The Villain Master Only Wants To Live A Buddhist Life

Chapter 23 Dak Dimon's Cat Also Climbed Into The Box

"Okay! Class starts now."

Professor Kazel stepped onto the center of the podium after the bell rang.

He looked at the students in the classroom who were like little lambs waiting to be fed, and couldn't help showing a warm smile like sunshine.

"I believe that all of you have already heard some information from the senior students. As you can imagine, today's Magic Theory will be put into practice, which is the first production of Magic Spirit Cards!"



Whether it is the students of the Noble Academy or the Knight Academy, they are all screaming with excitement.

It's been a month since I entered St. Mary's, and I just started making my first magic wizard card in my life!

The students couldn't wait, and they were inevitably excited.

Of course, if Professor Sylph's class was changed, they wouldn't dare to be so noisy...

Professor Kazel gave them two minutes to calm down before continuing with a smile:

"It's okay to be excited, but don't let it go when you're in class. Today's class is of far-reaching significance to every little magister. The first magic elf in a magister's life will often become a companion A close companion for life.”

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers, and between his thumb and forefinger, there was a magic wizard card with a glint of light.

Afterwards, he was not seen chanting mantras either.

From the magic wizard card, a kitten-like magic wizard with snow-white wings, a small horn growing on its forehead, and gold eyes appeared naturally.

"This is my initial elf, the Snow Feather Golden Eyed Beast."


A girl from the Knight Academy suddenly raised her hand to ask a question.

Professor Kazel nodded, and the girl continued to ask; "Is our topic today this snow-feathered golden-eyed beast?"

Professor Kazel said humorously: "Of course not, it seems that the senior students don't have too many spoilers. Our topic today is—Magic Beast!"


"Magic beast?"

Dak's hand flipping the textbook suddenly stopped.

The students also started whispering.

The so-called magic beast is a kind of shapeless phantom beast. In Legendary, it is illusory, elusive, and even invisible to the naked eye!

"No way? (?°?°?)?"

Diana asked stupidly: "Didn't the book say that magical beasts are invisible to the human eye?"

Professor Kazel said with a smile: "The root form of magical beasts is indeed invisible to the naked eye. But we can make it visible as long as we move our hands and feet, and this is the magister. Alright, get the textbook On the one hand, the things to be taught today are not written in the book."

He wrote "Magic Beast" in large characters on the blackboard, and then drew a general, kitten-like outline in the middle to his stomach.

"Before the magical beast is seen by people, its form is uncertain. It can be a cat, a dog, or even a dragon! The magical beast that everyone sees may show a completely different form."

"But the magic wizard is different from the real phantom beast. From the moment it is created, the magister will recognize it. After being seen by the magister, it will always be the one in the magister's eyes. form."

"As for what form it will be? It depends on your deepest expectations."

"In today's class, I will teach you how to make magic beast elf cards from beginning to end. And you have two materials in your hands. If you go well, you can even have two magic beasts. If you fail... Nothing of course!"


As soon as the voice fell, there were still some whispered discussions in the classroom, which disappeared without a trace.

Even Werther and Robert couldn't help tensing their nerves.

And selectively forget their biggest troubles at present.

In this class, Professor Kazel stopped citing classics and telling rumors. He explained the steps of how to make Magical Beast Fairy Cards in great detail, and wrote them all on the blackboard.

After about half an hour, all the main points were finished.

The remaining one-hour class is made by the students themselves.

This is their first time making magic wizard cards, so it will definitely not go well.

The reason for preparing two materials is to give them a chance to try and make mistakes.

Professor Kazel stepped off the podium and observed carefully.


In the corner of the last row of the classroom by the window.

Dak has also started making magic beast spirit cards.

Professor Kazel's description of magical beasts reminded him of Schrödinger's cat.

The poor cat, who has been dead for so many years, has been repeatedly questioned whether he is dead or alive.

Because of his relatively rich experience in making magic cards, Dak got started much faster than others.

He quickly sorted all the ingredients according to the writing on the blackboard, cooked them, sliced ​​them, and finally divided them into small plates and placed them on the table.

The core material of Magic Beast is a long transparent hair sealed in a vacuum bag.

The label on the bag said it was the hair of a magical beast, but it had been specially treated before being sealed, so that the transparency of this long hair was slightly reduced, and it could barely be seen with the naked eye.

There are only two hairs in the whole material package.

It can be seen that the hair of real magical beasts is a very precious material.

And the core formation formation for making magic wizard cards is No. 1 formation formation!

The No. 1 Liancheng Formation is also called "Meilin's Liancheng Formation". It was created by the great magister Merlin, and after several generations of optimization, the Liancheng Formation finally took shape!

A high-ranking magister even only needs to slap the No. 1 formation on the statue to "resurrect" the statue with a huge magic power, transforming it into a life like a golem!

This is a kind of formation that can be called a miracle. It is not only the door of truth, but also the core mystery of life!

After Merlin, no one can create such a miracle.

Before the official start of the production, Dak also did various drawing exercises for refining the array.

He didn't start to enter the production stage until it was confirmed that it was correct.

At this time, many students have already started to get started.

They boiled all kinds of ingredients, sliced ​​them, and added things to the blank magic card. They couldn't wait to stuff everything into the magic card, and then a magical beast would pop out of it...

Professor Kazel walked past these people without saying much.

Some people just need to experience failure to understand the value of success.


Werther and Robert, like cooking curry.

Diana and Rose had already learned how to be good, and they just followed Duck's steps without caring about anything.

Although the progress was slower, it was not messed up anyway.

Emma's efficiency can be said to be the highest in the classroom, and she has already begun to add formation formations to the blank magic card.

It was during the production process that she occasionally glanced at the back corner of the classroom with great concern.

As for Dak in the corner, he finally sped up his speed.



PS: Guess what it is?

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