more.

"It's finally about to begin."

With a hint of smile, he murmured softly, then stretched and stood up from his seat.

"You guy..."

She touched her lips blankly. She obviously hadn't recovered from her somewhat ambiguous action just now.

"...Hey, what are you going to do?" He stretched out his hand and grabbed Lin Qiao's shoulder. Looking at Lin Qiao's back walking out of the store, Dong Xiang suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Well, a rare big show is about to begin. Of course I want to join in the fun."

"Stop joking! Didn't you see the amount just now?"

If possible, she really wanted to open the head of the man in front of her and see what was inside!

It is no exaggeration to say that with such a large number of crusade troops, even SSS-level ghouls would have no choice but to avoid the limelight temporarily.

You may not be afraid of death, but you cannot actively seek death!

"I saw it, that's why I went. After all, it's worth joining in the fun when there are so many people."

Lin Qiao shrugged indifferently, and her attitude made Dong Xiang's teeth itch at the sight.

"So, ciao~"

Chapter 64: The Tsukiyama Family's Crusade - Opening

"Lord Guan Mu."

Matsumae, who was wearing a black butler's uniform, knocked gently on the door of the house owner's room, but received no response. She was not in a hurry and just waited quietly outside the door.

It wasn't until a while later that the voice of "Please come in" came from inside, and she pushed open the unlocked door in front of her.

Just like usual, the head of the family, Yueshan Guanmu, was in the study, sitting in front of the desk made of mahogany.

But compared to the past, the other person's face looked more haggard, and even wearing his favorite yellow retro glasses could not hide his eyes that were already red from crying.

There was a thick black photo album on the table, and in his hand was a photo of Tsukiyama Xi when he was a child.

"Lord Guan Mu..."

She bit her lower lip. As she had grown up watching Master Xi, she couldn't understand the sadness in it.

After the photo of Yueshan Xi's death spread across the Internet, the entire Yueshan family was shrouded in deep sadness, and she even wanted to use the most cruel punishment in the world to torture those investigators to death.

It’s just that everything is doomed.

Even though she didn't want to disturb the other party at this time, there were more important things at the moment.

"...I'm sorry, Matsumae, for making you laugh." Reluctantly putting down the photo in her hand, Tsukiyama Kanmu let out a long sigh.

"How's the situation?"

"Yes, according to reports from many of our informants, the CCG suddenly started a large-scale operation. I'm afraid their target is... the Yueshan family."

"Are you planning to attack us directly? Sure enough, the worst situation still happened."

Yueshan Guan's mother said without sadness or joy, but when her eyes drifted past the baby photo of Yueshan Xi on the table, her nose still couldn't help but feel sore.

"Xi, my favorite son..."

"About Young Master Xi... Please forgive me, Lady Guanmu,"

What Matsumae fears most now is that his master will do something irrational due to grief...even if this possibility is very small.

But the Yueshan family has already lost a young master, so they cannot lose the head of the family as well.

Otherwise, the Yueshan family will completely disappear from history.

As if not wanting to worry the other party, Yueshan Guanmu took a deep breath and cheered up: "Don't worry, Matsumae, I know what I'm doing... Have all the things I arranged before been completed?"

"Yes, all manpower arrangements have been completed according to your instructions. The helicopter will arrive soon. The ferry also docked the night before yesterday and has been replenished. It is ready to go at any time."

After all, it was a matter of life and death for the Tsukiyama family, and Matsumaae didn't dare to be sloppy at all. Every detail of it could be said to be extremely careful, and he had to ensure that the information would not be received by the CCG.

"In this case, let everyone prepare. Just as we previewed before... I want to stay with Zaixi for a while."

"Yes, Lady Guanmu." She bowed and retreated slowly, leaving the remaining time to the old man who had suffered the pain of losing his son.


But just when she was about to exit the room, Yueshan Guanmu suddenly warned her in a slightly sad tone.

"Please, please make sure to survive with everyone this time."

"Yes, Lady Guanmu! As a knight of the Yueshan family, I will definitely defeat the wild dogs of the CCG!"

As if swearing an oath of allegiance, the knight's right fist hit his heart hard.

From the beginning, the Tsukiyama family's plan was not just to escape.

Both Tsukiyama Kanmu and Matsumae knew that given the current situation, that kind of thing was simply impossible. They wouldn't even be able to get out of Tokyo, and they would die on the way.

Originally, the best result was that under the entanglement of various forces, CCG was forced to give up its plan to attack the Yueshan family and retreat unscathed, but the result... let's forget about it.

Therefore, for the Yueshan family, the only and effective way at present is to defeat, or at worst, drag down the large CCG troops that come to encircle and suppress them, and then take advantage of the empty defense to use the ferry and other tools that have been arranged before, Flee overseas.

I have to say that this is very risky and impractical, but it is the only way to survive.

After losing her most important concern, her son, the unprecedented loneliness made Yueshan Guan's mother decide to live alone and not save everyone including the servants of the Yueshan family.

The risks are pretty much the same anyway.

Opening the photo album and caressing the photo of my son, the memory seems to return to that moment...

After an unknown amount of time, the noise caused by the helicopter propeller suddenly appeared in the ears of everyone in the Yueshan family.

"Lord Guan Mu, our connection with the outside world is cut off——!"

The CCG army has arrived!


"From now on until the next two hours, CCG will temporarily cut off all contact with the outside world. The rest will be left to you, Maru."

This is what the director and Shukichi said to Maruutesai before setting off.

In other words, he doesn't have to worry about any restrictions or interference during these two hours. But on the other hand, he must end this crusade against the Yueshan family within two hours, otherwise it will be difficult to say what will happen next.

Sitting in the command car, Marutesai clicked his tongue: "It's only two hours, it's too tight! Forget it, there's no time to complain...each unit will report the situation!"

Looking at the dozen monitor screens in front of him, he picked up the headphones and ordered.

"The first team has arrived at the front of the target location and has not found any signs of target activity. They are ready to attack at any time."

"The second team has arrived at the left flank of the target location and has not found any signs of target activity. They are ready to attack at any time."

"The third team has arrived at the right flank of the target location and has not found any signs of target activity. It is ready to attack at any time."

"The fourth team has arrived behind the target location and has not found any signs of target activity. It is ready to attack at any time."


"As expected, are you still prepared in advance?"

Listening to the dense reports coming from the earphones, he curled his lips, but it was to be expected that large-scale operations would lead to intelligence leaks.

"Everyone, listen, our mission target this time is the Tsukiyama family. It has been found that everyone inside, including the servants, are ghouls. There are no innocent people."

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