When passing by the city hall, the entrance was crowded with protesters.

Although some staff members wanted to persuade them to go back, their superiors and colleagues might be man-eating monsters, and the top management seemed to be deliberately ignoring the huge pressure brought by these monsters, which was far from being appeased by the staff's few words of "We will definitely handle it well" and "Please go back and wait for notification".

After all, for the people below, the government's credit had already gone bankrupt when it was revealed on the Internet that the current prime minister and Yueshan Kanmu were classmates, and the Yueshan family just happened to confirm their ghoul identity...


Of course, it is true to say so, but unless those protesters really intend to overturn the table and rebel directly, no matter how excited they are here, it will be useless.

After all, they were not the ones who really decided the direction of things from the beginning.

They are just bargaining chips at most.

Chapter 74 Turbulent situation and undercurrent

In the imposing office of the director of the CCG headquarters, two middle-aged men with extraordinary demeanor were sitting there looking at each other.

Needless to say, the one sitting in the main seat is the CCG director, Yoshitoki Wakayama.

The other person is also not willing to give in to others in terms of status, and is the current Japanese Prime Minister, Wakayama.

Both of them will be surrounded by reporters when they go out.

However, although they are gathered together at this moment, their mentality is completely opposite.

Yoshitoki Wakayama is still calm and steady, but Prime Minister Wakayama opposite him is vaguely anxious.

It can be said that the more arrogant he was when he sent his assistant to make a phone call a few days ago, the more embarrassed he is now.

Feng Shui turns around, and this is what the current situation is like.

"Director Wakayama, if possible, I hope you can seriously consider what we talked about before."

Patiently, he tried to change the other party's previous idea with kind words.

Kazuo Yoshitoki smiled kindly and nodded, "Please rest assured about this, Prime Minister, CCG will certainly live up to everyone's expectations and bring all the evildoers to justice..."

A very correct and official answer.

If the citizens outside who were parading heard this, it is estimated that it is not impossible to join CCG on the spot.

But this is not the answer he wants.

Prime Minister Wakayama clenched his fists tightly. Compared with the high-sounding nonsense of bringing the evildoers to justice, he hoped that this matter would end here.

Political enemies——

This is the relationship between the two and the forces behind them.

Compared to the absolute iron-blooded killing of ghouls by the Kazuo family, Prime Minister Wakayama and his related factions have a relatively soft attitude towards ghouls.

Well, of course, how much of it is related to Tsukiyama Kanmu is a matter of opinion.

Anyway, the political donations from the Tsukiyama family to the Wakayama faction every year are not a small amount.

It's ironic, right?

One is a ghoul, but he kills all other ghouls; the other is a human, but he is lenient to ghouls...

To be honest, it's all business.

It's just that with Wakayama becoming the prime minister, his business is obviously going to expand... But with the arrest of Tsukiyama Kanmu, he may have to think about how to avoid bankruptcy before expanding and becoming stronger.

"Wasu, do you really know what you are doing? If CCG really wants to investigate thoroughly, then the whole of Japan will be doomed!"

"But it is also possible to be reborn, isn't it?"

Facing the step-by-step pressure from Prime Minister Wakayama, Wakasu Yoshitoki did not give in.

"And saying that the whole of Japan is a bit too much, at most only those maggots who accepted bribes from the Tsukiyama family will fall into hell, right?"


Yes, but the problem is that these "maggots" are basically people from his Wakayama family!

There is no doubt that if CCG really chooses to investigate thoroughly, his family will not only be stripped naked, but also run naked.

And he will be nailed to the pillar of shame for the crime of communicating with ghouls, becoming the prime minister with the shortest tenure in history.

As for the turmoil in the political and business circles that will be caused later, let alone, the whole country may even enter a wartime state... But it will also allow He Xiujia to completely reach the top and become the uncrowned king of the whole country.

Frankly speaking, if the same choice is placed in front of him, he will definitely not let the other party go for those two empty words.

Get all the other party's people down and replace them with your own people. Wouldn't it be great to call the shots at that time?

But unfortunately, he is now in the hands of others, so he can only beg others to show mercy.

But it is obvious.

Without sufficient benefits, it is impossible to want He Xiuji to stop.

After thinking for a long time, Ruoshan gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind, and said with difficulty:

"....At the latest by the end of this month, I will submit my resignation, and my people will not participate in the election."

"Well, it sounds good, please continue."

"If you need it, I will fully cooperate with you. In addition, I have evidence of bribery by the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. If you want, I can give it all to you."

To be honest, this condition really made my heart move when I met Xiu Ji.

Compared with the fruits of victory that require a fight, or even a fight in which both parties are injured, this method of voluntary exchange by the other party may result in less gain, but it is safer and less troublesome.

And there is no need to worry about any big shocks, leaving them with nothing but a mess in the end.

For the Hexiu family, stability is very important.

"Thank you very much for your understanding, Prime Minister, but there is one last question for the CCG."

He Xiujishi stretched out a hand and pointed out the window.

"——How to explain to the angry people outside."

".....how do you want to do it?"

"I personally think that although the Prime Minister has been misunderstood by the world, his words can still be believed."


calm! calm!

He pinched his thigh hard, and after repeatedly warning himself to calm down, he managed to stay rational.

He understood what He Xiuji meant when he was there, which was just to let him select a few scapegoats, but he didn't want to take responsibility, so he just let him be the villain.

"...I will send you a list later. The people on it are not allowed to move. The rest are free!"


"But there's a condition!"

"To be honest, with your current position, I'm afraid you are not qualified to negotiate terms...but if it is not excessive, we are not unreasonable."

"Guan Mu..." A few traces of hesitation and nostalgia flashed across his face, but in the end it was replaced by ruthlessness.

"I must promise to secretly execute Yueshan Guanmu after I resign!"

After gritting his teeth and uttering the last few words, he seemed to have lost all his strength.

It's not that he hates Yueshan Guanmu because of this incident. If possible, he also wants his friend to live.

But the other party knows too much, and on the premise that he cannot save the other party, keeping him alive is always a hidden danger.

Moreover, if the handle is always held in someone's hand, then there will be no possibility for him or his descendants to rise in the future.

Deep down in my heart, I apologized for the other party. Mother Guan, you should also understand me, right?


After watching Prime Minister Wakayama leave, He and Xiuji finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As expected, he is an experienced veteran who has been in the political circles for many years, and his level of difficulty is not comparable to that of his bunch of single-minded investigators.

He stood up and walked to the window, looking down at the scenery below.

It's not like he never thought of using the power of "v" in this incident.

But finally gave up.

It's not that he wants to make it more difficult for himself, it's just that the v organization's murderous methods are really not suitable for the political world.

It's okay once or twice now and then, but once a lot of people are killed, who wouldn't guess that you and Xiu have a problem?

"Ghouls, humans...and Amazons."

Ghouls cannot be stronger than humans, and humans cannot drive out all ghouls.

Only by maintaining such a balance can Hexiu gain maximum benefit.

But now, this originally perfectly balanced system has, from unknown time, been mixed with beings that do not belong to either party.

This may be an opportunity for Hexiu to go further, but it is also a risk.


While He Xiujishi was in his office, he was thinking about how to take over the political resources obtained from Wakayama as quickly as possible.

Prime Minister Ruoran, who was angry and had nowhere to vent, also walked out of the CCG General Administration building.

Fortunately, it was already late at night when he came out, otherwise if people saw him like this, there would be no guarantee that there wouldn't be any strange rumors.

Just when he got into the car, closed the door and was about to ask the driver to take him home, he found that his driver had been replaced at some point, and there was an extra person on the co-pilot.

That was a young man who looked harmless.

"Hey, Mr. Prime Minister, this is our first meeting. To be honest, I have wanted to meet you for a long time, but I never had the chance. Can you sign your name for me?"

"Who are you?" He frowned and looked at the lively young man dressed as a driver.

"Eh? This, this, my name is Jiu Duo Erfu, he is the investigator of CCG, and the one next to me is my good friend A. Well, we definitely don't have any bad intentions, the driver just fell asleep in the trunk. That’s all~”


No, when you say that, I think there is something wrong with you.

However, compared to the old Duoerfu who talked a lot and was not at all interesting, the unknown man wearing a hood next to him was surprisingly less talkative.

"So what is your purpose? If you are from CCG, then I have already negotiated with your director before."

"People who need reasons to act are trash. You should do whatever you want... You are so shy that you can't help yourself. I won't talk about you again, Mr. Prime Minister~"

He scratched his head and seemed a little embarrassed.

"Anyway, because I discovered something incredible, I'm here to report it to the Prime Minister~"

"Something terrible?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's about the Hexiu family."

Chapter 75 Why is it you again?

Prime Minister Ruoshan frowned. Although he didn't believe the person in front of him, he didn't seem to have much choice now.

And if it involves the matter of the Shuu family, then it doesn't hurt to listen, maybe there will be different gains.

A strange arc appeared on Furuta Jifu's face.

The one who laughs last will be the clown, there is no doubt about that.


Leisure time... Such a beautiful day did not come.

For Lin Qiao, after solving the matter of the Yueshan family, his life did not change much... except that it became busier.

During the day, he had to sit in front of the computer, listening to the online classes inside and forcing himself to learn various physics knowledge.

In the afternoon, he practiced with Shifang Renshi when he had time, and occasionally added the combination of Gujian Yuaner and Rujian Xuan.

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