Summoning is a technology based on magic cards, which can summon various things such as elves, props, and potions that are sealed in magic cards.

It is said that at a deeper level, there are various summoning techniques such as sacrifice summoning, fusion summoning, ritual summoning, and countercurrent summoning.

Some magic cards also have special summoning spells!

The proficiency of summoning determines how many magic cards the duelist can use in the same period of time.

In short, if it takes you 5 seconds to cast a summon and your opponent only needs 3 seconds, he will be 2 seconds ahead of you.

If your summoning CD is 30 seconds, you can't even use a second magic card within a minute.

The famous Swiss dueling master Lu Xun once said: "Summoning can determine the upper limit and lower limit of a duelist."

【Normal Summoning】

Magic wizard cards are classified according to their star ratings. The top three stars are the first step, four to six stars are the second step, seven to nine stars are the third step, and nine and above are the fourth step.

Every time you go up a ladder, the casting time and CD of the normal summon will increase by one level.

The usual summoning time and CD of the former Samsung can be compressed to a maximum of 3 seconds.

To the fourth star, it takes 1 minute to start.

To the seventh star, it takes at least 30 minutes.

For nine stars and above, it takes 3 hours to start, and some magic elves even need days, nights, or even months of continuous casting to summon them!

In the early days of the research and development of magic technology, even if the magisters had high-level magic spirit cards, it was difficult to summon them in frontal battles.

Every time a high-level magic elf is summoned, a large number of people are required to guard it.

Until about 30 years ago, a special summoning technique that came out of nowhere came to the stage. The magister summoned a high-level magic elf by sacrificing a low-level magic elf, successfully shortening the summoning time .

But every sacrifice will cause irreparable damage to the low-level magic wizard card.

It was not until modern times that this technology was innovated, and it no longer caused damage to low-level magic wizard cards, and it was officially named "Sacrifice Summoning".

【Sacrifice Summoning】

The so-called sacrificial summoning technique is a special summoning technique based on the super long summoning time of four-star and above magic elves.

The core of the sacrifice summoning technique lies in the accumulation of stars.




Regardless of the number of cards, it is simply the accumulation of star ratings.

The necessary criterion is that if you want to summon a third-tier magic elf, there must be at least one second-tier magic wizard among the sacrifices, and so on.


(to be added)

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