The Villain Master Only Wants To Live A Buddhist Life

Chapter 16 The Little Evil Beast Wants To Stand In The Sky

The ripples spread by the thick ink spread outward in circles.

In an instant, the entire magic card was dyed a thick dark gold!

When the dark gold on the magic card became uniform and gentle, Dak immediately picked up a magic pen according to the knowledge he had learned in magic, and drew the No. 7 refining formation on the front of the magic card. .

This is a simple way to make magic cards of the emotional series, which can create magic cards with many emotions such as "sadness", "happiness" and "anger".

Using this kind of magic card can make people experience the corresponding emotions.

Among them, the [Happy Card] is most popular among the upper classes.

After a busy day, the nobles should sit down and inhale a [Happy Card] to get rid of their troubles and greet the next day-busy with a more positive outlook.

And in a duel, a clever magister will make good use of the magic cards of the emotional series to arouse the emotions of himself or the opponent's magic elves, thereby stimulating the combat power of his own magic elves, or making the opponent's magic elves feel the same way. Show flaws.

Because the method of making the magic cards of the emotional series is very simple, it is used as the learning goal of the first month of freshmen.

Dak is the fastest and most stable one in the class, and was even called "Hand of the Eagle" for a while.

The magic pen is a pen that is hollow inside and imitates the structure of blood vessels.

The mercury flowing in the blood vessels of the magic pen will guide the magic power to the tip of the pen, making it easier for the magister to gather and refine the magic power to draw finer lines.

Although a mature magister can do the same thing without using the magic pen, using the magic pen can reduce the dispersion of concentration and improve efficiency.

Of course, beginners like Dak cannot do without the magic pen in a short time.

The depiction of Liancheng must be fast, steady and accurate.

It took only seven seconds for Dake to complete the outline of the No. 7 refining formation, and the last touch was finishing, forming a circle, and connecting the circuit.

The moment the entire forming formation was completed, a strong white light suddenly burst out!

But that white light quickly deteriorated and turned into the dark Gold of the magic card itself!

Dak stared nervously at Magic Card.

The final refining stage of the magic card is like putting all the ingredients in a pot and then simmering. No one knows what it looks like before the lid is lifted.

The freshmen completed this last step at the sorting ceremony.

However, the sorting card has been adjusted to the point where it can be automatically refined just by injecting magic power.

And the magic card in front of him is the first magic card made by Dake himself!

Its success not only has great significance, but also represents that Dak has finally found a way to transform the seven deadly sins into power.

The nature of magic is idealistic.

Whether it is knowledge, emotions, or thoughts and creativity, in the eyes of magic, they are all sources of power.

The seven deadly sins cannot be transformed into power for no reason!


A few seconds later, the refining formation penetrated into the card, penetrated through the back of the card, and fused and refined the material and magic card!

When the No. 7 refining formation circuit emerges clearly on the back of the magic card, the refining of this magic card is considered complete!

Next comes the acceptance stage.

Even standard magic cards made according to established procedures will have different effects due to various factors.

What's more, the magic card in front of him was made by Dak.

He needs to conduct a little experiment.

Naturally, the subject of the experiment couldn't be himself.

Dak turned his gaze, and then looked at the little evil beast standing on the bird stand on the ceiling, imitating an owl.

Then he showed a kind smile.


Although the familiar can only be regarded as a pseudo-life form, it is a species with an intelligence level of 2.5, emotions, and self-awareness.

That being the case, it will be affected by the magic cards of the emotional series.

Dak waved at the little evil beast.

The little evil beast tilted its head, then spread its wings and flew down.

Duck took the magic card of [Arrogance] to the desk on the other side, then pulled out a bird chain from the desk, opened the buckle, and clasped the little evil beast's left foot ring.

The windows of the room have been closed and the curtains have been drawn tightly.

— forming a perfect chamber of secrets.

After being put on the anklet, the little evil beast couldn't help showing a small expression of "grievance" (,,??.??,,).

Dak observed for a while, and wrote down the time in his notebook.

"At 3:29 p.m., wait another minute."

It was exactly half past three.

"My turn, Magician Summon!"

Duck clamped the magic card of [Arrogance] with his index finger and middle finger, and activated the [Summoning Technique]!

in an instant.

Magic card activated!

A layer of black light appeared on the surface of the card, and a dark gold light ball with a long tail flew out of the magic card suddenly, and wobbled into the head of the little evil beast.

At that moment, Dak and the little evil beast narrowed their eyes at the same time.

Time seemed to stand still, and the room was so quiet that one could hear a needle drop.

The little evil beast opened its eyes first, and a dark gold light bloomed from the gap in the eyes.

The corners of its mouth are turned up, its eyes are sharp, its chin is raised slightly, and it says: "My little evil beast will stand in the sky!"



Dak was taken aback for a moment, and then became ecstatic!

Whether or not the little evil beast became arrogant due to the influence of the [Arrogance] magic card, it didn't seem so important anymore.

The most important thing at the moment is that it can speak people's words!

As we all know, Digimon can speak human language.

However, the birth mechanism of familiars is different from that of Digimon.

At least this little evil beast couldn't speak originally, and its intelligence level was slightly lower than that of ordinary beasts.

But now, it has absorbed the energy of [Arrogance], and speaks stealthily!

"Does this mean that its life form has been changed, and it is closer to Digimon?"

"Professor Sylph said that the birth of a familiar is inseparable from the magister's magic power, knowledge, personality and other factors."

"Perhaps, the familiar I summoned is not the same kind of life form as the little evil beast that exists in this world."

"Merlin, the greatest magister in history, once said that the difference in cognition determines the difference in magic!"

"in addition……"

Dak looked at the [Arrogance] magic card in his hand.

Fine cracks have appeared on the card body!

The magic cards of the emotional series can all be used repeatedly.

It seems that this magic card has gone beyond the category of "emotion" and is a one-time use.

From this, Dark came up with a word - "demonization"!

The so-called "monsters" in this world are wild beasts that have lost their minds after being "demonized"!

The current state of the little evil beast should be closer to the "arrogance" of "demonization".

He thought about it, and recorded this magic card as [Arrogance 1].

Then write down the corresponding effect in a notebook.

Next, he plans to further observe how long it will take for the "arrogant" little evil beast to return to its original state.


"My servant! Unlock my shackles! Recommend me!"

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