"So that's another thing I'm going to say."

Lin Qiao walked up to A2, pointed a finger at herself, and said with an expression that didn't look like a joke.

"If you could, could you stop treating me as a human being?"


"For example, treat it as an artificial human of unknown model, or something else, such as an alien slime. In short, just think of it as convenient for you."



So at this moment, A2's expression became more confused than ever.

To be honest, before meeting Lin Qiao, there were many people who tried to prove her human identity and try to get close to her.

But for someone like Lin Qiao who simply doesn't behave... I can only say that this is the first time I've seen him.

"…Why do you say that?"

"Well, where can I say this...?"

Lin Qiao scratched her head, and seemed to be nervous, twisting her hands and feet a little uneasily, and then cleared her throat.

"If you think about it carefully, although we are all human beings, to this world, I and others are completely outsiders."

"We have neither created anything nor given you artificial humans any favors, and your birth has nothing to do with us."

"If you are complacent about being your creator just because you have the same appearance and genes, you will feel no different from a fraudster."

No, it's better to say it's much worse than a fraudster.

Stealing the deceased's information and stealing related property... this is more than just fraud.

"And if possible, I also hope to get along with you normally, A2."

"Get along with me...normally." A2 said with some hesitation and uncertainty.

"but why?"

"Ah? Why?"

"Why are you saying this to me?"

"But didn't I already say that I just want to get along with you normally?" Lin Qiao spread her hands and explained.

"Although I won't stay in this world long, and I may not live to the end...but at least I hope that there will be someone to chat with me while I'm still alive."

"That's it?"

"Absolutely... After all, you don't seem to like the humans in this world - to be honest, I have no intention of taking the blame for others."

I didn't enjoy any benefits, but ended up on the blacklist because of my race, and received cold looks from time to time... Who could stand this?

‘Is it just for this reason? ’

A2 fell into silence, his ice blue eyes slightly lowered.

Sure enough, human beings are very strange beings, and the logic of their actions is completely incomprehensible.

No, not necessarily. Maybe it’s just because the person in front of me comes from another world, so her culture is different from the humans in her world...?

Is it really?

Since she has never seen humans with her own eyes, and has never carefully explored the ruins and information left by humans, she is not very clear about this aspect.

As for what Lin Qiao said about not treating him as a human being...

A2 hesitated for a few seconds, raised his finger and pointed to the side.

"Bring me the lube and delicate parts."

"... Are you asking for help as soon as you come up? Are you too rude?"

"You asked for it yourself, so there's no need."

"Okay, okay, just pretend I didn't say it."

At least this is a good start.

He turned around to get the lubricant and parts A2 mentioned... and then he froze.

"What's wrong? Are you just standing there stupidly?"

"No, I just want to ask which lubricant and parts you are talking about?"

Lin Qiao pointed to the maintenance supplies neatly placed on the table in front of her.

He could probably tell the lubricant, but he really couldn't tell the parts apart.


A2 let out a long sigh, always feeling inexplicably tired.

Chapter 8 Artificial Humans and Humans (4k)

His relationship with A2 should be considered normal, right?

Maybe...probably...not necessarily?

But since then, it’s true that A2 has become less displeased with him... Even so, his attitude is still cold.

Is this a common problem with her model and subsequent models?

Lin Qiao thought a little uncertainly.

But he soon ran out of time to think about it.

In a dense forest, A2 was hiding behind a tree with Lin Qiao. As the former raised her finger, Lin Qiao's eyes moved to where she pointed.

Right in front of them was a wild boar that was sleeping under the shade of a tree because of the hot weather - the kind that was taller than a human being.

The body is more than three meters long, with solid muscles all over its body. The fangs on both sides of its mouth are thicker and longer than an adult's forearm.

"Why...bring me here?"

Seeing the wild boar over there that could easily lift a car off the ground, he grunted twice and seemed to be waking up. Lin Qiao deliberately lowered his voice and looked at A2 over there.

"Didn't you ask me to improve your fighting ability?"

A2 asked in a cold voice.

"Since there is no way to transmit combat data to you, this is the only way, right?"

Although it is a prototype machine specialized in close combat, its various physical capabilities are far behind those of subsequent mass-produced machines, and it has also grown during subsequent escapes.

The combination of various factors makes A2's combat capabilities extremely powerful.

Therefore, Lin Qiao took the initiative to ask A2 to help improve her combat ability so as to increase her survival rate in the next battle.

But how can I say the result... I can only say that it is somewhat unsatisfactory.

Although she is strong and can knock Lin Qiao down in one encounter, she is not suitable for teaching others... To put it bluntly, she is a very bad teacher.

The combat experience of artificial people is essentially based on various algorithms, responding to the enemy's actions accordingly, and relying on a large amount of combat data, and then optimizing.

——To put it bluntly, it is real-time calculation + reading instructions.

Specifically, A2 can refine every punch of Lin Qiao without making mistakes, but it can only respond to the specific attack actions made by the enemy, and cannot provide a template that can be applied to other situations.

At first glance, there is no problem with this set, but if the teaching object is changed to a human, then there will be a big problem.

Even if the result is the same, it cannot change the fact that the starting points of both parties are very different from the beginning.

At the same time, as she said, the method of transmitting combat data between artificial people to quickly master relevant experience is too unrealistic for Lin Qiao, a human.

In short, compared with other messy methods, actual combat is the most effective.

"... But it's true, but there's no need to deliberately pick this thing, right?"

Lin Qiao pointed to the wild boar over there, which weighed at least several hundred kilograms, speechlessly.

Admittedly, actual combat is an effective method, but it's a bit too much to fight such a meat mountain right at the beginning.

He doesn't want to repeat the old way of being gored to death in the game.

And come on, what's the point of not letting him transform?

In the end, are mechanical life forms bad?

Well, they are indeed bad.

"The action mode of ordinary mechanical life forms is too rigid, and the danger of enhanced special individuals is unknown, so they are not considered."

As for letting Lin Qiao transform for safety reasons, it is purely for the purpose of bullying... In the end, wouldn't that completely defeat the purpose of training?

At the same time, after being knocked down, there is a relatively high probability that mechanical life forms will cause an explosion... In Lin Qiao's current situation, it is better to avoid such a big noise as much as possible.

"Don't we still have you? With your ability, A2, you can definitely take care of both, right?"

"..." Just facing Lin Qiao's question, A2 fell silent.

"You're not asking because you find it troublesome, or because there is a low-level code like 'can't harm humans', so..."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!"

A2 seemed to be impatient with Lin Qiao's nagging, and simply kicked him out from behind the tree.

It is obvious that the underlying logic of "human glory will last forever" only affects the loyalty of the artificial man to humans, but does not stop A2's rough actions.

As for the three laws of robots such as "can't harm humans"...after all, humans have become extinct like dinosaurs, and no one in reality would write a law that "can't harm dinosaurs", right?

Just when Lin Qiao was rubbing his sore waist and was planning to quietly approach the wild boar and launch a sneak attack, A2 picked up a stone and threw it at the sleeping wild boar over there.


The stone rolled to the ground, and affected by the pain, the super wild boar who woke up from sleep just happened to see Lin Qiao sneaking over.

So his expression suddenly became ferocious!


Lin Qiao swallowed his saliva, turned back and looked at A2 fiercely, you are really not afraid of my death!


After a battle that can be regarded as "tragic", a battle between a pig and a spider (non-transformed) ended.

The wild boar, which was much larger than Lin Qiao, fell to a certain place in the forest with blood coming out of its nose.

And Lin Qiao was carried back to the hiding place where the two were before by A2.

Panting, Lin Qiao, who had recovered some mobility, looked down at his still trembling hands.

His current condition is really not good, and the clothes that were originally intact have almost become tattered.

There are scratches all over his body, and his body is also blue and purple. There are probably two or three or more fractures, and two of his left hand are twisted in a strange direction.

Having said that, the pain was not that strong...


Lin Qiao took a breath of cold air when he straightened his two fingers.

Well, even though his tolerance and endurance to pain have improved a lot now, it still hurts.

He kept a somewhat strange posture and put his still swollen hands into the stream. The cool water made him feel much better.

He turned his head to look at A2 who was walking over and asked, "How is it?"

"Well, how should I put it? The overall performance is even better than I expected..."


"It's extremely bad!"


Although I had expected it, I was still a little sad to be said like that.

A2's cold poker face rarely showed a headache - she was probably thinking, "Why can people be so bad?"

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