"Actually, I know that my brother has always taken good care of me and my mother. I am very grateful for this and I also want to repay my brother."

"But I have no money, I can't afford to buy anything, and I don't have anything else to give."

"So I want to give my brother the novel signed by Mr. Takatsuki Izumi as a gift."

As he said this, he took out the novel that he never forgot to let go even when he was sleeping, and looked at Lin Qiao's eyes seriously.

"I know that my brother is not a fan of Mr. Takatsuki Izumi, and he has never read Mr. Takatsuki Izumi's book, but this is the only thing that Hinami can give to my brother... Um!"

Just like the rainy day stopped the other party from speaking, another raised finger blocked the girl's lips, stopping the other party from continuing to speak.

Lin Qiao silently reached out and touched Hinami's head, and sighed:

"..... I always feel that Hinami secretly grew up overnight without telling anyone."

How should I put it, whether it is true or not, I am a little moved.

——Children are the treasure of mankind.

I feel that I understand this sentence a little bit.

Although still very young, she was much more mature than her peers, which made Lin Qiao treat her as a simple child.

"But in this case, I can't find a reason to refuse, Miss Ryoko."


Fueguchi Ryoko looked at her daughter with a complicated look, with surprise in her eyes, but she was more pleased with her daughter's growth.


She clapped her hands and attracted the attention of the two people who were a little sad for some reason.

"Okay, okay, it's rare to come out, you can't come out with a smile and go back crying, right?"

Fortunately, they were at the end of the team and spoke in a low voice. To outsiders, it seemed that the children were just making trouble and did not attract any attention.


After the emotional conversation, the slightly long wait came.

I don't know whether it is because a certain one-eyed owl is talkative or because his ancestral home is in Dunhuang, he would go up to chat with everyone he met, which greatly slowed down the efficiency of signing.

So that many people who came here just to join in the fun ran away on the spot after watching.

Sitting on a chair set up in the mall, he was bored and scrolling through his phone. He grabbed a full paper cup beside him and drank the coffee through a straw.

"The taste... is so-so."

Although he added some nebula gas to it when no one was paying attention, it was indeed not as good as what he made himself.

Just when he looked down at the time on his phone for the nth time, the sound of rapid running made by the soles of his shoes hitting the ground came into his ears.

"Sorry for the wait, brother."

He looked up and saw Hinami with a bright smile, and then rushed directly into his arms.

And Fueguchi Ryoko, who was following behind, was walking with a woman with green hair and red-framed glasses.


What's going on? How did you get her here?

Chapter 85 Man-made coincidences

"Isn't this Mr. Ishimori? What a coincidence."

"... Mr. Takatsuki? What a coincidence."

The corners of his eyes jumped up twice.

To be honest, when she saw Fangcun AT waving at him, Lin Qiao almost couldn't help but crush the coffee in her hand.

He took a deep breath and calmed down his somewhat turbulent mood.

Lin Qiao asked curiously: "Is the book signing over?"

"Yes, although it's not the first time to hold a book signing, but I've been signing for two and a half hours. I'm so tired that I can't even lift my arm..."

At the end, she rubbed the hand she used to hold the pen, showing a trace of helplessness and fatigue, as if she was really exhausted.

"Oh~ Although I said that, it's so good to meet fans like Miss Ryoko and Xiao Hinami at the end~ I'm so happy that I'm revived~"

She maliciously made a "yeah" scissor hand, without any celebrity airs at all, and felt like a carefree girl next door.

There is no doubt that if she hadn't opened the plot cheat to know in advance, I'm afraid even Lin Qiao couldn't associate the girl in front of her with the extremely cruel one-eyed owl.

In terms of acting skills, the other party is not inferior to him, and even surpasses him.

"But I was really shocked just now, suddenly I heard a familiar name from a super cute child. And when Mr. Ishimori signed, he also signed the name of Hina-no-mi..."

He pushed his red-rimmed glasses without prescription, and the reflection caused by the light shining on the lenses made Fangcun Aite seem to be possessed by a death god elementary school student.

His eyes jumped back and forth between the three people, and finally stopped between Fueguchi Ryoko and Lin Qiao, nodded to himself, and said in a deep voice:

"Yeah, so they are indeed a couple, right?"

However, this statement was refuted in just the next second.

"What a pity, the answer is wrong. Hinami and I are half-siblings."

Hands crossed on chest, imitating the wrong sound effects in quiz variety shows, and then asked:

"But in the eyes of Mr. Takatsuki, do Hinami and I look like a couple?"

"..... No, I'm not talking about little Hinami... But forget it."

Hearing Lin Qiao's words that sounded very cruel, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitch upwards.

What should I say? This is the first time she has encountered such a thing.

She felt speechless and her blood pressure was rising.

There are many perverts among ghouls, but there are not many who are as thick-skinned as this.

But surprisingly, it is not bad.

"Mr. Ishimori is really an interesting person~"

The corner of her mouth raised a trace of joy.

"Speaking of which, there is a coffee shop with a very good reputation here. If you don't mind, how about going to sit together?"

"It just so happens that I also want to stay with little Hinami for a while~"

At the end of the conversation, Yoshimura hugged Hinami from behind like a doll, and poked the girl's red cheeks with his fingers in a doting manner.

But find a place to chat with the other party.

Lin Qiao still looked smiling on the surface, but she remembered the reason for the refusal in her heart.

The other party is not kind, and in some aspects, he is almost the same as him.

They are both capricious and murderous.

It would be fine if he was alone, but Ryoko and Hinami were still with him.

Even if the possibility of the other party turning hostile was small, there was no need to take the risk.

At this moment, the phone in his pocket rang.

"I'll go answer the phone first."

He made an apologetic gesture, walked a little further away, and clicked the answer button on the screen.

"Hello, it's Touka..."

"Where are you now?"

"Eh? I'm with Ryoko and the others now..."

"Stop talking nonsense, come back quickly, I have something urgent to talk to you about!"

He hung up the phone without waiting for Lin Qiao's reply, as impetuous as ever.

However, judging from the tone of the phone, it was obvious that he had encountered some difficult problems, so that he didn't even have time to reveal the details.

"It sounds like a really urgent matter." Fangcun At sighed.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Takatsuki. Although I really want to have a long talk with you, it seems that I can only say goodbye now."

He sighed, put the phone back in his pocket, and politely apologized to Yoshimura Ate.

Spreading his hands helplessly, Yoshimura Ate said with regret: "Yes, it's a pity. It's rare to meet such a lovely fan, but I won't waste your time."

"By the way, this is my business card... Anyway, see you next time, Mr. Ishimori, Ms. Ryoko, and the super cute little Hinami~"

He handed the business card to Hinami, waved goodbye to them, and watched the three people walk downstairs.

When the figures of the three people gradually disappeared, Yoshimura Ate put away his kind smile and showed a meaningful look.

"Humans and ghouls are brothers and sisters... It feels very interesting."

It can be seen that Fueguchi Ryoko and Fueguchi Hinami did not regard Lin Qiao as food, but the kind of true trust in each other.

But I just don't know what kind of expression that man would show if he knew that the mother and daughter next to him were ghouls.

The corners of her mouth curled up a little. To be honest, she was a little curious... but that was all.

If it is not necessary, don't make the child cry. After all, she will feel guilty (laugh)


After leaving the mall, Fueguchi Hinami dragged Lin Qiao's sleeve all the way to the parking lot.

Even Miss Ryoko had a sad face, as if she was worried about everyone in Anding.

Except Lin Qiao.

She took out the car keys slowly and opened the door.

After confirming that there were no pedestrians and other vehicles passing around, she slowly started the engine and drove out of the parking lot.

The whole process highlighted a leisurely and comfortable feeling, which made Fueguchi Hinami behind her anxious.

"Brother, hurry up, sister and the others must be in trouble!"

"Okay, don't worry."


"Don't worry, although there are indeed some problems in the Anding District, they have been solved. The time is about an hour before you came out."

The rearview mirror in the car reflected the stunned face of the girl.

It was Fueguchi Ryoko who looked as if it was just as she expected.

"So...brother is lying? But the phone call just now..."

Just when she was about to say something, she saw Lin Qiao took the phone with the call record turned on.

There was indeed a record of the call with Dong Xiang, but it was indeed an hour ago.

Just when she was at a loss, Lin Qiao's voice came slowly: "Hina, don't you think the timing of the call just now is very coincidental?"

"Eh? Well, it seems to be true."

After a pause, he nodded thoughtfully.

Lin Qiao smiled faintly, and while waiting for the traffic light, he reached out and touched Hinami's head, and said frankly: "As the first lesson after growing up, I will teach you a truth today."

"Coincidences do exist, but sometimes they can be artificially created."

After speaking, he clicked on one of the recording files-

Chapter 86 Secondary School Boy Kirishima Ayato

[Don't come, don't come, don't come again! Don't come, don't come, don't come again! WaPaPa has had enough, evil spirits go away......]

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